Bahasa Melayu mungkin tidak sesuai sebagai bahasa pengantaraan untuk alam ilmiah perkakasan. Tetapi ia amat sesuai sebagai bahasa sastera, cukup cantik apabila dipakai untuk berpantun:

Makan garam lebih daripada nasi
Jangan sampai rosak semua gigi
Jika mahu hidup berdikari
Sumbanglah kod tersendiri

On 3/20/11 2:59 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
It's not really English.  These terms have been created for new concepts based existing English words, but the words don't retain their English meanings in this context.  Just like names of people and places, the terms have an identity that is lost when they're translated.  We should just use the new words and not think about them as English words.

If you still want to create Malay words, then don't use the English words at all, use the underlying concepts.  For example, instead of "dwi klik", maybe it should be "dwi tekan" and allow it to evolve to one word like "dwitekan".

Some suggestions :
  • "click" is a sound, not an action, but in the context of "double-click" it's the action of pressing a button.  If you really want to translate it exactly, you should use "tekan dua kali" rather than "klik dua kali".
  • "Plug and Play" was originally a name for a specification from Microsoft (ref: ).  Translating this would be like translating "Windows" to "Tingkap", but no one would think that's a good idea.  It's used in a more general way now, but it still shouldn't be translated.  "Plug" means to block or close a hole; "tutup lubang".  "Play" means "main".  To say "Tutup Lubang dan Main" is ridiculous.  If you want to, create a phrase from the underlying concept... We connect the device and it works immediately without any manual installation or configuration... My BM isn't good enough to come up with one for this :)
  • A "mouse" isn't an animal.  This definitely shouldn't be translated at all, but if you really want to, use the concept of a pointing device.
  • We don't actually "burn" a CD or DVD.  I don't even like this one in English.  Use "write" (tulis).

We could take this way too far... Translate "Microsoft" to "Kecillembut"... or in reverse, I could call that place where many of you live "Mud Estuary".  And while I'm thinking about it, why am I from "Amerika Syarikat" ("America Company"?) instead of "Negeri Bersatu" ("States United")?


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