Hi Group,

I am new to Orionserver and EJB in general so I hope I can get some tips
from you guys and girls out there! :)

I tried out the hello-planet example at Orion Primer and that worked okay. 
Then I wanted to try an example with a EJB, Servlet and a simple html page
from one of the tutorials from sun. (It is the calculator example if anyone
done it)

I built it with ant and veything compiles. It seems to deploy "halfway" as I
don't get any problem until I want to call the html page of my app. Then is
find the servlet which of course gives me nullpointer as I haven't given it
some values to work with.

1. Where to put the html file?
2. How to configure orion to find my html page? (which xml-file)

Would very much appreciate any hints as I can't seem to find it either on
Orion Primer or on orionserver.com

Thanx in advance!


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