To a moderator who always showed class, poise, courtesy, and patience:
Well done indeed, and best wishes in your new job.
The high tech company's gain is our great loss; you will be hard to replace.
Peter Flint

>I will be leaving the Orion Center near the end of February for a job in
>high tech. I have enjoyed my years with the Center and have learned a
>great deal from running this list, maintaining and developing the Web
>site, and editing the English publications. We hope that the transition,
>when my successor takes over, will be reasonably smooth.
>best wishes,

Peter W. Flint
Professor of Religious Studies
Director, Dead Sea Scrolls Institute
Trinity Western University
7600 Glover Road
Langley, BC    CANADA

Tel. (604) 888-7511
Fax  (604) 513-2094

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