OK, it's starting to make some sense now - I forgot the whole open source,
go and look at the code thing.  I was being a bit slow!

Anyway, the problem is that I have Velocity on the compile classpath before
ORO and the Velocity jar actually contains ORO 2.0.2 or earlier.  The
runtime classpath however, has ORO 2.0.6 on the classpath before Velocity!

The solution... well I'm not sure! I could do with removing oro from the
velocity jar - I'm surprised the velocity project jared both their code and
the oro code together (seems a bit daft to me).  I think Velocity 1.3 uses a
later version of ORO or at least can be used with the dependencies in
separate jars - it seems a little messy to rely on the velocity jar for my
ORO implementation.


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel F. Savarese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 July 2002 19:34
To: ORO Users List
Subject: Re: Util and Substitute Javadocs/Problems 

The source for Substitution.java is:

public interface Substitution {
  public void appendSubstitution(StringBuffer appendBuffer, MatchResult
                                 int substitutionCount,
                                 PatternMatcherInput originalInput, 
                                 PatternMatcher matcher, Pattern pattern);

The signatures of all of the substitute methods in the Util source are:

  public static String substitute(PatternMatcher matcher, Pattern pattern,
                                  Substitution sub, String input, int

  public static String substitute(PatternMatcher matcher, Pattern pattern,
                                  Substitution sub, String input);

  public static int substitute(StringBuffer result,
                               PatternMatcher matcher, Pattern pattern,
                               Substitution sub, String input,
                               int numSubs);

  public static int substitute(StringBuffer result,
                               PatternMatcher matcher, Pattern pattern,
                               Substitution sub, PatternMatcherInput input,
                               int numSubs);

You're probably just making a typo where you omitted one argument
or switched the order of two arguments.  It's easy to do because
there are so many darned arguments (for the sake of flexibility).


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