> Did you use the ejb-location (this is the best)? Also, did you use the
> latest 9i jdbc drivers from Oracle? You need to repeat the test with
> updating and inserting. Also, create several connections at once 
> to use the
> pooling feature.

ejb-location ??  I'm interested in what you're saying here?

re: your benchmarking; another poster also gave thoughts to configure
a connection pool, data-sources.xml, and set min connections to be
a reasonable number.

- To better stress the container vs just see DB performance or JDBC driver
memory thrashing on the result set performance, why not have a test
fixture that hit your servlet with 100 simultaneous requests.    I think
this is where WLS will be much heavier.  WLS would also be at more of
a disadvantage in EJB, especially Entity, performance. 

I believe this test is more of a JDBC / DB performance measure and the
7 sec is due to the 8i thin driver.    Lets see if anyone gives perf
comparisons between 9i thick vs thin??

Anybody have subjective comparison between 8i thick/thin  VS 
9i thick/thin drivers??   

How about useful new features in the 9i thick/thin drivers?



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