***From Alan Schuetz in Baton Rouge, LA:  Most of the Jewry believes that
the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton is "Yehovah" (Jehovah) based on the
studies of Rashi, a revered medieval rabbi.  Most modern Christians believe
it to be "Yahweh".  However, the "vav" (or "waw") in YHVH can also be
pronounced like "o" as in Eloah (aleph-lamed-vav-he) [=God; singular form of
elohim (gods)], Torah (tav-vav-resh-he) [=Law], menorah
(mem-nun-vav-resh-he) [=seven-branched candelabrum], and Yehoshu'a
(yod-he-vav-shin-ayin) [=Joshua; aka Jesus].  If this is true, then the
Tetragrammaton my be pronounced "Yahoah".  It is interesting that a Greek
fragment from Leviticus found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) in Cave 4
spelled it out phonetically as 'Iaw (iota-alpha-omega) [see
http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/rs/rak/lxx4qlevb.jpg].  This would be consistent
with "Yahoah".

Note:  "Jesus" comes to us from the Latin 'Iesus from the Greek 'Iesous
(iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma) from the Hebrew Yehoshu'a.  The
Septuagint (LXX) cites the spelling of Joshua (the son of Nun, who lead the
Israelites into the Promised Land) as 'Iesous.  This is the same name
preserved in the Greek NT for "Jesus".  So, "Jesus" comes to us from
*transliterated* Latin instead of the proper *translation* from Greek and
its Hebrew source:  that is "Joshua".  Another thing that sent chills down
my spine concerning the name Yehoshu'a is the comment made in Reuben
Alcalay's "The Complete Hebrew/English Dictionary".  It states that the name
Yehoshu'a is closely associated with (yod-he-yod-he) meaning "Let there be
... !"

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