The Orion tools are flakey and have some unresolved bugs.  But of course
you're not using Orion because of its great IDE.  :)  My experience with the
Orion tools is that they seem like more of a proof of concept than something
practical to use.

I typically write alot of the descriptors by hand, which is still one of the
best ways I know of.  But I've started using an opensource tool called
EJBCreator, which seems to work well, do a lot of the monkey-work for you,
and is reasonably reliable.  In fact it does just about everything I want
except its too verbose in alot of its in code comments (but thats just me
and it *IS* opensource so I could change that if I really wanted to).

CHeck it out at

-----Original Message-----
From: Michal Palicka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 5:28 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Generating descriptors


what tools do you use to generate various descriptors
(beans, applications, etc.)?

Do you prefer writing descriptors manualy?
Could you give me any hints?

I tried the EJB Assembler tool, which is a part of Orion, 
but I could not generate the EJB descriptor.

I am able to generate the EJB jar file, but without the descriptor.
When I try to save the descriptor I always get the 
following error: Couldn't save to that location: META-INF.

Could you tell me, what are the correct steps to generate 
an EJB + the corresponding descriptor?

Thanks in advance
Michal Palicka, Cleverlance

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