O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    October 11, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

Wanted: Female Game Testers

    [0]BaronVonDuvet writes "The [1]BBC is covering [2]this story regarding
    the lack of female testers for the new Tomb Raider game. Given that
    there are a number of female gamers (admittedly far fewer than male
    gamers) why are they having so many problems finding women? Is this a
    sign that the female gaming market has never really taken off? Is the
    way men and women approach a game really that different? Are they
    really interested in finding women testers or is the whole thing a
    publicity stunt? If you're an interested woman maybe you should get in
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/
    2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2311293.stm

Live-Action Remake of Akira

    [0]GusherJizmac writes "Looks like Warner Bros. is looking to remake
    classic anime, Akira, as a [1]live action feature-length film. Will
    current computer generated special effects be enough to bring this
    masterpiece to life?" We [2]touched on this earlier, but now it looks
    closer to production, since Norrington has finished shooting for The
    League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/04/13/1349240&tid=97

The Aging Gamer

    An anonymous reader writes "There is a short [0]article at the
    Rochester Democrat and Chronicle about the surprising statistic that a
    large potion of computer gamers are over 35. This actually makes sense,
    since many of them began gaming in the 70's. A short and
    semi-interesting read." 
    0. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/biznews/1009story2_business.shtml

Slashback: DRM, Eldred, Aridity

    Slashback's updates and corrections tonight include Declan McCullagh's
    photos from the Eldred / Lessig Supreme Court appearance, a denial from
    Microsoft that the company is planning to charge customers extra for
    security features, a reminder about your chance (well, if you're an
    American) to tell your elected representatives what you think about
    mandated DRM technology, and more. Read on. 

Organizers Plan Online Medical School

    slashdot_commentator writes "Job has you down? Thinking of starting a
    second career? How about finally getting that medical degree you've
    been putting off? A group of more than 50 schools in 16 countries are
    working to create an [0]online medical school, in part to combat the
    "brain drain" that occurs when medical students go abroad for their
    education but do not return later. ... Organizers said that because
    degrees would be granted by individual participating schools, all of
    which are accredited, students should not have to worry about
    accreditation problems." 
    0. http://chronicle.com/free/2002/10/2002100901t.htm

New SecuROM Ties Protection to Physical Structure

    [0]bernardos70 writes "I read a brief article describing how the new
    version of [1]secuROM, which is already present in newer games, employs
    [2]a new encryption method which 'tie[s] itself specifically to the
    physical structure and characteristics of each disk'. Apparently
    companies are even ordering specially designed media to implement this
    method. I think that all this will do is frustrate the average joe
    trying to make legit copies, as the various groups online distributing
    ISO's are sure to find a way to bypass yet this new technology." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.securom.com/
    2. http://www.3dgpu.com/index.php?category=all&id=1201

Portable Scanner Solutions for Research?

    [0]Fished asks: "Lately, I'm finding that I need to do a lot of
    research in Libraries -- remember those? I'm tired of feeding dimes to
    the copiers, and would like to buy some kind of portable scanner to go
    with my Powerbook. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find one that will
    work. Back in the eighties, this were as common as dirt: they were
    small, four inch wide scanners that you could run over the page. Also,
    while I've found three portable scanners for PC's (from Antec and
    Pentax) even if I could somehow get them to work with Mac OS X, they
    are sheet-fed, which is useless for scanning pages out of books. Does
    anyone still make the old-fashioned Hand Scanners, and do they make
    them for Macs?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Reuters: 80% of Chinese Computers Virus Infected

    Alien54 writes "A rueters news report says that [0]80% of computers in
    China have been touched by a computer virus. They quote a a six-week
    survey conducted by the [Chinese] National Computer Virus Emergency
    Response Center cited in the official China Daily newspaper." 
    0. http://www.reuters.com/printerfriendly.jhtml?type=internetnews&StoryID=1557133

FCC Approves Digital Radio, Kills Satellite Merger

    n8willis writes "...Just saw [0]this AP article on Excite news: the FCC
    has just approved the first upgrade in broadcast radio technology in
    decades. It allows "CD quality" digital signals to be simulcast by
    stations along with their traditional analog feed. The tech comes from
    some company called [1]iBiquity, and unlike Sirius or XM satellite
    radio, there will be no charge for listening. Some radio buff want to
    tell us what they know about this concept?" And wiredog writes "The
    Federal Communications Commission has voted 4-0 to [2]reject a $26
    billion merger between satellite TV providers Echostar Communications
    and Hughes Electronics. 
    0. http://apnews.excite.com/article/20021010/D7MIOO901.html
    1. http://www.ibiquity.com/
    2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6596-2002Oct10.html

