Dear Greg,

I hopte to  be back with an in-depth analysis of your arguments.
Lack of time prevents me to do this right now
Suffice to say that I maintain my position. The internal data of the
scrolls intimate a situation which make readers expect a thorough
zadokite lineage of a highpriestly  TOR   as far as the Hasmoneans is
there lineage was clearly flawed and from Johanan Hyrcanus more than in one
according to the data we have inter alia via Josephus . Nothing comparable
can be said
about Simon the Just and the subsequent  Oniads. Gpoing further back, it
seems that
Ezra´s reform consisted precisely of putting in power a highpriestly distany
purely zadolkite extraction. The big scandal started in the time of
but there is no evidence whatsoever, anywehre, that any lineage of the
various high priests
concerned was an issue, until the Hasmoneans came to power.
Of course there can be no absolute proof of any "Stammbaum", but that is not
the problem.
The problem is how various High Priests were percieved by there
Oniads were clearly percieved as Zadokites simply becuase in a time were
these lienages were so important,
there is no single indication anybody contested their Zadokite extraction.
It is the other way round  with the Hasmnoeans.
Again, the fact that there is no absolute proof of the zadokite extraction
of Oniads doesn´t change matters.
It is the way  the highpristly distanies were viewd in their own time.

And to point II:  even the subjective view of the assumed writers of the
scrolls/supporters of Hyrcanus
must have had some legislative substance for their claims regarding the TOR.
, who, as reflected by CD, 1OpHab   must have been not only a legislator but
also implicated in an ideological row with the Wicked Priest.  I have found
no evidence
whatsoever regarding such an ideological fight  between  Hyrc II and Arist
II, a struggle limited to
legitimacy on the basis of the first-born.

All tthe best, Peter

"Peter, your first objection assumes that 'Hyrcanus is
not' a Zadokite priest. Why do you think this, and
how is it that you know this?

(Do you have an answer for this that would not argue
with equal force that the earlier Oniads also were not

Since there is no evidence for your assumption that
Hyrcanus II did not claim ancestry from Zadok, the
basis for your objection is missing.
On your second point, the relevant comparison is not
between Josephus's portrayal of Hyrcanus's personality
and the TR, but between ancient images of what a high priest
was and the TR. Hyrcanus II would be written about in
certain ways in the world of texts by supporters because
he was regarded as the legitimate high priest. Josephus's
picture of Hyrcanus II is also stylized too, but that is
another issue.
"The best way to confirm or falsify the Hyrcanus II/ TR
identity is not through personality reconstruction comparisons
but through correspondences in time, place, and
_tendenz_.  Pompey is the conqueror of 4QpNah and CD
and 1QpHab. If Pompey is the conqueror, then Aristobulus II
is the bad guy. If Aristobulus II is the bad guy, then Hyrcanus II
is the good guy, the legitimate high priest in exile foretelling
Pompey's victory as the wrath of God to befall the wicked
priestly regime in Jerusalem. The Qumran texts are texts of
priests, of high priest's priests, collected in Jerusalem.
Hyrcanus II and his priests come to an end by coincidence
at about the end of Ib at Qumran, where the texts in caves
are forever abandoned and never recovered. Internal allusions
in the Qumran texts flourish 1st BCE but then cut off
permanently and totally after 40 BCE, after the end of
Hyrcanus II, after the end of Ib. A little oversimplified, but
that is the basic insight. "Late Herodian formal" could be
the dominant scribal school of the temple or within
Jerusalem 63-40 BCE (as well as after that). The other
scribal hands could be various sources of texts collected
and gathered in Jerusalem from other places (or within

Greg Doudna

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