O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    September 28, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

VNC, No Longer Orphaned

    [0]geogeek6_7 writes "[1]Icronic informs us of a couple new
    developments to everyone's favorite piece of remote-managment software,
    VNC. [2] You may remember that the UK Lab responsible for the creation
    and maintainence of VNC closed. A company called [3]RealVNC has been
    formed, sporting the original coders from the AT&T lab, and aiming to
    'act as the focal point for open source VNC.' Secondly, the new company
    has [4] released version 3.3.4 of VNC for Windows and Linux. Greater
    security and a new, speed-enhancing auto-encoding feature are included
    among many others in the new version." 
    0. http://bboy07 AT yahoo DOT C-O-M
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/04/22/0740239&tid=99
    3. http://realvnc.com/
    4. http://www.realvnc.com/download.html

PCI Shortwave Receiver

    payman writes "WiNRADiO Communications has just announced news of its
    forthcoming [0]WR-G303i PCI based shortwave, digital radio, narrowband
    FM receiver. This is said to be "the world's first dedicated shortwave
    receiver on a PC card. It is also the first commercially available
    receiver where the entire final intermediate frequency stage and an
    all-mode demodulator are entirely executed in software, running on a
    personal computer." Winradio has in the past supported Linux for its
    products (see [1]Linradio), and it most likely will continue to do so
    with the WR-G303i." 
    0. http://www.winradio.com/home/g303i.htm
    1. http://www.linradio.com/

More on JSF Laser System

    An anonymous reader writes "Seems [0]Lockheed Martin has won a contract
    to equip future versions of the [1]Joint Strike Fighter with a 100-kW
    laser. Housed in a dome within the aircraft, the laser's turret would
    emerge for firing [[2]sound familiar?], and the laser itself is spec'ed
    to achieve airborne and ground kills at a distance of more than six
    miles. The problem? According to [3]this Aviation Week article,
    Lockheed Martin has to figure out how to dissipate 900 kilowatts of
    heat. Maybe the Finnish airforce could [4]value-add to the OEM model."
    We [5]mentioned this earlier. 
    0. http://www.lockheedmartin.com/
    1. http://www.jast.mil/
    2. http://www.startrek.com/library/media_ENT.asp?id=115145
    4. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/08/29/0556251&tid=137
    5. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/26/1236257&tid=126

Amateur Rocket Launch a Failure; NASA Debuts Shuttle-cam

    [0]Anonymous Coward writes "[1]CNN has posted the story of the failure
    of the [2]amateur rocket launch that was reported in a previous
    Slashdot story. 'The launch was spectacular and the rocket was
    performing as planned. However, the rocket experienced motor failure
    during the flight and the flight was terminated," said Eric Knight,
    co-leader of the CSXT mission.' NASA is planning to [3]mount a camera
    on the external fuel tank and broadcast an October 2nd shuttle launch. 
    0. http://home.earthlink.net/~kspandle
    1. http://www.cnn.com/
    2. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/09/27/rocket.failure/index.html
    3. http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2002/26sept_goosebumps.htm?list93290

Microsoft PPTP Buffer Overflow; VPNs Vulnerable

    An anonymous reader writes "According to [0]this InfoWorld article, a
    buffer overflow exploit has been discovered for Microsoft's PPTP
    implementation, which leaves Microsoft VPN solutions vulnerable to
    exploit. This overflow was discovered by the German security firm
    [1]Phion; they have posted more info [2]on this page." We might as well
    throw in yet another [3]remote exploit for FrontPage, too. No, not last
    week's remote exploits - these are [4]new. Coincidentally, the front
    group Microsoft organized for the purpose of quashing bug disclosure
    (that is, reducing Microsoft's bad press) is [5]just now getting
    1. http://www.phion.com/
    2. http://www.phion.com/adv/index.html
    3. http://news.com.com/2100-1001-959577.html
    4. http://www.informationweek.com/news/IWK20020926S0003
    5. http://www.vnunet.com/News/1135469

