Hi Alessandro

A> Hi,
A> I am deploing an Ear with war inside and I Built it with Jbuilder
A> In war I put index.html and test.jsp and in Ear one Ejb.
A> The Application.xml inside ear is :

A> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
A> <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD J2EE
A> Application 1.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/application_1_2.dtd";>
A> <application>
A>   <display-name>EjbTest</display-name>
A>   <module>
A>     <ejb>EbjTest.jar</ejb>
A>   </module>
A>   <module>
A>     <web>
A>       <web-uri>EjbTest.war</web-uri>
A>       <context-root>war-ic</context-root>
A>     </web>
A>   </module>
A> </application>

A> I modified the :
A> default-ewb-site.xml  with
A> <web-app application="ejbtest" name="war-ic" root="/ejbtest" />

As far as I know, name of web-app must be exactly the same as web-uri
in application.xml:

<web-app application="ejbtest" name="EjbTest" root="/ejbtest" />
<web-app application="ejbtest" name="EjbTest.war" root="/ejbtest" />

Hope it will help you.

A> server.xml with
A> <application name="ejbtest" path="../applications/ejbtest.ear" />

A> When I launch Orion in the console I see the deploy of Ear but when I use
A> the url  http://localhost/ejbtest/test.jsp or
A> http://localhost/ejbtest/index.html an Internal server error appears.

A> Some ideas ??
A> Thanks a lot for all suggestion

A> Alessandro Fustini
A> Team Leader Mobile Services Development
A> Vitaminic Spa
A> Via cervino 50, 10154 turin - italy
A> phone: +39 011 23381242  fax: +39 011 23381206

Sergey G. Aslanov
CBOSS Group,
Web-technologies department
tel: +7 095 7555655

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