
Truly. Its up to my neck now, seeing comments, telling me to make sure
all to be in OSS even in conference, in my photos and things that I do
as OSS advocate.

We are too into it and forget what the users think. From 301 people
attending the MOSC2011 conference, I truly can see only us, the team
in OSS community booth and a few more are using truly OS from OSS.

and I felt wrong putting limits and condition to a sponsor. I'm the
one that want Free for Freedom in software putting limit to people
!!!. Feel so wrong doing it. That's sponsor a famous Malaysian Company
support us for 3 years because they want to see the growth in our ICT

Issue related to anti-virus given to people sending their feed back
form. Its a courtesy from a company that's want to say they support
OSS Community. Yes they do sell proprietary software. The asset that
they can share to show their support other then their software.

In the field of security, any operating system subject to any attack.
Its all depend how big resource they want to spend to create the
trojan and what benefit they can get.

Its not a promotion, its a sarcasm giving anti-virus to users in Open
Source Conference. What do the users think?

Infront of the feedback form counter we had a booth for OSS community
to promote much better and safer Operating System. :)

Even the Linux CD are given freely to them. Lets them make a choice.
An extra cost to a already costly Ooperating system need to install
anti-virus or just use free and safer operating system.

The Anti-virus CD macam goreng pisang panas. Showing how users think
about their current OS. Its all up to us the OSS community how to
promote and take advantage of it.

If we keep on thinking negative of all the effort thats we keep on
going to get the interest of the usersto OSS, sampai bila-bila we will
stuck will small numbers of OSS users.

My 2 cents.

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