Overview of the BSDs

    [0]zeekiorage writes "A good informative article about the [1]various
    BSD OSs, their legacy, philosophy and importance on the [2]ExtremeTech
    web site. Excerpt from the article: 'Nowadays, the term 'The BSDs'
    refers to the family of operating systems which were derived, to a
    greater or lesser extent, from BSD. The five best known BSDs are
    FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, BSD/OS, and Darwin (which serves as the
    foundation for Apple's MacOS X). But virtually all modern operating
    systems -- from Windows to BeOS to Linux -- rely on crucial BSD code to
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,555451,00.asp
    2. http://www.extremetech.com/

3D LCD Display

    Powerdog writes "After 10 years of lab work, Sharp has [0]developed a
    3D LCD display that works without glasses. They expect to use the
    displays in games at first, and expand into PCs and TVs. Production
    begins in a few months and products using them should be shipping in
    early 2003. Naturally, I just bought two 2D LCD displays for my home
    office two weeks ago." 

Hearing on Hollywood Hacking Bill

    [0]DaveAtFraud writes "[1]CNN says that Hilary Rosen and the RIAA are
    once again lobbying Congress for [2]the right to sabotage P2P networks.
    Of course, Hilary says that the RIAA wouldn't abuse this capability.
    Luckily, some of the lawmakers are dubious. Also, Rep. Rick Boucher
    asked, 'What are the implications for the Internet's functionality when
    the inevitable arms race develops?' and pointed out that overzealous
    attempts to enforce existing copyright law had all too often targetted
    legitimate postings." There's also a [3]News.com story. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/
    2. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/internet/09/27/media.piracy.reut/index.html
    3. http://news.com.com/2100-1023-959774.html

AOL's new Linux PC

    [0]minus_273 writes "[1] MSNBC (of all places ) has an [2]intersting
    article about AOLs new PC. We have already heard of [3]Lindows ,
    WALMART PC and there was speculation of AOL Red Hat. Well, it looks
    like this is what AOL decided to do. All 3 are mixed into one. AOL now
    has a beta 7.0 client that is distributed with Lindows along with AIM
    and Netscape. I wonder if this stuff will work on normal Linux without
    0. http://anurodhp&startrekmail,com
    1. http://msnbc.com/
    2. http://www.msnbc.com/news/813350.asp
    3. http://www.lindows.com/

Eric Blossom on GNU Radio

    Eric Blossom has responded to [0]your questions about [1] GNU Radio. He
    notes that he's gotten a lot of inquiries from people wanting to help
    out, and that they have their "hands full with the software and are
    hoping that some other folks will chip in on the hardware", so if
    you're interested in assisting, go to it. 
    0. http://interviews.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/09/160207&tid=126
    1. http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuradio/

Astaro Security Linux 2.029 (Sun Cobalt)

    Astaro Security Linux is a firewall solution. It does stateful packet
    inspection filtering, content filtering, user authentication, virus
    scanning, VPN with IPSec (PKI for X.509 certificates) and PPTP, and
    much more. With its Web-based management tool, WebAdmin, and the
    ability to pull updates via the Internet, it is pretty easy to manage.
    It is based on a special hardened Linux 2.4 distribution where most
    daemons are running in change-roots and are protected by kernel

BlackHole Spam/Virus Filter 1.0.0 (Stable)

    Blackhole Spam/Virus Filter provides spam and virus filtering using dot
    files in all the major MTA/SMTP servers for UNIX and similar systems.
    It also can be used as a qmail-queue replacement or a Postfix Content
    Filter to cover the entire SMTP servers userbase. It is different from
    other, similar programs, in that it scales for thousands of users from
    being in C and not executing external programs for most of its work. It
    is uses flat config files or MySQL to store the configs of each user.
    Almost every type of check in existence for spam is implimented. It can
    be setup like an access list with each check type (over 15 checks
    currently) having its own separate rules for action and scores to
    choose action precedence. Subject tagging, custom headers, and detailed
    report logging can be fully configured from the config file, there is a
    global config file for default users setup, and it works with clamscan,
    which gives a fully Free spam/virus solution which matches any
    commercial offering. 

