
Ensure there is a reference to your principals file in either server.xml (if
running a previous version) or in application.xml in the latest version.

Not sure about the -userThreads as I run something like

java -jar orion.jar -userThreads

and this seems to work fine.

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carles Pairot
Sent: 03 September 2001 10:31
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Not in an application scope

    Hi all,

    I have written an application client but when it tries to get the
InitialContext it appears a java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid
username/password for jle2-test (user). The user is on the principals.xml
file of orion/config and on the application deployment directory.

    Apart from that, in the Orion window appears the next message:

[OrionDataSourceManager].javax.naming.NamingException: Not in an application
scope - start Orion with the -userThreads switch if using user-created

    I have tried with -userThreads option but the message is the same again.

    The application client I have created contains both
application-client.xml and orion-application-client.xml in the Meta-Inf

    Does anybody know what I am doing wrong ?

    Thanks in advance.

Carles Pairot Gavaldà               Essi Projects

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t +34 977 221 182
http://www.essiprojects.com      f +34 977 230 170

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