OSCC is calling for submission for OSS case studies for the purpose of
knowledge sharing. The best case studies will be eligible for the
national OSS Case Study Awards at upcoming MyGOSSCON Conference held on
5th- 6th November 2008.
The case studies are for the following solution categories:
        * Desktop
        * Infrastructure
        * Application
Desktop solutions are PC applications to enhance user productivity. Can
include a complete OSS desktop replacement such as Ubuntu or Fedora
Linux for end users, or it can be deployment and usage of applications
such as, Firefox web browser, GIMP for graphics etc.
Infrastructure – Applications which provide basic computing services
Infrastructure solutions involve back-end services such as email, DNS,
web servers, firewall, printer servers, file servers, backup and other
networking services.
Application solutions which implement specific solutions to address
business needs such as a web application for the public to look up
important records or fill in forms electronically.
Submission Template
A template and an example is attached to this email announcement. It is
recommended that the main sections are kept as is, however additional
sub-sections can be added. Submissions in Bahasa Malaysia are also
accepted provided that they follow the same sections. English is
encouraged, as these case studies will also be used to showcase and
share Malaysian implementations to an international audience.
Submission Deadlines
The submission deadline is 6:00pm Monday 6th October 2008.
Scoring for Awards
Scoring is based on 4 criteria,
1. Innovation 
This criterion measures innovation and creativity. This includes
business processes, change management as well as implementation
and development of technical solutions.
2. Impact 
This criterion measures the impact the solution has in terms of
number of users, local vs international and also in terms of
3. Quality/Recognition 
This criterion measures the quality of the solution, this may
include adherence to web standards, architecture design and also
recognition from users. It also includes any recognition the
project has had from users and other government awards.
4. Knowledge Sharing/Products 
This criterion measures how much knowledge the agency has made
available for others, this includes seminars and presentations,
technical and non-technical (guides) documentation etc. on
the agency website or through other means including OSS project
3 finalists will be selected and awarded for each solution category.
All case study submissions, however will be compiled and uploaded to
OSCC's website. Selected case studies may also be compiled into a
All public sector government agencies and public institutes of higher
learning (IPTA) are eligible.
Please submit enquiries and case studies, to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
before the deadline for your region. If the case study files are too
large to be sent by email, please provide a link.

Best Regards,
Stanly Tan
Open Source Competency Centre Malaysia (OSCC)
Lot E302-E304, Enterprise Building 3,
63000 Cyberjaya, Malaysia.
Tel: 603 83191200 (Office), 
Fax: 603 83193206


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