And then comes the issue of pursuing patents in uni....

Which really means, there is no knowledge sharing.
So you forget about FOSS stuff from uni....

And students is told that, this and that can give you job,
don't forget, our parents told us to make money,
and with lecturer sometime just don't catch up,
you can forget about knowledgeable student.

btw the way corporate malaysia runs, you can forget about knowledge worker
as well.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 5:00 AM, Boh Yap <> wrote:

> hi red1 and all...
> Knowledge is LINKED to economics! That is the whole point, we are
> TRYING to embark on a Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) after all... 'cos
> we can't offer cheap labour for menial tasks anymore.
> So you can't have a KBE if you produce 'dumb' grads. ie: that don't
> have knowledge.
> MSC is the sad case... what % of our so called knowledge workers there
> are from overseas?
> Where are the 'local' talents? So how can Msia KBE take off? ..err yes
> MSC has some success with (call-centre) outsourcing, but I will hardly
> call this a KBE.
> The pt is, if Msians are as knowledge-rich as the Germans (Americans,
> Japanese...) then we'll be worth the same, and hence we'll have a
> similar economy like them... but we're not there yet, and with the
> current state of Edu. we ain't gonna get there anytime soon.
> Also, I think FOSS and Unis/acedemia are closely linked, or have a
> culture of sharing. (all scientist publish their findings!). Unix grew
> out of the code sharing between Unis/Academics - the classic being BSD
> (Bill Joy..., Berkeley) and Linus, and the Internet - TCP/IP and all
> that was developed and shared by all  Unis involved in the early DARPA
> Net project. All the original/older FOSS founders/gurus came from
> those areas.
> err I don't get yr point on this:
> "Sadly, the western unis are still based on the academic pursuance model,
> producing nobel laurettes and pulitzers, olympians and dotcomers."
> but this type of research and academic endevours is important for
> pushing the envelopes of knowledge. The Nobel prices (et al) lead to
> new technologies, products, services... ie: economic activity... And
> we gotta understand the difference between pure research/science and
> technology, and our leadrs/decision-makers need to understand that as
> well.
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 1:25 PM, red1 <> wrote:
> >
> > True, true Boh, but it makes no sense to even the VCs of our IPTAs, nor
> > their Deans, nor their lecturers, what more their students. It is not
> > 'cari ilmu' to them. It is entirely a different kettle with different
> > cups of tea.
> >
> > We have turned the whole education system here profit oriented. It is
> > about making money and forcing others to do so too. The KRA outcome is
> > about getting those grads employed, no hi Red1 matter what. They cannot
> be
> > loitering nor rempeting.
> >
> > Sadly, the western unis are still based on the academic pursuance model,
> > producing nobel laurettes and pulitzers, olympians and dotcomers.
> > Germany still has free education among its good universities - public
> > ones better than the private schools. I am enrolling my daughter today
> > at a VHS (German language school) via my German mafia there.
> > She already obtained an undertaking of financial guarantee to obtain a
> > student visa. My hope is that she one day returned to do good here not
> > like her father is doing, which is putting first things first. Clear the
> > mess and get the house in order. Speak out against the mental rot. Then
> > may our next generation continue the struggle to build true freedom.
> >
> > red1
> >
> > Boh Yap wrote:
> >> hi Red1,
> >>
> >> good... but I think you shld add this pt.
> >>
> >> Free SW is not just about money and our freedom - as stated,
> >>
> >> But
> >>
> >> Its about KNOWLEDGE.
> >
> >
> > >
> >
> --
> #-------
> regds,
> Boh Heong, Yap
> >

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