On Mon, 2014-04-28 at 18:23 +0530, Rajesh Kumar Pawar wrote:
> I've been trying to work on a merging  scenario using syncevolution as
> a client.
> The steps that I followed in this scenario are as follows
> 1.       Created a contact with TEL;CELL:12456399
> 2.       Perform slow sync with server
> 3.       Modify the field in client vCard as TEL;CELL:12456300
> 4.       Wait for 5min to ensure sufficient difference between the
> modification time stamps.
> 5.       Modified the field as TEL;CELL:12456391 on server. 
> 6.       Perform a two-way sync.

In this scenario, the server decides how to handle the conflict. What
SyncML implementation are you using as server? You only mention that you
use SyncEvolution as client.

If the server is not SyncEvolution or libsynthesis based, then you need
to talk to the server implementer; there's not much that SyncEvolution
or libsynthesis can do.

At least not when sticking to a standard SyncML sync. There was an idea
a while back to do a SyncML sync in two phases: in the first phase
pretend that the client has no changes, and just retrieve changes from
the server. This way conflict resolution can be done in the client. Then
in the second phase, send the client changes (including merge results)
back to the server, hoping that no further changes had been made there
in the meantime. This never got implemented, though.

In SyncEvolution there is a similar (but not quite the same) data loss
issue when adding an address on one side and a telephone number on the
other side. I'm currently looking at that.

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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