O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    December 01, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

National Virtual Observatory

    [0]scubacuda writes "[1]According to this Technology Review article,
    U.S. astronomers (compliments of a $10M grant from the National Science
    Foundation) are building a [2]National Virtual Observatory to make
    accessible terabytes of astrononomical data to a web browser. One
    interesting challenge is how the scientists are going to query so many
    *different* distributed databases (which they're leaving in their
    respective places to avoiding clogging network bandwidth)." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/wo_essex112202.asp
    2. http://www.us-vo.org/

Sega Master System is Reborn

    Nick of NSTime writes "Various [0]sources are reporting that a
    Brazilian company is releasing a new version of the venerable Sega
    Master System, dubbed the Sega Master System III. The case is a radical
    departure from the old SMS and SMS II. The thing to get excited about:
    it will include [1]74 games built-in. The translated page can be found
    0. http://www.classicgaming.com/

Ogg/Vorbis on Palm OS

    [0]loshwomp writes "We have built an audio player for [1]Palm OS, and a
    public beta is [2]available now. The beta includes support for
    [3]Ogg/Vorbis audio, and a future beta will include plug-ins for more
    formats, as well as the plug-in SDK itself." 
    0. http://www.AerodromeSoftware.com
    1. http://www.palmsource.com/
    2. http://www.aerodromesoftware.com/
    3. http://www.vorbis.com/

DreamHack Winter 2002

    [0]JJC writes "[1]DreamHack, a huge LAN party, is taking place this
    weekend in Sweden. Here's some [2]information in English and a [3]daily
    report from sponsors ASUS. [4]This and [5]this ought to give you an
    idea of the scale of the thing. Here's the [6]obligatory webcam and
    their [7]Internet bandwidth graph. It's a massively impressive event,
    wish I was there! :-)" 
    0. http://slashdot.org/~JJC
    1. http://www.dreamhack.org/dhw02/index.php4
    2. http://event.asus.com.tw/se/dreamhack2002/
    3. http://event.asus.com.tw/se/dreamhack2002/daily.htm
    4. http://www.dreamhack.org/dhw02/foton/021125_bordsbygge.jpg
    5. http://www.dreamhack.org/dhw02/foton/021126_jolt.jpg
    7. http://stat.event.dreamhack.org/

Star Control 2 Released Under the GPL

    Jagasian writes "The classic computer space adventure role playing game
    known as [0]Star Control 2 has been officially ported from its obsolete
    mono-platform source code to modern multi-platform C++/SDL source code.
    The game is open source, and compiles and runs on Linux! The alpha
    release binaries are available for [1]download now!" 
    0. http://sc2.sourceforge.net/
    1. http://sc2.sourceforge.net/downloads.html

5 Predictions for 2012

    [0]Structured Audio writes "Mike Langberg of the Merc put up his 5
    technology [1]predictions for 2012. Well chosen, although of course in
    2012 speech recognition will still be 10 years away :-)." 
    0. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~lazzaro/sa/index.html
    1. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/bayarea/business/4635704.htm


    The_Hiro writes ""Farenheit 451 - meets - Brave New World - meets -
    Matrix" (minus the overdone wire work). Created on a limited budget,
    Equilibrium combines the best of sci-fi with the action genre.
    Unfortunately, the marketing droids at Dimension have neglected to
    promote the film (release date: Dec. 6th). [0]Chud.com has a [1]glowing
    review of the film and some pretty pictures. Check out the [2]trailer
    0. http://www.chud.com/
    1. http://www.chud.com/news/oct02/oct28equilibrium.php3
    2. http://www.hollywood.com/multimedia/popup_Main.asp?media=1701124


    [0]TMDC Organizing writes "There's less than two weeks left to the
    [1]fifth pseudoannual text mode demo compo submission deadline. The
    web-submission system is finally online, and you can also chat about
    [1]TMDC5 on ircnet #tmdc5. Even if you haven't started on an entry yet,
    there's still time!" 
    0. http://www.tAAt.fi/tmdc/
    1. http://www.taat.fi/tmdc/

PostgreSQL 7.3 Released

    [0]rtaylor writes "Nearly a year's worth of work is out. The new
    [1]tricks include schema support, prepared queries, dependency
    tracking, improved privileges, table (record) based functions, improved
    internationalization support, and a whole slew of other new features,
    fixes, and performance improvements. [2]Release Email - [3]Download
    Here - [4]Mirror FTP sites (at bottom)." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://developer.postgresql.org/docs/postgres/release.html#RELEASE-7-3
    2. http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-announce/2002-11/msg00004.php
    3. http://advocacy.postgresql.org/download/
    4. http://www.postgresql.org/

