Don't know about your particular case but unfortunately I don't believe that Orion's 
implementation is at all complete...

--- Jon Rosenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has anybody here ever been able to successfully send a JMS message from a
> message-driven bean, as part of the transaction?  Or roll back the
> transaction?  I've been unsuccessful with Orion 1.5.2 so far.
> My latest problem is the following exception when calling setRollbackOnly()
> from a transactional MDB:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: MessageDriven beans have no EJBHome
>         at com.evermind._qh.getEvermindHome(Unknown Source)
>         at com.evermind._ddb.setRollbackOnly(Unknown Source)
>         at (my call to setRollbackOnly())
> Any idea what's going on here?  According to the spec, a call to
> MessageDrivenContext.setRollbackOnly() is perfectly legal in an MDB (though
> a call to getEJBHome() is not).
> The bean is pretty trivial, and deploys/functions in other app servers.  I
> can provide code if asked.

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