O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    December 06, 2002                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Cube Fodder: Tangle Desktop Toy

Gadgets: Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA

Gadgets: Key Katcher

Tshirts: Kids: newbie

Caffeine: Energy Gum

Gadgets: Super Bright GREEN Laser Pointer!

Gadgets: SoundBug - Turns Glossy Surfaces Into Speakers!

Tshirts: It Must Be User Error

Gadgets: Key Katcher Privacy Device

Gadgets: Mini Wireless Color Video Cam (for RC rovers)

Cube Goodies: Levitron Desktop Levitation Toy

Tshirts: Bug Off, I'm On My Break

Watches: onHand PC Watch

Caffeine: Hyperglow Caffeinated Beer

Gadgets: Desktop Zero Point Infinite Power Generator

Cube Fodder: New Desktop Mini Fridge/Warmer

Mods: New Lian-LIi Cases

Cube Fodder: LED Binary Clock

Cube Fodder: Rogers Connection Magnetic Set

Caffeine: Warp Mints In Cinnamon Flavor

Automated Security Tools
    Release Candidate 1

    phpLotto 1st Release

Legend of the Wonderer TCG
    battle system in the project Docs

Advanced Simlulation Toolkit

    PHPortal version 0.1.9 released!

PCGen -- A d20 Character Generator
    PCGen 2.6.3 is available

MySQL Objective C API for Cocoa
    SMySQL version 0.7.0

i810 Framebuffer Device Driver
    Video Overlay Support for the Intel 810 and 815 Framebuffer

'Just For Fun' Network Management System
    JFF Network Management System 0.6.4

    VietPad 1.0.2 Release

Angry Spirited Away Fans Strike Back

    [0]peter_gzowski writes "[1]Anime News Network is [2]reporting that,
    'The Japanese consumers in the Kyoto and Hyogo prefectures of Japan
    have filed a lawsuit against Walt Disney Japan over the red tint on the
    Japanese DVD release of Spirited Away.' Japanese consumers who
    purchased the Spirited Away DVD were very disappointed when they
    discovered a red tint to the film. A hundred thousand consumers
    complained, but Buena Vista Home Entertainment Japan (a subsidiary of
    Walt Disney) pretended [3]nothing was wrong with the disc. The original
    source of news of the suit can be found (in Japanese) at [4]Mainichi.
    No response from Disney yet." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/
    2. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=2884
    3. http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/newspro/arc6-2002.html
    4. http://www.mainichi.co.jp/news/selection/20021203k0000m040155000c.html

End In Sight For Alpha

    [0]minektur writes "[1]news.com has an article stating that DEC ... I
    mean Compaq .... Uh, I mean HP has decided to [2]EOL the once mighty
    Alpha architecture. Let's all take a moment of silence." I was lucky
    enough to have access to a 533 MHz Alpha back when the fastest Pentiums
    were only around 200 MHz, and the Alpha architecture earned a special
    place in my heart. It will be missed. 
    0. mailto:junk@cl[ ].org ['ift' in gap]
    1. http://www.news.com
    2. http://news.com.com/2100-1001-976211.html

Shocker: Despicable Conduct From a Disney Lawyer

    An Anonymous Coward writes: "[0]Phil Lelyveld, ([1]email) a senior
    intellectual property attorney for Disney, has written to the FCC to
    tell them to ignore [2]Digital Consumer's comments on the [3]Broadcast
    Flag issue. The Broadcast Flag is an inter-industry conspiracy to turn
    over the keys to general-purpose computing to Hollywood studio execs --
    under this proposal, no one will be able to ship digital television
    technology (like DVD recorders and FireWire) without Hollywood's
    permission. Lelyveld wrote to the FCC -- who are [4]taking comments on
    the proposal -- without mentioning his day-job, to tell them that
    Digital Consumer, a civil liberties groups with more than 40,000
    members, is nothing more than a "two dot.com millionaires" working to
    create a world "where we are all artist/waiters." Joined the [5]EFF
    Yet? (or is it time to renew?) 
    0. http://www.siimage.com/press/03_14_00.asp
    1. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    2. http://www.digitalconsumer.org/
    3. http://bpdg.blogs.eff.org/
    4. http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-225218A1.txt
    5. http://eff.org/join.html

New Look at ADSL2

    [0]genrader writes "[1]broadbandreports.com just posted a [2]news
    article which had an interesting story about the new ADSL2, which
    should be approved in 2003. They say it should be backward compatible
    with current hardware. It seems pretty interesting. [3]ISP-Planet has
    the featured in-depth look at it, so you might want to see if it is of
    any intrest to you." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.dslreports.com/
    2. http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/24111
    3. http://isp-planet.com/