Immobile Robots

    [0]Roland Piquepaille writes "Wade Roush wrote a long and
    well-documented article for the Technology Review about this new
    concept, the immobot, short for "immobile robot." He gives different
    industrial examples, from NASA to the water utility in Porto Alegre,
    and from Toyota cars to some new Xerox photocopiers. And he looks at
    the programming model behind the immobots. No "heuristic" programs
    here, but model-based programs instead. [1]Check this column for
    details." The [2]original article has more information. 
    0. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/
    1. http://radio.weblogs.com/0105910/2002/11/30.html
    2. http://techreview.com/articles/roush1202.asp?p=0

Window Managers

    The freedom of choice offered by GNU and Linux, combined with the
    technological design of the X Window System, gives desktop users a
    windowing environment with a flexibility and capability that is
    unrivaled. In recent times, the desktop Linux world has been enriched
    beyond recognition by the KDE and GNOME projects, but window managers
    are still at the heart of these environments, as well being used widely
    on their own. In this review, I'll delve into this exciting world and
    look at the development and the state of the art of some of the most
    significant and most popular window managers. 

adcfw-log 0.6.1 

    adcfw-log is a tool for analyzing firewall logs in order to extract
    meaningful information. It is designed to be a standalone script with
    very few requirements that can generate different kinds of reports,
    such as fully formatted reports of what had been logged, with summaries
    by source or destination host, the type of service, or protocol. There
    are also options to filter the input data by date, host, protocol,
    service, and so on. 

aviManager 0.8beta 

    aviManager helps you manage your (large) movie (DVD, DivX) collection.
    It ships with an intelligent voting system for many users, and attempts
    to find the best movie to watch. There is also a nice IMdb grabber for
    fast movie adding. 

Buildtool 0.7 

    Buildtool is a set of integrated utilities which make programs more
    portable and easier to build on any kind of Unix-like system. 

CDRX 0.3.1p1 

    CDRX is a menu-based Perl script designed to help you use your CDRW
    with mkisofs and cdrecord to handle ISO creation, CDROM/CDRW device
    scans and setup, CDRW blanking, and CDRW burns. It is designed to
    supplant the need for an X-based CD burning utility, to provide
    features not found in other Unix CD burning programs, and to be easy
    for beginners to use. 

chrpath 0.10 

    chrpath allows you to modify the dynamic library load path (rpath and
    runpath) of compiled programs and libraries. 

CLIP 0.99.7 

    CLIP is a Clipper/XBase compatible compiler with initial support for
    FoxPro, Flagship, and CAVO syntax. It supports Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
    and Win32 (via Cygwin). It features support for international languages
    and character sets, including two-bytes character sets like Chinese and
    Japanese. It also features OOP, a multiplatform GUI based on
    GTK/GTKextra, all SIX/Comix features (including hypertext indexing),
    SQL, a C-API for third-party developers, a few wrappers for popular
    libraries (such as BZIP, GZIP, GD, Crypto, and Fcgi), multitasking,
    mouse events, and more. 

DNews 5.6e2 

    The DNEWS News Server is a (USENET) news server. Installing your own
    local news server software gives you complete control to create your
    own discussion forums for communication. DNews News Server software
    provides many features, including ease-of-use, reliability, and

DOM Tooltip 0.3.0 

    DOM Tooltip allows developers to have dynamic and configurable tooltips
    on HTML pages. This library supports Mozilla/Netscape6+, IE 5+,
    Konqueror, and Opera 7. The tooltips are configured through three class
    definitions in a stylesheet, and consist of two parts, the caption and
    the content, where the caption is optional. Tooltips can be either
    greasy or sticky, where sticky tips stick around after mouseout and
    require a click to close. Sticky tips are also draggable. The key to
    this project is that it is powerful, yet simple. "Tooltips"
    can also mean dynamic embedded windows (using iframes, hidden HTML, or
    even hidden forms) or custom context menus for mouse click events. The
    infamous select box z-index bug in IE/Mozilla is also handled by this
    library automatically. 

