I've been looking at that for a bit this afternoon.. if you look at the generated files, everything else is fine around that.  If you modify them you can actually wrap them with a try/catch, and they will then compile and deploy fine.

I string'ed some of the class files to see what methods are around, and found that there is a another method, getLocalContextInstance.. if you replace the getContextInstance with getLocalContextInstance in the generated java files, it will also compile and deploy fine.  I don't know what the exact differences are between the two, but everything seems to work fine with either aproach.  Atleast for my code.

With that change, I've got my Local entity beans happily deployed and running on the server.  I've been using MVC Soft's persistence manager with Local emulation, so its nice to be able to disable the local emulation and use the straight orion local interface support now.  It looks like orion doesn't yet support EJB QL, so I'm still using MVC's PM for my CMP beans.  If you need full EJB 2.0 CMP support now, you should give it a shot.  (http://www.mvcsoft.com/), though it doesn't do MDB's, etc... its just for CMP.


On Fri, 2002-02-15 at 15:42, Tom Waterhouse wrote:
I am getting the following exceptions when trying to deploy.  My entity EJBs have local interfaces, and each one has the same error.  This is the only error that I receive on deployment:


RuleLocalHome_EntityHomeWrapper59.java:182: Exception java.rmi.RemoteException m

ust be caught, or it must be declared in the throws clause of this method.

EvermindEntityContext finderContext = this.getContextInstance(thread);                 ^


I started with WebLogic and the existing code deployed just fine. Since I am using local interfaces I am surprised to see an error that includes RemoteException.


Tom Waterhouse

Software Engineer

Sabrix, Inc.



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