DAVfs Linux file system driver 0.1.1 

    DAVfs Linux file system driver is a Linux file system driver that
    allows you to mount a WebDAV server as a disk drive. WebDAV is an
    extension to HTTP/1.1 that allows remote collaborative authoring of Web
    resources, defined in RFC 2518. DAVfs allows a remote Web server to be
    edited using standard applications that interact with the file system.
    For example, a remote Web site could be updated in-place, using the
    same development tools that initially created the site. DAVfs also
    supports SSL. 

eZ publish linux server 1.0 

    eZ publish linux server is a Linux distribution based on the Secure
    Linux from Trustix AS. It provides a secure, fast, and easy way of
    getting Linux and the eZ publish content management system up and
    running. It comes preconfigured with Apache, the Webalizer log file
    analysis program, and MySQL. 

GNOME ALSA Mixer 0.1.2beta 

    This project is a sound mixer for GNOME written for the Advanced Linux
    Sound Architecture (ALSA). 

GoFish Gopher Server 0.13 

    GoFish is a very simple gopher server. It is designed with security and
    low resource usage in mind, and uses a single process that handles all
    the connections. This provides low-resource usage, good latency, and
    good scalability. It also runs in a chroot environment. While GoFish
    must run at root privilege to be able to use port 70, it drops to a
    normal user while accessing files. 

gpsd 1.07 

    gpsd is a daemon that listens to a GPS or Loran receiver and translates
    the positional data into a simplified format that can be more easily
    used by other programs, like chart plotters. The package comes with a
    sample client that plots the location of the currently visible GPS
    satellites (if available) and a speedometer. It can also use DGPS/ip. 

Gringotts 0.7.0pre3 

    Gringotts is a small utility that allows you to jot down sensitive data
    (passwords, credit card numbers, PINs, etc.) in an easy-to-read,
    easy-to-access, and most of all very secure form. Gringotts makes use
    of the MCrypt and MHash libraries for encryption, and uses GTK+ 2 for
    the user interface. It lets the user choose from among eight strong
    encryption algorithms (RIJNDAEL-128, RIJNDAEL-256, SERPENT, TWOFISH,
    CAST-256, SAFER+, LOKI97, 3DES), two hashing algorithms (SHA1, RIPEMD
    160) and two compression techniques (ZLib and BZip2) with four
    compression ratios. Moreover, it allows the user to use any file as a
    password, as an alternative to the usual text string, giving additional

I, Bex! 0.1.5 

    I, Bex! is a StoneAge clone for Perl/SDL. Guide Bex the Ibex through a
    cavern filled with stones that go all the way. 

Ion 20020926 (Development)

    Ion, based on PWM, is a keyboard-friendly window manager with a very
    text-editorish interface and no overlapping windows. 

JCal 1.0 Beta 

    JCal is a fast and simple PHP/MySQL driven calendar application. It
    supports one event per day, although that event can be displayed as
    many events if desired. It requires .htaccess or similar to secure the
    admin section. All visual elements are controlled through stylesheets. 

Kismet 2.6.0 

    Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is
    capable of sniffing using most wireless cards, automatic network IP
    block detection via UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, Cisco equipment lists
    via Cisco Discovery Protocol, weak cryptographic packet logging, and
    Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the
    ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on
    downloaded maps or user supplied image files. 

koaLaGML 0.1.0_alpha3 (Stable)

    koalaGML, the koala GUI Markup Language, allows developers to rapidly
    generate graphical user interfaces by writing XML documents that define
    the layout and content of the interfaces. It is both a markup language
    and a toolset for generating Java GUI code from the markup. Inspired by
    Java Server Pages (JSP), it consists of a rich and growing set of
    features, including session beans, custom imports, exception handling,
    custom error forms, relative layout of elements (with tables a la
    HTML), and a huge set of widgets. 