Sony To Package StarOffice On European PCs

    Jahf writes "This [0]News.com article talks about how Sony is adopting
    Sun's [1]Star Office suite over Microsoft office in some areas. It's
    nice to see it being adopted, maybe this is the beginning of a trend.
    While Star Office is still not as optimized as it could be (read: it
    eats memory and can be a little slow even compared to MS Office), it
    has all the features most people need and then some at a much better
    price." Specifically, as reader [2]Yacoubean points out (pointing to
    [3]coverage at InfoWorld),"The PCs will be sold in the United Kingdom,
    France, Spain, Germany, Austria and Switzerland." 
    0. http://news.com.com/2100-1040-976239.html
    1. http://www.sun.com/staroffice/
    2. http://www.techfeed.net/
    3. http://www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/12/04/021204hnsonystar.xml

Theater Morphing Into Multi-Player Gaming Arena

    J3zmund writes "This [0]article highlights the attempt by ESports Arena
    to bring gaming to the masses. They're building what looks like a
    command center with gaming equipment, comfy chairs, and big screens to
    follow the action. For the price of a movie, patrons can frag to their
    hearts' content for 2 hours (extra time available, of course). This
    could sprawn some interesting events (once gaming goes beyond 'kill').
    With The Sims ready to go online this month, it could open this up to a
    much larger audience than the "young males" they currently identify.
    How 'bout some Sim Rocky Horror Online Saturday nights..." 
    0. http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/business/20021205-9999_1b5gaming.html

Kid-Safe Domain Created

    Jadecristal writes "The [0]Washington Post announces that [1]President
    Bush has [2]signed legislation to create a .kids.us domain. The
    legislation mandates that those with a .kids.us site not be allowed to
    link to any site outside the .kids.us domain." At the very least, it
    makes filtering easy. 
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/
    1. http://www.whitehouse.gov/
    2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8016-2002Dec4.html

Slashback: TIPS, FatWallet, MPlayer

    Slashback with words on the demise of TIPS, MPlayer's newest add-in,
    Revolution OS on DVD, Wal-Mart blinking first in their fight with
    FatWallet, and more. Read on for the details. 

Wal-Mart Lindows PCs Selling Well

    [0]andyring writes "[1]CNN.com is [2] reporting that sales of the $199
    PCs have exceeded expectations. Although CNN terms them "full fledged,
    if low power," it seems customers don'd mind all that much if their
    computer does not run Windows and doesn't carry an Intel processor.
    Slashdot covered [3]two reviews of those machines July 4." 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://www.cnn.com/
    2. http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/ptech/12/05/sproject.hs02.cheap.pc.reut/index.html
    3. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/04/1151228&tid=163

How Much Do You Pay to Host Your Website?

    [0]DosGusanos asks: "I was curious how much people around the U.S. and
    around the world pay for hosting. Obviously size in cabinets/rack
    units/square feet, included features such as bandwidth, UPS/generator,
    management, etc. factor in. The configuration I am particularly
    interested in is three machines, one www, one search, and one database.
    The machines would be hooked up to a T1 and networked to one another
    over Ethernet. Anyone paying for colo or hosting in this same ballpark?
    How happy/upset are you with your provider?" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

BSDftpd-ssl 0.6.1 

    BSDftpd-ssl is a TLS/SSL-enhanced FTP server. It is based on FreeBSD's
    ftpd, and the TLS/SSL enhancement allows RFC 2228 "FTP Security
    Extensions"-compliant TLS/SSL support for both control and data
    connections. This feature requires special clients; with standard
    clients, this software operates as a standard FTP server. 

cscreenshot 0.1.1 

    cscreenshot is a small Python program that takes a screenshot of a
    desktop and creates a thumbnail using ImageMagick. It can output HTML
    based on a template, and upload the HTML file and images via FTP. 

Facade 1.0.1 

    Facade enables developers to build highly modular Web applications.
    Arbitrary event handlers can be easily mapped to parts of request or
    event URLs via a configuration file, whereby unitizing, refactoring,
    and maintaining Web applications becomes very simple. 

feh 1.2.3 

    feh is a fast, lightweight image viewer which uses imlib2. It is
    commandline-driven and supports multiple images through slideshows,
    thumbnail browsing or multiple windows, and montages or index prints
    (using truetype fonts to display file info). Advanced features include
    fast dynamic zooming, progressive loading, loading via HTTP (with
    reload support for watching webcams), recursive file opening (slideshow
    of a directory hierarchy), and mousewheel/keyboard control. 

