Hi Sachin,

On 06.03.2014, at 20:13, Sachin Gupta <ching...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How can i set the xml of libsynthesis so that the outgoing devinf shows the 
> displayname and also the datatype?

displayName is not supported so far in libsynthesis. The routines to look at 
for adding it would be the newDevInfCTData() utility routine and 
TMimeDirProfileHandler::enumerateProperties() where the former is called to 
generate the devInf CTCap. The difficulty would be to get proper description 
strings from somewhere to add - probably these could be added as an extra 
option to <property> config tag (but that's not a trivial extension...)

datatype is automatically generated and added when needed. However, specs say 
that versit (vXXX, iCalendar) data types MUST NOT include the type, and because 
most SyncML sync is using versit datatypes, you usually don't see any datatype 
in the devInf. The exception to this rule is in SyncML version 1.0 and 1.1, 
because there when a property has a size limit, the specs mandate that it also 
needs to have a datatype. So libsynthesis generates it in these rare cases.

> Do i need to change some code or can it be controlled from the xml?

There are no XML config options to directly influence this - as mentioned in my 
response to Anuj (on os-libsynthesis earlier today) the library was designed to 
generate the devInf according to actual capabilities/mapping of the database 
backend automatically, to make sure devInf exactly describes the actual 
features and is compliant with the standard. Many hand-crafted devInfs in phone 
clients were full of bugs and inconsistencies like missing supported properties 
or listing properties that were not actually implemented.

Maybe if you tell us what your goal you aim at with these specific devInf 
changes, it might be easier to help...

Best Regards,


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