MyAdvogato 0.9.7 (Stable)

    MyAdvogato is a CGI script which acts as a wrapper for Advogato's home,
    recentlog, and personal pages. It adds certification-related
    information concerning a user of the Web site. It aims to improve the
    certification process providing context. 

MyGnokii2 0.58 (Development)

    MyGnokii2 is manager for the Nokia 3210, 33xx, 3410, 3510, 51xx, 5210,
    5510, 61xx, 62xx, 63xx, 6510, 7110, 82xx, 8310, 9110, and 9210, and
    other (AT) cellular phones. It currently has a command line version
    with many functions for ringtones, phonebook, SMS, logos, WAP,
    date/time, alarm, calls, etc. It can also make full backups and restore
    them. It works on various Unix systems (like Linux) and Win32. 

OpenRatings 1.3.1 

    OpenRatings is a PHP/MySQL-based engine and Web site template for
    rating professors. The site sports a quick survey and free-form
    comments, and allows students to search for the best professors on
    their campuses based on a number of criteria. OpenRatings is great for
    students that want to start (and maintain) a professor evaluation site
    on their own campuses, as well as for smaller universities who want to
    allow their students to rate professors. 


    PASP is a Bayesian-like spam filter that can be used as a POP3 proxy. 

PHP Microsoft DBX File Reader 1.0a 

    PHP Microsoft DBX File Reader reads files in the mailbox format used by
    Outlook Express. 

PHPlist 1.7.1 

    PHPlist is a set of PHP pages that implement a mailing list system. It
    uses MySQL for storing the information. Particular aspects of the
    system include posting to the mailing list via a Web page. It is thus a
    kind of "announcements" list. It can deal with very large
    email address lists. Users can sign up to multiple lists. If a message
    is sent to multiple lists, they will only receive one copy of the
    email. If people sign up, they can identify the geographical location
    they're in allowing messages to be sent only to a subset of these. You
    can add place holders in your email that will be replaced with personal
    details (such as the person's name). 

pyblosxom 0+5i_rev1 

    pyblosxom is a CGI-based Weblog program written in Python. It uses
    ordinary text files as your entries, and in addition to the features of
    blosxom, on which it is based, it can be easily extended with

QMoon 0.2.1 

    A tool for observers of the moon. 

Quanta Plus 3.0 

    Quanta is a web editor for KDE supporting HTML and more. It has dynamic
    preview, project management, context tag editing and context tag
    reference docs, auto-completion, DTD management, templates, loadable
    toolbars, document structure tree, and much more. 

smbldap-tools 0.7-2 

    SMBLDAP-TOOLS is a package containing some useful scripts to manage
    users/groups when you're using LDAP as source of user/group data (for
    Unix and for Samba). These scripts are used in the SAMBA-LDAP PDC Howto
    to add/delete/modify users and groups. It has been adapted to Samba
    2.2.4; some work is probably needed for 3.0 and TNG. 

Spkgtool 0.1.0pre1 

    Spkgtool is a software management system that uses symbolic links for
    maintaining packages and a "ports" style backend for building
    package from source tarballs. It has its own built linking application,
    but it also can act as a GUI frontend to your favorite symbolic link
    package system (supporting graft, epkg, and stow). It is written with
    bash scripts and Makefiles. The GUI is dialog and Xdialog (depending on
    your environment). Aside from building ports, it will also build and
    install "GNU-friendly" source tarballs. 

sugarplum 0.9.8 

    Sugarplum is an automated spam-poisoner. Its purpose is to feed large
    quantities of realistic and enticing but otherwise utterly useless data
    to wandering spam-bots such as EmailSiphon, Cherry Picker, etc. The
    intention is to so contaminate spammers' databases as to require
    culling out large portions, including any real data, and/or to require
    that spambots be instructed to avoid your site. It includes Apache
    mod_rewrite rules for known spambots. 