GNU TeXmacs 

    GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific text editor, which was inspired by
    both TeX and GNU Emacs. The editor allows you to write structured
    documents via a "wysiwyg" and user friendly interface. The
    program implements high quality typesetting algorithms and TeX fonts.
    It is also possible to use TeXmacs as an interface to computer algebra
    systems. Finally, TeXmacs supports the Guile/Scheme extension language,
    which makes it possible to adapt the user interface to specific needs,
    and even to extend the editor. 

Graphical certification authority 0.2.11 

    Graphical certification authority is an interface for managing RSA keys
    and certificates, and the creation and signing of PKCS#10 requests. It
    uses the OpenSSL library and a Berkeley DB for key and certificate
    storage. It supports importing and exporting keys and PEM DER PKCS8
    certificates, signing and revoking of PEM DER PKCS12, and the selection
    of x509v3 extensions. A tree view of certificates is presented. 

gtkmm 2.0.2 

    gtkmm (previously known as Gtk--) is a C++ interface for the popular
    GUI library GTK+. It provides a convenient interface for C++
    programmers to create graphical user interfaces with GTK+'s framework.
    Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets which are extensible by
    inheritance, and many classes that can be easily combined to quickly
    create complex user interfaces. 

Iris 0.2 

    Iris is a CGI script, config samples, and instructions to build an
    email server with virtual domains support and web based account and
    domain administration. It is based on Exim, Cyrus IMAP, MySQL, and

Katie snapshot-16 

    Katie is a revision control system, somewhat like a cross between CVS
    and NFS, that was inspired by Rational ClearCase. The three most
    interesting features of Katie are that the repository is mounted as a
    filesystem (rather than being copied to a local workspace), that all
    versions of all files (even deleted ones) are accessible through this
    filesystem (so there is, for example, no need for a Katie-specific diff
    command like CVS has), and that directories are versioned (just like
    files are). Basic operations (creation of elements, checkout, checkin,
    dynamic views, config specs, and branches) work, but there is much work
    still to go before it will be generally useful. 

KXParse 1.3 

    KXParse is a PHP-based, lightweight, easy-to-use XML parser, with no
    need of installation because it's just an include file that's loaded on
    the fly. 

lvs-kiss 1.0 (Stable)

    lvs-kiss is designed to make load-balancing with fail-over simpler. The
    primary design-goal is for you to get load-balancing with fail-over up
    and running withing an hour or so. The secondary design goal is to be
    able to make this software as flexible as possible. Embedding of perl
    in configuration-files and load-balancing with custom made tests should
    be possible without too much hassle. 

MacOS9 0.2 

    MacOS9 is a theme resembling the operating system of the same name. 

Megamek.NET 0.2954 

    Megamek.NET is a Java application that allows one to chat and play
    MegaMek Games (which are very similar to Battletech). It also allows
    one to enroll into the ongoing campaign to fíght for one of the
    5 houses or the Periphery. Currently it has a campaign set in 3025 but
    will soon feature another campaign set in 3060. 

Motiontrack 0.0.3 

    Motiontrack is a set of tools that detect motion between two PNG or JPG


    MyPhpMoney is a tool written in PHP to manage bank accounts through a
    Web interface. It uses MySQL to store data and relies on the PHPLIB
    (template, session, and database abstraction). 

netclasses 0.993 

    Netclasses is an easy to use interface to socket programming in
    Objective-C with GNUstep. The core netclasses supports virtually any
    protocol, but the distribution comes with everything needed for TCP/IP
    (opening ports, background connections, etc.). Netclasses seamlessly
    integrates into NSRunLoop, which means there should be no need for
    redesigning applications to use it. 

oo2c 1.5.8 

    Oberon2 is a simple and safe object-oriented language created by
    N.Wirth, the author of Pascal and Modula2. It is statically strongly
    typed and has garbage collection. Most of good ideas incorporated in
    design of Java were in Oberon2 long before. OOC is an open source
    project to produce a family of optimizing Oberon2 compilers. The
    compiler with an ANSI C back-end, oo2c, is quite mature, and provides a
    complete and convenient Oberon2 development environment. It comes with
    a rather comprehensive standard library, Code Navigator, and an Emacs
    mode. It is easy to call C functions and libraries from Oberon2. 

