Alrite! Jumpa nanti kat Kuang ya boss? Haha.. lajunyaaa... kadang-kadang tertimbul perkara lucu dalam hati saya. Semasa projek saya pada Disember 2006 mencecah no1 dalam SourceForge, aku punya tulis dan tulis kepada semua pihak dan kontek sehingga editor kawan baik saya kat Utusan Malaysia satu kueh pun tak de masa layan.

Apabila saya ajukan nama Jerman yang blond dan mata biru pada OSDC.CON pertama, lajunya datang terus tiket untuk dia datang bentang. Muka saya dengan kambing kebun terpapar kat The Star Intech, cover pulak tu. Lepas tu? <bunyi kriket>

Kini fenomina yang sama berlaku. Ajukan lagi satu jenis blond Jerman yang lagi lembut .. wa wa wa .. <mati kriket>

Peliknya maskot ini dahlah sanggup jadi maskot free, sanggup pulak tolak tawaran lebih besar di Jerman dan datang hidup macam orang Iban dalam hutan di sini. Itu cerita saya cuba takut-takutkan dia (untuk elak dia datang). Reverse brain drain pulak ni.

Kini kat Brazil tengah kerja keras mendapatkan Petrobras *Brazil punya Petronas* untuk sponsor roadshow seluruh Brazil. Tetapi takut saya dengan Brazil. Bukan keganasan di Rio. Tetapi yang lembut-lembut bro. Too fast, too furious :)

Teringat nasihat dari orang alim dan AlKitab - yang boleh mencabar iman seseorang bukanlah ancaman pemedih mata sebenarnya - tetapi ancaman tiga Ta.

Wlmcpn, terima kasihlah Sdr Tajul Azhar. I already briefed her about her pending mission here, to research more from Germany FOSS adoption at the high level as well at the small company model to share here. I will send you once i received her university letter i ask them to prepare for such official reasons.

On 6/16/12 9:21 AM, Tajul Azhar bin Mohd Tajul Ariffin wrote:
Thanks sifu.
As I mentioned before, I'm on behalf of IT personnel in government would like 
to invite you, with your beautiful maskot on our seminar, and insyaAllah, we 
will send you an email from our head of IT in government.
Love to hear your philosophy, eventhough I will not be the same as you, full of 
knowledge and skill, but I do hope we in the government can get the spirit and 
benefit from your experience.
Salam sayang dari Putrajaya ke Kuang. Haha....
P/S : Petang ni saya balik Kuang selepas kelas
Sent from my BlackBerryŽ wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

-----Original Message-----
From: red1<>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 09:13:36
Subject: [osdcmy] Share your story and become famous

Whatever you do there must be a story. Particularly in FOSS work there
are lots of oops and aahhs. Writing about it online can be one way to
create contribution as someone someday will hit your same oohs and aahhs
and when they google for it, they read your story.  For me it has
brought me around the world to the most exotic spots and meet the most
beautiful people.
Today this morning i wrote another piece
I hope my advice here helps those of you out there who knows, might feel
FOSS work is limited or at a dead end.


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