The Tamber Project 1.1.18 (Pogo)

    The Tamber project is a componentized n-tier Web site engine that uses
    open languages such as XML and JavaScript. Content is stored in
    separate XML files, in databases, or other data objects. Business
    functions are carried out by JavaScript and ASP. Presentation is
    controlled by an XSL transformation, which allows for delivery over
    multiple channels such as HTML, WAP, and MHEG. Currently, Tamber can
    deliver to HTML and WAP, and contains modules that support e-commerce
    shopping carts, secure sign in, data access and conversion services,
    and advanced session management. 

tk120 0.8 

    tk120 is a multiplatform programming and cloning utility for the
    portable Yaesu VR-120 receiver. It can read the memory image from the
    radio, display the information graphically, and save it to a file.
    Memory channels may be exported to or imported from a .CSV
    (comma-separated values) file. 

tk2 0.3 

    tk2 is a configuration tool for the ICOM IC-R2 portable radio receiver.
    It lets you read a memory image from the radio, manipulate the settings
    using a graphical user interface, and save the result to a file or back
    to the radio. Memory channel information can be imported from CSV file
    or ICF files downloaded from the Percon Web database, and exported to
    CSV files. 

Tux Paint 2002.09.25 

    Tux Paint is a simple and entertaining drawing program geared towards
    young children. It has a simple interface, sound effects, and a cartoon
    character (Tux, the Linux penguin). Along with drawing brush strokes,
    lines and shapes, you can also enter text and place "rubber
    stamp" (or "sticker") images on the picture. Tux Paint
    is extensible, and could be useful in an educational environment (such
    as a grammar, elementary, or grade school). It's portable across
    numerous platforms, and runs well even on slower systems like the
    Pentium 133MHz. 

vncrypt 1.0 (Stable)

    This is cryptographic disk driver for FreeBSD. It provides transparent
    encryption and decryption of selected devices. It is based on vn(4). 

WallFire wfnetobjs 0.1.5 

    Wflnetobjs is a library which handles network objects, used by other
    WallFire applications. 

Xml Validation Interoperability Framework 0.2.0 

    Xml Validation Interoperability Framework (xvif) is a proposal to embed
    pipe definitions in grammar based schema languages such as Relax NG
    (and probably W3C XML Schema). The current implementation is built on a
    partial implementation of Relax NG, supporting the features needed to
    provide a representative proof of concept. It is available both as
    Python source code and as an online demonstration. Although there is no
    endorsement of any kind by the DSDL ISO initiative (http://dsdl.org),
    one of the goals of this prototype is to gather feedback which may be
    used (or not) by "DSDL Part 1 - Interoperability Framework". 

The Ethics of Weblogging

    Okay, this is a bit different kind of question, but it's been
    concerning me a lot lately. What is the "netiquette" of weblogging? For
    example, I saw a cool story on Slashdot that points at a page on
    Fortune magazine. The subject of the article is right on topic with the
    Slash site I'm developing. Do I quote Slashdot, or Fortune, or both?
    And in general, how ethical is it to create a site, the majority of
    which is content that others have worked to create? 

How to fetch a list of users?

    Hi All, I'm new to slash and have installed one. Now i got a simple
    question as how to fetch a list of users from the users table? my
    @my_query = $slashdb->sqlSelect('nickname', 'users', 'uid!=1'); #
    uid 1 = anon coward Now @my_query only results in the nickname of uid
    2, but I need all the users' nickname listed. How to do that? Sure
    other sqlSelect* give me some clues, but I kind of short on time,
    despite of my new acquiantance with perl and slash. Thanks for all

Does Slash work on Lindows?

