You probably have a JSP 1.1 compatible jar rather than a JSP 1.2 
compatible one in your classpath. In the 1.1 spec they forgot to handle 
Throwable in the PageContext (only Exception was handled) so it was 
added in the latest release.

/Fredrik Lindgren

Carlos Roberto da Silva Junior wrote:

> Hi,
> I´m working with JBuilder6 and Orion. I have a need to use JSP in my 
> project, but a didn´t come success in compile any JSP.
> My project includes all jars in ROOT-PATH/oc4j/j2ee/home. When I compile 
> all project this fails and I Receive the following message from 
> JBuilder6 compiler:
> "Jsp1.jsp": Error #: 300 : method 
> handlePageException(java.lang.Throwable) not found in class 
> javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext"
> My Jsp source is generated from the JBuilder JSP Wizard.
> Does someone know how can I proceed? And what about debbuging, is 
> possible debug a JSP using JBuilder and Orion?
> Carlos Roberto da Silva Júnior
> Engenheiro de Software
> Ramal - 4631
> Qualiti Software Processes - CESAR
> Soluções para o processo de construção de software
> +55 81 3272.4700

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