
I'm having a strange problem. I'm developing a J2EE Web
Application, with Entity Beans, Servlets, JSPs and so on. I've
started to get character conversion problems, and I've isolated
the piece of code giving me problems.

The code is:

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection
("jdbc:oracle:thin:@oraclehost:1521:orcl", "user", "password");
dumpTable(con, out);
String updateStatement = "UPDATE IDIOMAS SET IDIOMA = ? WHERE
PreparedStatement prepStmt = con.prepareStatement
prepStmt.setString(1, m_Idioma);
prepStmt.setLong(2, m_Id);

Where "m_Idioma", which is a standard java.lang.String, which
eventually is "Español", and m_Id is a long with the primary key
of the record I want to update.

If I paste this code into a JSP, then I get the desired
result, BUT, if I paste and run the code from a Servlet (exactly
the same code), then my "Español" becomes "Espaýol"... I've
tried almost everything, I've runned the Servlet on the J2EE
server and locally whit the debugger, and the same result.

My DataBase server is a Oracle 8.1.7 Database, and I'm using
Oracle 9i Application Server OC4J (the Orion AS).

The problem is the same with "á", "é", "í" and so on.

I'll apreciate any kind of help you can give me.

Thanks in advance, and please forgive my English.

Gustavo Comba

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