
Nice "expanded definition".....

And yet.... nowhere do you mention what I think is the most
obvious disciminator between the Essenes and "all the other
Jewish sects".... namely:

The post-Herodian Sadducees did not believe in resurrection,
and the Pharisees believed in a "sleep" until the End of Days,
with no instantaneous translation to a paradise and/or a heavenly
abode (there is a difference between "paradise" and a heavenly

This distinction is implied by Josephus, and I believe quite detectable
between Qumran texts and texts known to be linked to Pharisees and
the Sadduccees.

And you also don't mention "communal" living.  This also appears
to be an important element of the "Essene" lifestyle, and one which
may have been the point of origin for the so-called "Levirate"

Is there a particular reason that you play down the two factors
that ARE helpful in identifying Essenes?


 NOTE:    The O.T. presentation of the Levirate marriage doesn't appear
to apply to a brother with whom you do not live.... i.e., a COMMUNAL

>      If you insist.
>      Essenes:  (1) Members of a religious order devoted to Artemis 
> in Asia 
> Minor.   
> (2) Members of one of three major sects of Judaism in ca. 100 BCE - 
> 70 CE 
> (ignoring Boethusians, Herodians, Samaritans, Baptists, Christians, 
> Galileans, Zealots, Sicarii, and wilderness followers of Bannus -- 
> unless, as 
> various ancient and modern sources assert, these are also Essenes), 
> who wrote 
> the Dead Sea Scrolls - unless they didn't; who occupied Qumran - 
> unless they 
> didn't; who were ascetic - unless they weren't; and whose name was 
> derived 
> from either the Hasidim, an Aramaic term meaning healer, a Hebrew 
> word 
> meaning doer, or a Greek word meaning member of a religious order 
> devoted to 
> Artemis in Asia Minor.
>      Hope that helped!
> Best regards,
> Russell Gmirkin
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