    Has anyone successfully installed Slashcode on Lindows? Before I try it
    for myself, I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions. Should I
    use software available through Click-N-Run or download everything

Slash moderatorlog table a black hole of mystery

    Does anyone have the lowdown on the sturcture of the moderatorlog
    table? I assume this keeps track of individual moderations, etc. but
    part of the structure puzzles me: uid - moderator uid val - ?? sid -
    Story ID? (or discussion id?) ts - ?? cid - comment id cuid - uid of
    the comment poster (??) reason - mod reason ("offtopic", etc.) active -
    ?? m2count - number of metamods on this mod? If anyone has some insight
    into thie table structure, or can confirm or deny some of my guesses,
    it would help me a lot. --dbworrier 


    Announcing a new slash site devoted to digital film and media. The site
    aims to be a creative community in which users can share their work
    online, and engage in open discussion, review, and collaboration.
    http://www.theabstract.org --mbulat 

No Mail Sent?

    When I select "Mail Password" for a forgotten password i get this
    message, but no mail is ever sent (no entry in the sendmail maillog):
    retrying in 1 seconds... retrying in 1 seconds... The password for jim
    was just emailed. 

AxKit and Slash

    Has anyone tried running AxKit in the same mod_perl instance as Slash?
    I just tried but get the following errors on startup. I wonder if
    anyone could point me in the right direction for analysing this. What I
    don't understand is why simply adding in another perl handler would
    affect slash this way. httpd started Prototype mismatch: sub
    Slash::Apache::SlashVirtualUser vs ($$$) at
    /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/Sl ash/Apache.pm line
    71. Prototype mismatch: sub Slash::Apache::SlashSetVar vs ($$$$) at
    /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/Sl ash/Apache.pm line
    76. Prototype mismatch: sub Slash::Apache::SlashSetForm vs ($$$$) at
    /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/Sl ash/Apache.pm line
    81. Prototype mismatch: sub Slash::Apache::SlashCompileTemplates vs
    ($$$) at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i686-linux/Sl
    ash/Apache.pm line 129. The line I am enabling in the httpd.conf is
    PerlModule AxKit I'm using Slashcode 2.2.6 and the latest AxKit release
    as of a few days ago. 

Comment Color Coding Code Complete

    I have just submitted a patch that allows for the color coding of
    comments based on "freshness". Using a cookie set by article.pl and
    read by comments.pl the template makes the color of the table cell
    behind the comment subject one color if the comment was there the last
    time the user viewed the page and another color if the comment is new
    to that user. (note that this is being done on a site locked into
    Nested view, so every comment is visible and in a table box). This was
    not as easy as I thought it would be, and I would like to acknowledge
    the efforts of the entire team of people I work with [
    http://openflows.org ], as well important advice and help that was
    provided by Jamie in #slash and members of the slashcode-general
    mailing list. You can see the code in action at

Upcoming XHTML/Accessibility Slash theme

    I'm working on a theme based on the slashcode theme from CVS. The main
    goal with this theme is making Slash (more) accessible, usable and
    comply with the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0. This
    includes: Make Slash valid XHTML 1.1 Control layout with a external
    style-sheet ( should be valid Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 ) Remove
    all tables that are used for design Use <th> tags in all tables
    Add the <label> tag to all form labels use <h1>..<h6>
    to add structure to pages, not to get larger fonts add <abbr> and
    <acronym> tags where needed Remove light mode, since it won't be
    needed anymore I hope that I can finish this and do a first release
    real soon. This will also include a more complete list of changes.
    Since many of the Slashcode.com users have their own Slash sites, it
    would be interesting to hear if someone has some experience in making
    Slash more accessible / usable that they are willing to share. Any
    questions about the theme should be added as comment to this story
    and/or mailed directly to me. 


     A site dedicated to creating, maintaining resources for chemical
    engineers or individuals working with chemical informatics. Future
    development of information of chemical engineering issues: Refurbished
    Chemical hardware: Company directories and contacts: Open Source
    CAD/CAE chemical engineering software AMAZING! Site has sources for
    industrial contacts as well as academic research, programming in the
    emerging field. Please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for further participation.
    --M. Felzien 

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Insider's Guide Instant Win Tickets by Don D. Basina (Trade Paper)

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Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

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