Sorry I reveal my novice understanding of perlre.  What I am looking for is
a way to do an exact match, not a contains.  For example, let's pretend
there is such a method called matchesExact() which would behave as follows
for my pattern:

Pattern pattern = compiler.compile("|STUFF|JUNK");
matcher.matchesExact("", pattern);        // return true
matcher.matchesExact(" ", pattern);       // return false
matcher.matchesExact("STUFF", pattern);   // return true
matcher.matchesExact("STUFFY", pattern);  // return false
matcher.matchesExact("JUNK", pattern);    // return true
matcher.matchesExact("JUNKY", pattern);   // return false

That is, my input can only be one of "", "STUFF", or "JUNK".  Nothing else
is valid even if it contains "STUFF" or "JUNK" in its string.

Is there a way ORO to do this?  Or is there a way to specify this in the
pattern itself?


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel F. Savarese [mailto:dfs@;]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 3:30 PM
To: ORO Users List
Subject: Re: Perl5 and Alternate strange behavior

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
me Jacobsen" writes:
>I have a Pattern like this:
>Pattern pattern = compiler.compile("|STUFF");
>I would expect both of the following to return true:
>matcher.matches("", pattern);       // returns true
>matcher.matches("STUFF", pattern);  // returns false!

matches() is not the same as contains() and matches(input, "pattern")
is not the same as matches(input, "^pattern$").  Look at the "Note:"
in the javadocs for Perl5Matcher.matches() for an explanation.


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