EBay Letting Fraud Slide?

    joebagodonuts writes "MSNBC has [0]an article charging that EBay’s
    tough talk on fraud is just that. Talk." To a certain extent, I can
    understand the problem of having hundreds of thousands of auctions, and
    not being able to adequately police them - but ignoring fraud, when you
    have a policy stating otherwise is a Bad Thing. 
    0. http://www.msnbc.com/news/809148.asp

annie 0.0 

    annie is a C++ API (library) for neural network training and execution.
    It can be linked to both Windows and Linux applications. Support for
    multi-layer perceptron networks and radial-basis networks is present. 

Axiom Photo/News Gallery 0.5.0 

    Axiom Photo/News Gallery is a photo and news gallery written in PHP
    that uses text files as a database. It is possible to create new
    albums, rate photos, post comments, upload news, and more. It can
    create both public and private galleries, and also supports themes and

BDControl 1.0.4 

    BDControl is an Objective-C framework that adds qualifier and sort
    ordering objects to Cocoa. This speeds development by making it easier
    to quickly perform complex manipulations on model objects. Qualifiers
    are predicates that can be applied to arbitrary objects. Sort orderings
    specify a way to sort arbitrary objects in a collection. 

BDRuleEngine 1.0.1 

    BDRuleEngine is an Objective-C framework that adds a rule system to
    Cocoa. The rule system provided by the BDRuleEngine framework provides
    a generic, data-driven mechanism for codifying business rules and
    evaluating them within a particular context. Business rules may be
    specified programmatically or in ruleset files, and are not evaluated
    directly but accessed via rule contexts that contain supporting data
    and a link to a particular rule model. 

CaMail 0.2 

    CaMail is a free modular Webmail system that uses mod_perl and Template
    Toolkit. It supports multiple IMAP/SMTP servers across multiple
    domains, and addressbooks via LDAP. In addition, LDAP is used to store
    sessions, contacts, groups, mail filters, and user preferences. 

Caraxy 1.0 

    Caraxy is a proxy that allows the Caramail chat system to be accessible
    from IRC clients. 

CDDB / CDDB_get 2.11 

    The CDDB/CDDB_get Perl module gets the CDDB info for an audio CD. The
    included script was intended as a demo for CDDB_get, but over time it
    has gained powerful features like the ability to write to a database,
    offline mode, HTTP mode (including proxy), saving in standard XMCD
    format, and writing 'lame' commands. 


    Class.Jabber.PHP is a class which you can use to connect to the Jabber
    network. It allows you to easily connect to a server and interact with
    it. It supports all packet types (message, iq, and presence), is very
    flexible, and offers both high-level methods (registration, message
    sending, etc.) and low-level methods (packet sending, etc.). 

GNU Transport Layer Security Library 0.5.9 

    GNU Transport Layer Security Library is a library which implements a
    secure layer over a reliable transport layer such as TCP/IP. It
    implements the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. GnuTLS is available for
    beta testing. 

GraceTMPL 0.3.0 

    GraceTMPL is a set of C++ classes which allow data to be saved as Grace
    files, optionally using a template. It is specifically designed to
    automate massive data plotting tasks with Grace. 

Hydra 0.0.7 

    Hydra is a high performance multi-threaded HTTP server. Unlike
    traditional multi-threaded Web servers, it uses a constant,
    configurable pool of threads, and each thread can handle several
    connections by multiplexing the connections. This is even better than
    non-blocking servers, since Hydra will use every available CPU in a
    multi-CPU system. It also has features such as host-based virtual
    hosting, HTTP 1.1 features, CGI 1.1, SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and more. 


    ircu is Undernet's own version of the standard ircd, offering many
    enhancements including the P10 protocol, flood protection and code

JamochaMUD beta9-02-10-09 

    JamochaMUD offers Unicode, plug-in, and multi-language support (8
    different languages) to allow a more enjoyable MUCKing/MUDding
    experience. It features command history, synchronized window controls,
    experimental SOCKS 5 support, and greatly improved ANSI colour support.
    It plays nice on Unix systems, supports a wide range of MU*s, and also
    includes emulation of some TinyFugue editor controls. It uses Java 1.1,
    and includes classes to be easily reused in other Java applications. 

Java MSN Messenger Library 0.2 

    This project is an MSN Messenger library developed in Java for the
    express purpose of easing the development of MSN Messenger clients. 

