I don't see why we are restricted to the notion of doing the law in NT. Doing the
law is nothing strange in the biblical tradition, as the following references, all
of which involve the verb `asah, show.

Deut 27:26 uphold the words of this law by doing them
     29:29 do all the words of this law
     31:12 (ditto)
     32:46 (ditto)
Josh  1:7  do according to all the law
     22:5  do the commandment and the law
     23:6  do all that is written in the book of the law
             of Moses
2Kgs 21:8  do ... according to all the law that my servant
             Moses commanded them
2Chr 14:4  do the law and the commandment
Ezra  7:10 seek the law and do it

As the expression "do the law" is well supported in the OT/HB, one can only expect
it to be manifested in the DSS and eventually in the NT. The only thing one can
claim is that there don't seem to be relevant examples of `asah in the noun form in
the OT/HB.

Greg wrote,

>The language of doing the law is probably one of the most
>common expressions used in all types of Judaism of the time.
>Exactly how does this use of 'doing the law' in other texts
>and applied to various groups differ from Qumran texts'
>use of the same language?

Good question.


Ian Hutchesson

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