
Try running your program with the cluster debug flag & add that 
information to the bug report:

java -Dhttp.cluster.debug=true -jar orion.jar

This will give you much more information about what is happening under 
the hood, and will allow IronFlare to fix much quicker.


Scott Farquhar :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atlassian :: http://www.atlassian.com
      Supporting YOUR J2EE World

Mike Moulton wrote:

> When all sessions disappear check to see if there was an orion exception
> at the same time. I am experiencing the same problem but there is an
> internal orion exception the moment everything stops working. Bug #687
> on bugzilla covers my problem, but I haven't had any luck getting
> IronFlare to take is seriously; even being a paying customer.
> If this is your problem please vote for the bug in bugzilla, maybe
> together we can get something done.
> -Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Franck
> valetas
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:18 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: HTTP session replication problem
>  Hi,
>  I have 2 0rion 1.5.2 servers in the same cluster island.
>  A session created on server 1 is correctly replicated on server 2, but
> a session created on server 2 is not replicated on server 1 !  When I
> restart server 1, the management console displays that all sessions from
> server 2 are replicated in server 1 for a few seconds ; then they all
> disappear.
>  Does anyone had the same problem ? Thanks for your help.
>  Franck

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