KDE 3.0.4 

    KDE is a powerful graphical desktop environment for Unix workstations.
    It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality and outstanding
    graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix
    operating system. KDE is a completely new desktop, incorporating a
    large suite of applications for Unix workstations. While KDE includes a
    window manager, file manager, panel, control center and many other
    components that one would expect to be part of a contemporary desktop
    environment, the true strength of this exceptional environment lies in
    the interoperability of its components. 

Krename 2.3.3 (Development)

    Krename is a very powerful batch file renamer for KDE3 which can rename
    a list of files based on a set of expressions. It can copy/move the
    files to another directory or simply rename the input files. Krename
    supports many conversion operations, including conversion of a filename
    to lowercase or to uppercase, conversion of the first letter of every
    word to uppercase, adding numbers to filenames, finding and replacing
    parts of the filename, and many more. It can also change access and
    modification dates, permissions, and file ownership. 

libGringotts 1.0.0 

    libGringotts is a small, easy-to-use, thread-safe C library originally
    developed for Gringotts. Its purpose is to encapsulate data in an
    encrypted and compressed file. It uses strong encryption algorithms
    to ensure the data are as safe as possible, and allow the user to have
    the complete control over all the encryption, hashing, and compression
    algorithms used in the process. It also provides functions for
    encrypting temporary files and to securely manage memory. 

libplot 0.3 

    libplot is a library for drawing graphics primitives such as lines and
    text into a bitmap. 

Linux Input Replay Module 0.1.15 (Development)

    The Linux Input Replay Module makes it possible to record the input of
    a process and afterwards replay the execution of the process. 

lnxupdate 0.1 

    This is a script to update the dat files used by Mcafee Antivius on a
    Linux box. It was created to optimize the update process on a mail
    server using qmail and AMaViS. 

mladmin 0.02 

    mladmin automates some tasks of the administrators of the mailing lists
    managed by Mailman. For example, it can automatically discard the
    messages being held for approval. 

mmftpd 0.0.10 devl 

    mmftpd is a secure FTP server that runs as a normal user, and supports
    virtual users only. Each user may have specific permissions, including
    the maximum home directory size limit and download/upload speeds. The
    daemon uses libpth for portable threads instead of fork(). It runs on
    both BSD and Linux systems, and is ideal for a setup with many Web
    virtual host customers. It was written from scratch, with no borrowed

mmmail suite 0.0.16 

    mmmail provides SMTP and POP3 daemons using MySQL, running as a
    non-root user. It also supports bandwidth shaping. Relaying is not
    supported, although it has been designed to handle many users on many
    virtual hosts. It is fast and secure, uses threads, and has been
    written entirely from scratch and does not rely on mbox or Maildir

My Scrapbook 

    MyScrapbook is a unique graphical mix between a content management tool
    and a message board. The PHP/MySQL system creates a Web site that looks
    and feels just like a book with chapters and subpages. 

Nogger 0.8.1 

    Nogger is a bloat-free Ogg Vorbis player using GTK 2. 

Pattern Recognition API 0.2b-10092002 

    The Pattern Recognition Application Programmer's Interface aims to be a
    fully-featured, easy-to-use general C++ framework for various pattern
    recognition tasks, especially image analysis. It features support for
    many image formats, well-known image analysis methods, classification
    and feature analysis tools, XML serialization, etc. 

phpAlum 0.2 

    phpAlum allows technically-savvy alumni to set up their own college or
    high school alumni site. It comes complete with Class Notes, Private
    and Public displays (for Alumni Privacy), Contact lists, Events
    (marriages, births, updates), and more. 

phpBrain Knowledgebase 0.1 

    PhpBrain is a fully functional knowledge base system. The system uses
    natural language queries and information browsing for data retrieval
    and allows users to contribute. Features include a full text/natural
    language query search, Yahoo-style browsing through information,
    Google-style rating of answers, and a newsletter signup which sends new
    or updated entries to subscribers. 

phppdflib 1.10 

    phppdflib is a PHP class that allows dynamic generation of PDF files.
    It focuses on being simple and easy to use but currently only supports
    a small subset of the full capabilities of PDF files. It was developed
    to provide predictable printing capabilities to Web-based applications
    written in PHP. 

pipemeter 0.7.2 

    pipemeter is a command line utility that displays the speed and, if
    possible, progress, of data moving from its input to its output. 

pyrad 0.2 

    pyrad is an implementation of a RADIUS client as described in RFC2865.
    It takes care of all the details like building RADIUS packets, sending
    them and decoding responses. 

