
You may gain some mileage from this article:

Also, you can specify a log file for Orion by specifying parameters:
java -jar orion.jar -out <file> -err <file>

I would suspect that Orion is finding your server.xml file, or you 
wouldn't end up with anything in the log files at all.

Could it be a permissions problem?


Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atlassian :: http://www.atlassian.com
      Supporting YOUR J2EE World

Eddie wrote:

> Hellu,
> Some time ago I got the advise to use JNT to run Orion as a service.
> I finally got to use it and have some problems with it.
> I got JNT to start Orion, but the applications aren't deployed, neither 
> does any web application work.
> I used to following command to install Orion as a service:
> ---
> C:\>jnt "/InstallAsService:Orion" "/SDC:\Program Files\Orion" -jar orion.jar
> ---
> I did also put the path C:\Program Files\Orion in my enivorment PATH 
> variable.
> I also added the server.xml config file, which also didn't work:
> ---
> C:\>jnt "/InstallAsService:Orion" "/SDC:\Program Files\Orion" -jar 
> orion.jar -config "C:\Program Files\Orion\config
> \server.xml"
> ---
>  (I tried some more similair possibilities)
> In the server.log and global-application.log there do appear entries 
> that the server/default web site is started, but nothing works (from the 
> command line it does).
> I think that it doesn't find the config files, like the server.xml such 
> that orion isn't correctly initialized.
> What am I doing wrong ??
> The problem I am also having is that I don't know how I can see what 
> Orion does.
> That is, in Linux and from the Windows command line, I start Orion with 
> "orion.jar >> log/out.log", but how do I do this with JNT ?? I tried 
> something but it doesn't work. The only thing I succeeded is that JNT 
> did put his output in the out.log !!!
> Please some help ?
> Eddie

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