OpenAntiVirus samba-vscan 0.3.1 

    samba-vscan provides on-access scanning of Samba shares with FRISK
    F-Prot Daemon, Kaspersky AntiVirus, OpenAntiVirus.org ScannerDaemon,
    Sophos Sweep (SAVI), Symantec CarrierScan, and Trend Micro (VSAPI). It
    supports Samba 2.2.x/3.x alphaX with working virtual file system (VFS)

Openwall Linux kernel patch 2.2.23-ow1 (Linux 2.2)

    The Openwall Linux kernel patch is a collection of security
    "hardening" features for the Linux kernel. In addition to the
    new features, some versions of the patch contain various security
    fixes. The "hardening" features of the patch, while not a
    complete method of protection, provide an extra layer of security
    against the easier ways to exploit certain classes of vulnerabilities
    and/or reduce the impact of those vulnerabilities. The patch can also
    add a little bit more privacy to the system by restricting access to
    parts of /proc so that users may not see what others are doing. 

Opera for Linux 6.11 

    Opera for Linux is an alternative, lightweight, X11-based Web browser
    for Linux. 

palito 2002-12-04 

    palito is a real-time strategy game inspired by Total Annihilation. 

Pan 0.13.2 

    Pan is a newsreader which attempts to be pleasing to both new and
    experienced users. In addition to the standard newsreader features, Pan
    also supports yEnc, offline newsreading, article filtering, multiple
    connections, and more features for power users and alt.binaries fans. 

PgAccess 0.98.8 

    PgAccess is a Tcl/Tk frontend for PostgreSQL. It allows
    creation/modification of database, tables, queries, reports, scripts,
    in a way similar to the Windows-based db client of the same name. 

PHP LDBI 0.0.2 

    PHP LDBI is a library to handle local databases. It supports tables,
    sequences, indices, and searches using wildcards. It's primary goal is
    to serve as backend for SQL interfaces to local databases. It includes
    an SQL parser to execute simple SQL statements. 

pkg_search for OpenBSD 0.1 

    pkg_search is an OpenBSD utility for searching for, downloading, and
    adding packages from the ports/packages tree. It is designed to work
    like apt-get does on Linux, but makes use of the OpenBSD mirrors as
    sources over HTTP, and also has built-in support for installing
    dependencies. It is written in Perl for portability reasons, and can be
    used with a basic OpenBSD 3.2 install with the default Perl package,
    and is also backwards compatible with previous releases of OpenBSD
    (with minor editing of the script). 

pymetar 0.5 

    PyMETAR is a Python module that provides easy access to NOAA's METAR
    weather reports. 

ROX-Filer 1.3.5 

    ROX-Filer is a fast and powerful graphical file manager. It has full
    drag-and-drop support and background file operations, and is highly
    configurable. It can also act as a pinboard, allowing you to pin
    frequently used files to the desktop background. 

Server-side FileManager 3.4 

    Server-side FileManager is a Java servlet which implements FileManager.
    You can use this servlet for remote site management: upload/download
    files, copy/move files, edit files, etc. Its main advantage is that it
    uses only the HTTP protocol for access to your host, which allows it to
    work through most firewalls. 

SiTE 1.0.1 

    SiTE is a fast, lightweight Java template engine which cleanly
    separates presentation from application code. It parses any text-based
    template and creates a structured document representation that enables
    an application to change the template's contents at runtime without
    regard to its format. 

SMELT 0.2.11a 

    SMELT (Simple Monitoring Evaluating and Logging Tool) is a tool created
    to monitor the disks in a single host or an entire network. It's
    totally written in BASH script. This way this tool can be installed and
    used normally in every distribution of Linux or Solaris operating
    systems. When a single host is monitored, the results can be sent via
    e-mail to the host's administrator. When an entire network is
    monitored, SMELT can work in client/server model. The results can be
    sent to the server via FTP and, using a Web server, be published in a
    frame-based HTML page, as well via email. 

Subversion 0.16 

    The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version control system
    that is a compelling replacement for CVS in the open source community. 

TalkSoup 0.03 

    TalkSoup is a GNUstep IRC client built on netclasses. 

tk92 0.2 

    tk92 is multi-platform software for configuring Radio Shack PRO-92 and
    PRO-2067 scanner radios. It lets you read a memory image from the
    receiver or an SPG file, view and change settings using a graphical
    interface, and sort memory channels by frequency or by label. Users can
    import and export memory channel and talk group data from CSV files.
    tk92 can then write the image from the computer back to the radio. 