Q 3.5.4 

    Q is a powerful and extensible functional programming language based on
    the term rewriting calculus. When programming with Q, you specify an
    arbitrary system of equations which the interpreter uses as rewrite
    rules to reduce expressions to normal form. Q is useful for scientific
    programming and other advanced applications, and also as a
    sophisticated kind of desktop calculator. The distribution includes the
    Q programming tools, a standard library, add-on modules for interfacing
    to GNU Octave, Tcl/Tk and IBM's Data Explorer, and an Emacs mode. 

qpsmtpd 0.11 

    qpsmtpd is a plugin driven, object-oriented qmail-smtpd. Features
    include tools to avoid accepting mails that have to bounce anyway, and
    a fancy object oriented system for extension plugins. Most
    functionality is implemented in simple plugins. 

Retep PDF II 2.2.1 

    Retep PDF II is a module that enables any Java application to produce
    PDF documents using the standard Java Printing APIs. It supports both
    Java 1 and 2 printing APIs, Java Print Service, and its own native API. 

The IBM Web Services Outsourcing Manager 1.0 

    Web Services Outsourcing Manager (WSOM) is a framework that enables
    dynamic composition of Web service flow based on customer requirements.
    The customer requirements are analyzed and optimized to generate an
    annotation document for business process outsourcing. This
    service-oriented architecture allows effective searching for
    appropriate Web services and integration of them into one composite Web
    service for performing a specific task. Meanwhile, it provides a
    seamless, integrated framework for composition of template- based
    business processes and event-driven business processes. 

Tiger security tool 3.1 

    TIGER is a set of Bourne shell scripts, C programs, and data files
    which are used to perform a security audit of Unix systems. The
    security audit results are useful both for system analysis (security
    auditing) and for real-time, host-based intrusion detection. 

TwistedJava 0.6 

    TwistedJava is an implementation of the Perspective Broker protocol in

UebiMiau 2.7.2 

    UebiMiau is a simple yet efficient WebMail system written in PHP. It
    features folders, View and Send Attachments, Preferences, Quota Limit,
    Search, and more. It does not require a database or IMAP server. 

Universe PHP extension 20020717 

    Universe is an extension to PHP to allow CORBA access from PHP scripts.
    It uses MICO as an ORB. Universe replaces the previous PHP extension
    Satellite that used ORBit as ORB. 

USAGI Project 20021007 

    The USAGI Project(UniverSAl playGround for Ipv6 Project), with the WIDE
    project, KAME Project and TAHI Project aims to provide a better IPv6
    environment on Linux. They are trying to improve the Linux kernel, IPv6
    related libraries and IPv6 applications. 

Waimea 0.3.4 (Development)

    Waimea is a virtual desktop window manager designed to be fast and
    highly customizable. It uses the Blackbox image rendering engine (with
    Blackbox styles support) and can use the Xft library for font rendering
    (with anti-aliased font support). It also features a very advanced
    configuration system with which it's possible to make Waimea behave
    like almost any other window manager. 

webCDwriter 2.4.0 

    webCDwriter can be used to make a single CD-writer available to all
    users in your network. It consists of the server CDWserver and the
    clients webCDcreator and rcdrecord. CDWserver stores the files
    transmitted by the clients, reserves the CD-writer and controls the
    CD-writer using cdrecord. webCDcreator is a Java applet that runs
    within your browser (Netscape or IE), assists you when putting together
    a CD, and transmits the files. Finally rcdrecord is a command line
    client that trys to offer the functionality of cdrecord over the

Working Overloaded Linux Kernel 3.7pre2 (Development)

     The Working Overloaded Linux Kernel (WOLK) project provides
    development kernels for testing purposes only. These kernels provide a
    service for developers and end users who can't be up-to-date with the
    latest kernels/patches but want to test new kernel features. Patches
    may be added upon request. 

X-ITEC CMS/R 2.10 

    X-ITEC CMS/R is a German content management system that has many
    features, good documentation, and tutorials, etc. 

UBB & Blogger conversion scripts TO Slash

    I have a large website that I am about to change to be Slash-based, but
    I have a truckload (800+) users already registered to my UBB
    installation. Is there an off-the-shelf script to create them as
    slash-users ? (same username / password) Also any other scripts to move
    the UBB topics to slash-format ? (I read the article here already) I
    also have a bunch of blogger blogs - is there a tool to migrate those
    posts to slash also. (I did a heap of looking around all over but
    couldn't find anything) 


    http://www.StackAttack.ca is up and running, come by to check out the
    news and more in the Canal+ vs. NDS satellite piracy lawsuit! Come
    Register Today... http://www.StackAttack.ca --xXx 

Instant Karma

    I'm trying to figure out where exactly Karma comes from. This may seem
    like a stupid question, but is there a direct one-to-one correlation
    between moderation points and karma points? If a comment receives a +1
    moderation, does that give the poster +1 Karma? I know there are other
    factors (submission_bonus, goodkarma, badkarma, etc...), but this is
    the one part I'm not sure about... 