Enterprise Gantt 0.4.1 

    Enterprise Gantt is a Gantt chart library, and is becoming a generic
    charting library to support a variety of charts. The library strongly
    conforms to the Model View Controller architecture recommended by Sun.
    A lot of effort has been put into this library, from the design
    perspective rather than the feature perspective, to make this the most
    flexible library of its kind. 

fixbb 1.0 

    fixbb repairs the incorrect bounding box for PostScript files created
    by many Windows applications. It uses bbfig to compute the bounding
    box, and then fixes any existing bounding box that is in the file. (It
    currently doesn't add a bounding box to PostScript files that do not
    have it.) 

GMasqdialer 0.99.13 

    GMasqdialer provides a GNOME/GTK client for the Masqdialer system. The
    masqdialer system provides a user-friendly cross-platform method of
    controlling a masquerade box's modem connection from any computer on a

googleware 1.7 

    Googleware is a little Web application that let you request for several
    queries to be regulary asked to Google. You will be notified by mail
    each time a new entry is found, and you may browse query results with
    any regular Web browser. 

icoutils 0.17.0 

    The icoutils are a set of programs for extracting and converting images
    in Microsoft Windows icon and cursor files. These files usually have
    the extension .ico or .cur, but they can also be embedded in
    executables and libraries (.dll-files). Icoutils can also create icon
    and cursor files. 

ifGraph 0.4.7rc1 (Release Candidate)

    ifGraph is a set of Perl scripts created to help network administrators
    to visualize network flow on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly
    basis. The graphics are created with RRDTool, and it shows bytes
    (in/out) and errors for each interface. It also shows the
    current/average/max use and the respective link/interface usage in
    percentages. The program also outputs HTML files to make the
    visualization of the PNG/GIF/GD images more friendly and easy. 

Jumpgate 0.7 

    Jumpgate is a TCP connection forwarder that provides many enhancements
    and improvements over the existing programs that do the same thing. 

kbarcode 1.1.0 (Development)

    kbarcode is a KDE3-based program for creating, handling, managing, and
    printing barcodes for private or business purpose. kbarcode is able to
    handle all major types of barcodes, like UPC, EAN, CODE39, and ISBN. It
    comes with a label designer to create customized labels and a batch
    print function. It's designed to print several thousands barcodes in
    one pass, but also allows you to easily print a single label. kbarcode
    uses SQL to store all information about articles, barcodes, customers,

Linux 2.4.20 (2.4)

    Linux is a clone of the Unix kernel, written from scratch by Linus
    Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the
    Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance. It
    has all the features you would expect in a modern fully-fledged Unix
    kernel, including true multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries,
    demand loading, shared copy-on-write executables, proper memory
    management, and TCP/IP networking. 

lookat 1.3.1 

    "lookat" (or "bekijk" in Dutch) is a program to
    view text files and manual pages. It is designed to be more
    user-friendly than more conventional text viewers such as less. 

Megamek.NET 0.2953 

    Megamek.NET is a Java application that allows one to chat and play
    MegaMek Games (which are very similar to Battletech). It also allows
    one to enroll into the ongoing campaign to fíght for one of the
    5 houses or the Periphery. Currently it has a campaign set in 3025 but
    will soon feature another campaign set in 3060. 

Network system locator 2.3.0 

    Netinfo uses SNMPv2 to collect information from CISCO switches and
    routers. It combines the data, providing IP-to-MAC mappings and the
    physical network location of each IP/MAC address. It monitors changes
    of IP addresses, MAC addresses, or network location. It also reports
    duplicate IPs or MACs that are using more than one IP address. It is
    meant as a NOC tool. 

NoX-Wizard 0.82rc2 (Development)

    NoX-Wizard is a cross platform Ultima Online server emulator written in
    C++. It provides a powerful scripting engine and many other features. 

Openwall Linux kernel patch 2.4.20-ow0 (Linux 2.4)

    The Openwall Linux kernel patch is a collection of security
    "hardening" features for the Linux kernel. In addition to the
    new features, some versions of the patch contain various security
    fixes. The "hardening" features of the patch, while not a
    complete method of protection, provide an extra layer of security
    against the easier ways to exploit certain classes of vulnerabilities
    and/or reduce the impact of those vulnerabilities. The patch can also
    add a little bit more privacy to the system by restricting access to
    parts of /proc so that users may not see what others are doing. 

