Title: EntityBean Question
I thought that for a while, but in many instances, you don't have to do that. You could end up in trouble trying to maintain updatable views.
Part of the reason we were thinking this is because we wanted to create entity beans on top of an existing complex database schema. In many instances, you don't need to map all the stuff in the database to beans, and more often than not, the result of complex queries are really the objects in the system.
You can create finders on some existing EBs that return the results of those views you wanted to create as new EBs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nusairat, Joseph F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:49 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EntityBean Question

        For all of you using entity beans .... I was wondering do u map the entity bean to 1 table. Or do u map it more to a view of a few tables??? I was just thinking it could be helpful to do that in many instances ... but i was just wondering if that is looked reallly frowned down upon or anything???? (i am the only ejb developer here so i have no one else to ask :) )


Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
tel: 614-723-4232
pager: 888-452-0399

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