The Rabbis have 2 opinions-- first that Hasmoneans usurped the high 
priesthood and were not qualified for it.But they were more critical they 
usurped the kingship. "wasnt it bad enough you grabbed the 
highpriesthood-- but you also grabbed the kingship" this seems to be a 
more original report. second-- in the al hanisim prayer recited on hannuka 
the hasmoneans are said to be descended from yochanan the high priest. 
Perhaps the word "high" was interpolated -- I know of no other source for 
this. or else the claim is made that mattathias began a new dynasty of 
high priests-- "IN the days of mattathias son of Yochanan the high priest"

Herb basser

> >     As Peter wrote, it does seem certain that the Oniads were considered
> > Zadokites, (especially on evidence of ben Sirach), but - siding with Greg
> > here - I don't see any evidence that the Hasmoneans weren't also
> considered
> > to be legitimate Zadokite priests.  The assertion that they weren't seems
> to
> > have first surfaced in conjunction with the theory equating the Wicked
> Priest
> > with the first of the Hasmonean high priests, i.e. Jonathan.  It seems
> pure
> > supposition to me.  Note that the scrolls never level the charge that the
> WP
> > was not Zadokite.
> It has been suggested (e.g. by George Nickelsburg) that 1 Maccabees was
> composed with the purpose of defending the legitimacy of the Hasmonean high
> priestly dynasty.  Instead of claiming descent through Zadok the author
> justifies the Hasmonean claim to the high priesthood by comparing the zeal
> of Mattathias with the zeal of Phinehas (1 Macc 2:26, 54).  Because the
> author nowhere identifies the Hasmoneans as Zadokites one might conclude
> that those who opposed them did so because they were not from the
> traditional high priestly line.  I am curious: did scholars come to this
> conclusion before or after the advent of the theory equating the Wicked
> Priest with Jonathan?
> David Miller
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