Hi Zhoulei,

On Mar 20, 2012, at 10:31 , zhou lei wrote:

> We can find "snowwhite" in the doc of the libsynthesis, and in the file named 
> "dbapi.cpp" we can find it too.

This is the C++ branch of things, it is not relevant for iOS (except maybe for 
general understanding of how the library works on other platforms).

> And from the demo for IOS, We can find out that, in cocoa, the lib would 
> using the code in "dbplugin_cocoa.m".

dbplugin_cocoa.m is the wrapper code that handles the somewhat tricky interface 
between C and ObjC for you. No need to edit this.

The actual plugin code to write will go into sample_dbplugin1.mm (2,3,4...).

All you need to do is implementing the following methods:

- (TSyError)startDataReadWithLastToken:(cAppCharP)aLastToken 

- (TSyError)readNextItemAsKey:(SettingsKey *)aItemKey
  itemIdP:(NSString **)aItemIdP parentIdP:(NSString **)aParentIdP
  statusP:(sInt32 *)aStatusP

- (TSyError)readItemAsKey:(SettingsKey *)aItemKey
  itemID:(NSString *)aItemID parentID:(NSString *)aParentID;

- (TSyError)endDataRead;

- (TSyError)startDataWrite;

- (TSyError)insertItemAsKey:(SettingsKey *)aItemKey
  parentID:(NSString *)aParentID newItemIdP:(NSString **)aNewItemIdP;

- (TSyError)updateItemAsKey:(SettingsKey *)aItemKey
  itemIdP:(NSString **)aItemIdP parentIdP:(NSString **)aParentIdP;

- (TSyError)deleteItem:(NSString *)aItemID parentID:(NSString *)aParentID;

- (TSyError)endDataWriteWithSuccess:(BOOL)aSuccess andNewToken:(NSString 

...plus maybe some of the optional methods if you have advanced features like 
filtering (but probably not to start with).

These are semantically 1:1 representations in ObjC of the functions you find 
described in more detail in doc/SDK_manual.pdf and also in the C++ samples. 
Because of the work the wrapper code does for you, it is only a small subset of 
what the C plugin ABI consists of. Things like module/db context 
creation/deletion is done in the wrapper.

One important note: the Cocoa wrapper code only uses the "AsKey" variants from 
the plugin API. This means that rather than passing items as text strings, a 
SettingsKey object is passed, on which you can call methods like 
stringValueByName: / setStringValueByName:toValue: to access individual fields 
(see SettingsKey.h for all available access methods). Note that this is the 
same mechanism as for accessing settings, and you'll find examples for 
SettingsKey usage in the sample iOS app.

Best Regards,

Lukas Zeller, plan44.ch
l...@plan44.ch - www.plan44.ch

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