
> http://kb.atlassian.com/content/orion/docs/
> datasource-configuration/datasource-configuration.html

Some excerpts from this documentation:

| Even if using a real JDBC 2.0 DataSource, Orion wrappers 
| should be used if these DataSource are to be used 
| for EJBs utilizing CMT (Container Managed Transactions). 


| Configuring a vendor XA DataSource for CMT usage
| In order to use a vendor implementation of a XA DataSource 
| for EJB CMT usage, the DataSource has to be wrapped 
| by the OrionCMTDataSource class in order for Orion 
| to add support for distributed transactions and pooling 
| as necessary. 


| Configuring a DataSource emulation for CMT usage
| In order to use EJB CMT a OrionCMTDataSource needs 
| to be used to add support for distributed transactions 
| and pooling as necessary. 

> | What kind of EJB needs to use OrionCMTDataSource
> | (or ejb-location of DriverManagerDataSource)?
> | CMT EJB only?

Only CMT EJB needs to use OrionCMTDataSource.
BMT EJB can use com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource

Is it correct?


Nevin Ng wrote:
> Take a look at
> It has some detail explaination of your question. ;-)
> Regards,
> Nevin

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "sana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 2:22 AM
> Subject: When to use OrionCMTDataSource?
>| Hi,
>| What kind of EJB needs to use OrionCMTDataSource
>| (or ejb-location of DriverManagerDataSource)?
>| CMT EJB only?
>| Thanks,
>| sana

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