
Please some HTTP response help as it drives me grazy.
 I have a tiny java program (originaly it is part of the EJB but I extrated
it to a stand-alone program for testing) that opens a Url connection and
sends something through a Stream. It then reads the response from the input
 The strange thing is that some a jsp, and asp give me an error when trying
to open the input stream when to get the respons. I am a bit confused and
don't know the exact requirements of the receiving side to not receive this
respons error.
When I make connection to an empty asp I don't have any error, but to an asp
that has some code, I do get an error. When calling my servlets I don't get
any error. it looks like the called page should return something in a proper
way otherwhise the receiving side doesn't understand it... or something like
that. Search a lot on the web..... nothing :(
Please some help on this.

 Here is the code snap, used trying to solve the problem :
public static void main(String[] args) {
HttpURLConnection connection=null;
      DataOutputStream out=null;

         if (args.length!=1) {
             System.out.println("To less input parameters detected");
              String url=args[0];

 try {
  System.out.println("Trying to connect to "+url);
   URL urlCon = new URL(url); // open connection with remote server
   connection = (HttpURLConnection) urlCon.openConnection();
   connection.setDoOutput(true); // indicate the we want to write output.
   connection.setDoInput (true); // indicate the we expect input.
   connection.setUseCaches (false); // no cache.

  String bla="SOMETHING";

   connection.setRequestProperty("CONTENT_LENGTH", "" + sms.length());
   out = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
   System.out.println("Trying to send: "+bla);
   out.writeBytes (bla);
   out.flush ();
   out.close(); // free shared resources.

       // Getting response code/string from remote server.

 DataInputStream     input;
 InputStream resStrm = connection.getInputStream ();
 int res = connection.getResponseCode();
 System.out.println("Return: "+res);

 input = new DataInputStream (resStrm);
 String str;
   while (null != ((str = input.readLine())))
    System.out.println (str);


 The error:
 aap.asp at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStre
 am(Unknown Source)  at java.net.HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode(Unknown
 at connect2Url.main(connect2Url.java:49)

 The test jsp to receive it, that doesn't work:
System.out.println("Receiving something");

  BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
  String inputLine = "";
  String totLine = "";

  while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
    totLine = totLine + inputLine;
  in.close();   // close input stream.
System.out.println("Received: "+totLine);


When I call an empty asp page it all goes well ... :(

Ed Bras

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