Openwall Linux kernel patch 2.2.22-ow2 (Linux 2.2)

    The Openwall Linux kernel patch is a collection of security
    "hardening" features for the Linux kernel. In addition to the
    new features, some versions of the patch contain various security
    fixes. The "hardening" features of the patch, while not a
    complete method of protection, provide an extra layer of security
    against the easier ways to exploit certain classes of vulnerabilities
    and/or reduce the impact of those vulnerabilities. The patch can also
    add a little bit more privacy to the system by restricting access to
    parts of /proc so that users may not see what others are doing. 

Otak 1.2.19 

    Otak provides a visual interface to command line programs that don't
    have one, that allows users to select arguments from a menu. For
    example, it can be used as an address book program with Mutt (the
    default), or as a phone book with SMS sending software, or even as a
    list of hosts for SSH or FTP. 

perltrash 0.1 

    perltrash is a Perl script that emulates a "trash can".
    Instead of permanently deleting files, they are moved into the trash
    can. Files can be restored in the future if they are needed again. 

phpDnsZoneAdmin 0.4 

    DnsAdmin is a PHP-based application designed to take some of the
    headaches out of running a BIND nameserver. It features a simple to use
    interface for adding, deleting, and modifying zones, user management,
    and server management functions. The main goal of DnsAdmin was to allow
    remote admins to manage zones on the server without needing access to
    the commandline. 

Python Cyrus Utils 1.0 

    Python Cyrus Utils is a collection of utilites that are useful for
    administering the Cyrus IMAP server and its sasldb database. 

PyTone 1.9.7 

    PyTone is an MP3 jukebox written in Python with a curses-based GUI.
    While providing advanced features like crossfading and multiple
    players, special emphasis is put on ease of use, making PyTone an ideal
    jukebox system for use at parties. 

Rational PIC Assembler 1.0 

    Rational PIC Assembler is an assembler for the mid-range
    microcontrollers from Microchip. It features Intel-style mnemonics and
    target- first operand ordering, and was designed to feel comfortable
    for PC assembly programmers. 

SMS Server Tools 1.7.8 

    The SMS Server Tools were made to send and receive SMS from one or many
    GSM modems. They include a send/receive daemon and some sample scripts
    to build an SMS email gateway and for logging into an SQL database. The
    daemon waits for files in an outgoing spool directory and sends them.
    It puts all received SMS in an incoming spool directory, and can call
    any external program for incoming or outgoing notification. 

StarEnli-DR16 1.0 

    StarEnli-DR16 (based on a previous Star Trek-inspired theme by Canin)
    is a fully Enlightenment 0.16.x compliant theme with support for
    epplets, an Eterm theme, and a variety of border types. Many of its
    features are shown in the screenshot. The background in the screenshot
    comes from digitalblasphemy.com, and is not included in the theme. GTK
    and Xdefaults themes are also available. 

Stern Shortnews Viewer 1.0 

    Stern Shortnews Viewer is a viewer for the German language Stern
    Shortnews that produces text or HTML output and can view specified
    categories and subcategories. 

Stringprep 0.0.3 

    Libstringprep implements the IETF stringprep specification, and is used
    to prepare internationalized strings (such as domain name labels,
    usernames, and passwords) in order to increase the likelihood that
    string input and string comparison work in ways that make sense for
    typical users throughout the world. 

SynCE 0.5 

    The purpose of the SynCE project is to provide a means of communication
    with a Windows CE or Pocket PC device from a computer running Linux,
    *BSD, or another Unix system. 

tlogsim 0.3.0 

    tlogsim is an extensible graphical logic circuit simulator for GTK 2. 

ulim 1.0 

    Ulim is a Linux kernel module which enforces resource limits on every
    process in the system. There are already solutions like pam_limit, but
    there are some places where the user can execute his programs, but PAM
    is not used (for example .forward or .procmailrc files, or CGI
    scripts). Ulim works in the kernel and sets the limits whenever a
    process changes its real UID, so every process run by a user will have
    the correct limits. 

wmDrawer 0.9.12 

    wmDrawer is a dockapp which provides a drawer (button bar) from which
    applications can be launched. 

XPLC 0.1.6 (Development)

    XPLC is a component framework similar to Microsoft COM or Mozilla's
    XPCOM, but with a number of differing goals. For example, transparent
    remote execution and exceptions are not supported, but in exchange it
    features ease of use, high performance (low overhead), and high
    flexibility. It is currently under development. 

xsel 0.04.1 

    Xsel is a quick hack to give access to the X selection from the
    command-line. You can then copy stuff between stdin/stdout and the X
    selection buffer. For example, 'echo puppa | xsel -c' makes
    "puppa" the current X selection. 'xsel -p | less' pastes the
    current X selection to less. 

