You are a programming genius, thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel F. Savarese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:55 PM
To: ORO Users List
Subject: Re: Question about parsing hex data 

In message
com>, "Terence P. Quigley" writes:
>The data bounded by <SOM> and <EOM> tags parses fine when the embedded
>data is plain text. =20
>However, when that same data is encrypted (still in ASCII format) the
>expression fails to match.  I've=20
>tried numerous expressions in an attempt to get this working, but with
>no luck.  Any help would be greatly

You're probably inadvertently interpreting the stream as UTF-8 instead
of straight-up bytes when you convert it to a String.  If you are using
a Reader, use new InputStreamReader(in, "ISO-8859-1") to make sure you
get a one to one mapping of byte values between 0 and 255 to Java
chars.  Otherwise your stream is going to be interpreted as multi-byte
characters and the data you store in your String will not be what you
intend.  It's a good thing you used [\\x00-\\xff]* instead of .*,
otherwise you wouldn't have caught the problem.


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