Zionist In Space 0.99.5 

    ZIS (Zionist In Space) is a text-mode (curses) multiplayer game like
    Konquest. It has an "autosend" and save/load features. 

Mail bombing by our slash site

    We have a problem with our slash site. For the seond time now the site
    has mail bombed us. I have set it up to send me stories and headlines
    and I and all others that have signed up get over 3000 of them. The
    strange thing is that this does not happen every day. Anyone got a clue
    to how we can resolve this problem? We are using slash-2-2-4 ,Debian
    Linux version 2.4.17 and exim veriosn 3.35. Gunnar --Gunnar Lunde 

Collaborative News Networks

    Anita J. Chan's thesis for MIT's Comparative Media Studies MA on:
    Distributed Editing, Collective Action, and the Construction of Online
    News on Slashdot.org Slashdot as a Collaborative News Network, Social
    Constructivism, Segregating Audiences and News Sourcing, Integrating
    Audiences and News Analysis, Distributed Editing and the
    Decentralization of Editorial Control, Community, Contest and
    Collective Action on the Network. gO | Open Source Intelligence 


    Scylla is an English language slashsite dedicated to everything that's
    wrong in the world. What anyone might think is wrong is of course open
    to debate, be it political, cultural, or just unhappy circumstance.
    Visitors, comments, and input are welcome. 

What does srandblock do?

    I've been trying to figure out how to get a random sections block like
    Slashdot has. As far as I've figured out so far the srandblock
    (semi-random block) seems like a good start. When I look in the portald
    daemon there is a function newSemiRandomBlock called, but I can't find
    the function. Does anyone know how to make the random section block
    work? I believe this was discussed before but I didn't see any answers.
    Also, is there an easy way to have the section list that tells if there
    are recent articles, like the one Slashdot has on the left? --mwmurphy 

Submission Approval / Comments not working

    I've been running slashcode now for about 2 years or so. Since around
    version 2.2.5, I've had this problem on my site where neither the
    comments or approving submitted articles will work. I believe the
    problem is also aggrivated by the fact that I am using URL forwarding.
    The URL of my site points to a java-script that opens my page on a
    specific port within a frame. If a user tries to post a comment, the
    submission page comes up fine, but when they click preview or submit,
    it just brings them to the discussions list (comments.pl) instead of
    posting the comment.. Any help would be appreciated, is this a bug? -

Can Anonymous Coward Be Renamed?

    Is there a way to rename the nickname Anonymous Coward? If a site wants
    to encourage anonymous submissions for some reason, calling them
    cowards is a bit insulting. I called up user 1 and changed the Realname
    field, but that didn't work. Template 101 edit_comments seems to use
    user.nickname, but I can't find a place to change that outside of SQL.
    Would something break if I did change it in SQL? 


    After some weeks we're up and running! Elevador.org is a /. like site
    for portuguese language speakers. Many thanks to Jamie McCarthy, Pudge
    and all the good folks at #slash. And thanks to chromatic, Brian &
    Dave for a very nice Slash book. 

Emailing Stories into a Slash Site?

    Is it possible to email a story into a slash site rather then using the
    web interface? I have a slash site setup as a company bulletin board.
    One of the things I'm attempting to do is reduce the number of staff
    wide emails by having them posted on the slash site. I figure if I
    start positing these messages to the slash site and people receive the
    daily email of last day's news they will start to use it. Any

Letting Apache authenticate

    I have setup a Slash site that will be used as an Intranet (restricted
    access) discussion site, yet lives out on the INTERnet. Does anyone
    know a way to have Apache authenticate users (thus enforcing access
    from valid IP addresses) and then grant Slash access to this user
    authentication (thus eliminating double logins for users)? 

Slashcode install on RedHat 8.0

    I just got Slashcode installed on RedHat 8.0 and I documented the
    process here: http://www.heltzel.org/slashcode.html I hope this can
    help others trying to do the same thing. 

Price Compare
128MB Sony Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $49.99 

128MB SecureDigital (SD) Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $49.95 

256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $101.80 

256MB Unbuffered Non-ECC DDR333 PC2700 184 pin DIMM (Generic Memory)

    Lowest Price: $60.00 

MSA-128A 128MB Memory Stick (Sony)

    Lowest Price: $62.87 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

Angelina Ballerina Book and Doll Set by Katharine Holabird (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $15.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $14.95 

Chronicles of Narnia Box Set by C. S. Lewis (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $8.78 

Haley's Cleaning Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $16.72 

Official Guide for GMAT Review by  (Trade Paper)

    Lowest Price: $30.97 

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