Slash and Bugzilla in harmony?

    I am considering running Slashcode and Buzilla on the same server. Do
    any of you have experience with this setup? I plan to run them on the
    same daemon, using virtual hosting. 

No comments on polls

    I have a slash site recently upgraded to 2.2.6 It does not seem to
    offer users the chance to add comments to polls. Any idea why that
    might be? Is it a template issue that I have broken? or a bug in
    slashcode 2.2.6? eg http://news.diversebooks.com/pollBooth.pl?section=

install-slashsite needed for 2.2.5 -> 2.2.6?

    I'm in the process of upgrading from slash 2.2.5 to slash 2.2.6. I've
    done the make and make install steps, and everything seems to have gone
    fine so far. But I'm confused about the next step. The INSTALL file
    doesn't mention needing to run install-slashsite as part of the "Slash
    2.2.x -> Slash 2.2.y" section, so I thought maybe I didn't need to.
    But it mentions that my template customizations will likely have been
    overwritten by the install process, and gives instructions on how to
    deal with that, and at least in the steps I've performed so far, that
    hasn't happened. My modified templates are still showing up on the
    site. Which makes me think I haven't done something important, and
    running install-slashsite is my best guess as to what that might be. 

install troubles

    Just trying to get some slashcode going and all looked well. Started
    apache, and get the following in the error log [Sat Oct 5 09:06:42
    2002] [error] Undefined subroutine
    &Slash::Apache::User::userdir_handler::handler called. [Sat Oct 5
    09:06:42 2002] [error] Undefined subroutine
    &Slash::Apache::Log::handler called. I tried to install
    Slash::Apache, but to no avail, getting the following error on make
    test Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/Slash/Apache/Apache.so' for module
    Slash::Apache: ../blib/arch/auto/Slash/Apache/Apache.so: undefined
    symbol: perl_cmd_perl_TA KE1 at
    /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i686-linux/DynaLoader.p m line 206. I am
    running Apache 1.3.19 and red hat 7.1. I know both are sort of old, but
    I will shortly switch to my new box. Thanks 

Slash on a VPS (Virtual Private Server)

    Does anyone have experience running Slash on a VPS. I use one of these
    Virtual Private Servers (running FreeBSD) that companies like Verio,
    Interland and many others offer. You have what might be called 'virtual

Time stamp on blog site

    The time stamp on my submissions is 6 hours in the future. How do I
    correct this problem? Is this in the safe_mysql script where I set the
    TZ=GMT? Please help as having the correct time on the posts is critical
    to the success of this site as it contains time sensitive information.
    Also, how do I prevent postings to the site from users that do not have
    an account? 

Displaying multiple categories on home page?

    I'm sorry if I've missed something here, but I've just set up a slash
    site, and can't quite figure out how to get my home page to work like I
    want: My goal is to deploy a slash site internally where I work, with
    sections for the various groups on our project; R&D, CM, QA,
    marketing, etc. Then, each group can have "private" articles in their
    own section, and then front-page anything that would be of interest to
    everyone else (a new customer, major feature, reached a milestone,
    etc). As far as I can tell, however, right now, R&D guys would have
    to explicitly check both the R&D section, and the main section.
    Convincing people to regularly hit one web page will be hard enough;
    getting them to frequent two will be near impossible. The closest I can
    find to what I want is the "Collapse Sections" option, but in that
    case, R&D would be forced to see all the marketting drudge, and
    vice versa. You can blacklist certain categories, but then it defeats
    the whole purpose of doing this. Is there something I'm just being
    dense and missing? 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital (SD) Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $127.99 

MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $63.95 

128MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $42.99 

256MB PC133 SDRAM (Generic Memory)

    Lowest Price: $20.90 

1GB Microdrive with PC Card Adapter (IBM)

    Lowest Price: $239.00 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

GRE Big Book by Educational Staff (Paper Text)

    Lowest Price: $27.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $17.97 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $18.99 

Insider's Guide Instant Win Tickets by Don D. Basina (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $10.02 

Hooked on Phonics by  (Analog Audio Cassette; Paper Text)

    Lowest Price: $107.96 

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