YAZ 1.9.2 

    YAZ (yet another Z39.50 toolkit) is a portable C/C++ programmer's
    toolkit which supports the development of Z39.50v3 clients and servers.
    Sample clients and a server are included with the distribution. 

yaz++ 0.5 

    YAZ++ is a C++ programmer's toolkit supporting the development of
    Z39.50v3 clients and servers. It includes an implementation of the ZOOM
    C++ binding, a generic YAZ++ client/server API, and a powerful Z39.50

Slashcode install on RedHat 8.0

    I just got Slashcode installed on RedHat 8.0 and I documented the
    process here: http://www.heltzel.org/slashcode.html I hope this can
    help others trying to do the same thing. 

CTDATA.com Publishes Its 1,000th Story

    I'm pretty proud of the fact that CTDATA.com published its 1,000th
    article at 10:56am this morning. Not bad for a site that's still
    running some pretty ancient code. We've done some interesting stuff
    with Slash in the past year, but most of it is hidden from the casual
    visitor to our three Slash-based sites. Hopefully, we'll get on the
    main branch of the project in the next few months-- we can't be relics

What exactly is isolation mode for?

    Each section has an isolation mode property, that determines (I think)
    wether or not sories from that section will be displayed on the front
    page or not. In addition, each story has it's own DisplayMode property,
    that, in effect, does the same thing. Which takes precedence? If Slash
    always uses the individual story's displaymode to determine whether to
    display the story, what's the point of the section-level isolation

Restricting Article Access?

    I've just started up a new slash site, however one feature that I would
    like, which doesn't seem to exist, is the ability to restrict users
    from reading certain stories. I know this seems counter-productive,
    however I have a valid reason. Namely that I have a subset of users who
    have more privileges, and thus stuff applies to them that wouldn't
    apply to regular users. It seems like the concept of a "security
    level", which users have, might be an ideal way to restrict Article
    viewing. I'm sure I can kludge something myself, but if there's already
    a supported/good way to do this, then that would be great. 

How to kickstart meta-moderation?

    I have a small slash site with a small number of users (by design) with
    a few dozen stories and probably fewer than 200 comments posted so far.
    The slash engine is handing out moderation points, perhaps because I
    reset some of the configuration variables. But meta-moderation is not
    operating.I recall that this has something to do with the number of
    moderations (I'd look in the archives but the search function on
    slashcode has been down for a while...). Unfortunately, I have one user
    who could stand some meta-moderation NOW, before he drives other users
    away with his down-mods. Yet I don't see any configuration variables or
    anything else I can tweak to make meta-moderation start up. I would
    rather the enforcement of community standards come from the community
    rather than some heavy-handed act by the site administration. Any way
    to force meta-moderation on? 

Show Domains: Explain, please.

    On the user comments options page, an option exists to "Show the links
    domain only in recommended situations". What are the "recommended
    situations", exactly? How does this differ from the option to "Always
    show link domains"? 

Upgrading to MySQL 4?

    In order to support some other projects I need to roll out on my
    server, I need to upgrade to a real ACID database, which supports
    transactions. Has anybody yet tried using Slash running on MySQL 4.0,
    which now supports transactions? Are there any caevats or tricks to
    doing the switchover, beyond the general upgrade notes for MySQL? 

Slash plugins and version 2.3

    I've been looking at a lot of modules (specifically email.pm and
    Galleria), and it appears that they all require Slash version 2.3. Is
    upgrading from 2.2.6 to one of the 2.3 versions dangerous? Is it as
    simple as compiling and installing? Are there places to get these
    plugins written for the release version of Slash? Or am I being a

How to Make Users Authors?

    What is the proper way to turn users into authors? I'm interested in
    this because I would like to use Slash as something my group uses to
    communicate with each other and the world. I would like the people in
    the group to function as the authors since it is their site. I've been
    looking around in documentation and FAQs but can't find this documented

SubnetID is masked using what?

    When Slash stores the SubnetID in the database, what Subnet mask is it
    using? I was hoping to find this in the vars table, but no luck. Any

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    Lowest Price: $28.15 

Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $8.78 

Coffee Makers by Edward Bramah (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $25.16 

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