O | S | D | N                 NEWSLETTER                          
    January 01, 2003                                          DEVELOPER SERIES  

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Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Tshirts: Geek Invaders

Interests: Linux French

Interests: O'Reilly 2003 Calendar

Interests: Perl Gerl

Interests: I dig Mac OS X

Interests: Ninj4 Hooded Sweatshirt

Interests: Megatokyo Blanket

Cube Goodies: Smart Mass Thinking Putty

Electronics: Archos Jukebox Studio 20/ Radio FM 20 MP3 Players

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Electronics: Universal System Selector

Other Apparel: Power Golf Shirt

Computing: Auravision EluminX Illuminated Keyboard

Other Apparel: The ThinkGeek Monkey Hoodie

Gadgets: Forever Flashlight

Electronics: Hitman 2 for PS2

Computing: Sylvania SF170 17" LCD

Electronics: Splinter Cell for Xbox

Cube Goodies: Tiny R/C Digi Q Cars

PhpWiki developer release 1.3.4

    PhpWiki is a WikiWikiWeb clone in PHP. A WikiWikiWeb is a site where
    anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. All pages are stored in
    a DBMS and hyperlinking is dynamic. It's for collaboration,
    conversation and documentation all at once. Featuring many new plugins,
    bug fixes, and lines of code. 

nntp//rss v0.1 released

    nntp//rss is a Java-based bridge between RSS feeds and NNTP clients,
    enabling you to read your favorite RSS syndicated content within your
    existing NNTP-based newsreader. This first public release supports
    web-based administration, RSS versions 0.91 through to 2.0, and has
    been tested with popular NNTP newsreaders. nntp//rss is a Java
    application that can either be run locally on an end-user's machine, or
    on a group server. Administration is through an easy-to-use web-based
    interface, facilitating group/channel management, status monitoring,
    and channel configuration import/export. nntp//rss is *feed friendly* -
    utilizing the Last-Modified and ETag features of the HTTP protocol
    ensures that the bandwidth of content providers web servers isn't
    inconsiderately used during polling. Download nntp//rss v0.1 from:
    130632 nntp//rss Home Page http://www.methodize.org/nntprss nntp//rss
    SourceForge Project Page http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/nntprss 

Panorama 0.18 now available

    Panorama is a framework for 3D graphics production. This will include
    modeling, rendering, animating, post-processing, etc. Animation is not
    currently supported, but will be added soon. It is officially part of
    the GNU project. Panorama 0.18 is now available for download.
    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7862 Before I
    get a lot of questions, I'll state here why I jumped some numbers in
    the versions. The ultimate goal of this project is to eventually end up
    stable, with version 1.0. As such, I believe that there was enough
    added and fixed as to further the number more than 1 notch. There is
    another version being developed in CVS (0.19), which is another large
    leap, but I don't want to end up with numbers which are prematurely
    high. As a potential roadmap, here's how I see the versions stacking
    up: 0.25 -- Time added, so that objects, textures, lights, etc. can
    vary over time. 0.50 -- Plugin system rewritten and functional for both
    *nix and Win32 (possibly other OSs), most objects verified. 0.75 --
    Multiple SDLs (scene description languages), with at least one
    compatible to POV (http://www.povray.org). 0.90 -- Partially
    functioning GUIs for X (GTK--), Win32, and possibly other windowing
    systems. These will have full modeling capabilities. 1.00 -- Stable.
    Objects verfied to work, GUIs perform nicely, animation working
    correctly. These numbers are not fixed, and the order of completed
    features may be rearranged. It is, indeed, a very lofty goal. At the
    rate things have been progressing for the past 2 years, it will
    probably take me another 8 years for panorama to become stable, unless
    I can find some help. Questions or comments are welcomed. 

Medi 0.1.93 released

    A new version of Medi, 0.1.93, has been released. This is in fact
    (really this time...) the new 0.2.0 version. Configuration tables have
    been transferred into configuration local files, to reduce database
    rage. By running MediUpdater.jar, included in the package, the new
    version of the database will be installed. No data will be lost. Medi
    is a Java application useful to manage files in your CDs, floppies,
    etc. It can parse MP3 files, cataloguing them by author, genre and
    data, and can display (preview) some picture types. It uses a database
    (currently supported DBs are MySQL, Firebird and PostgreSQL) to store
    the data. 

SecureDataManager 1.0.1 released

    Secure Data Manager (SDM) is a full featured Java password manager
    application. Store logins and other private information for web sites,
    computers, credit cards, etc. This release is a patch to the 1.0
    release -- fixes the 'save' disabled menu-item bug. This stable release
    contains many new features, including: searching, expiring dates,
    random password generator, CSV and XML import/export, Tree and Table
    views, printing, and more. Visit http://sdm.sourceforge.net to see
    screenshots. Installation is easy. Download, unzip, and run using Java
    1.4.1. Comments are welcome. Please remember to monitor releases so you
    can be notified of future updates. -From the SecureDataManager Team 

RubyCocoa 0.4 was released

    RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework that allows Cocoa programming in the
    Object-Oriented Scripting Language Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a
    Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows creating and using a Cocoa object
    in a Ruby script. In Cocoa application, mixture of program written by
    both Ruby and Objective-C is possible. RubyCocoa 0.4.0 was released!
    http://rubycocoa.sourceforge.net/ Changes from 0.3.2 ------------------
    * Ruby 1.8 supported * revive RubyCocoa.framework * rename the extended
    library and move the library The '.pkg' binary package is available for
    Mac OS X 10.2. All of framework, library, documents, samples and
    ProejctBuilder templates are contained in the package. These items will
    be installed into the appropriate place. It is available to start of
    RubyCocoa programming or use of RubyCocoa application immediately.
    What's RubyCocoa? ----------------- RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework
    that allows Cocoa programming in the Object-Oriented Scripting Language
    Ruby. RubyCocoa allows writing a Cocoa application in Ruby. It allows
    creating and using a Cocoa object in a Ruby script. In Cocoa
    application, mixture of program written by both Ruby and Objective-C is
    possible. Some cases using RubyCocoa: * Exploration of a Cocoa object's
    feature with 'irb' interactively * Prototyping of a Cocoa application *
    Cocoa application that include good feature of Ruby and Objective-C *
    Wrapping Mac OS X native GUI for Ruby script 

PHPEclipse 1.0.3 preAlpha released

    PHPEclipse is an open-source PHP IDE. Built as an Eclipse plugin, it
    takes advantage of a well-designed, robust and widely used application
    framework. Project Page: http://www.sf.net/projects/phpeclipse
    Homepage: http://www.phpeclipse.org ChangeLog:

Hatari version 0.25

    Version 0.25 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released. In this
    version the support for big endian systems like PowerPC machines has
    been improved, especially the Spectrum 512 pictures are now working
    better there. Hatari now also compiles and runs on Mac OS X.
    Additionally the blitter chip is now beeing emulated, too, and there is
    also support for big VDI screen resolutions. And finally, you can now
    save YM and WAV sounds. 

Bossogg v0.9.0 release

    Bossogg is a client/server for creating an ogg vorbis player in your
    entertainment center. First client is done in SDL with Truetype fonts
    so it's easy to read. Uses PostgreSQL for lookups. MP3 and FLAC support
    is in and rewritten from scratch. This is the stepping stone to a lot
    of new features. 

PHP Weather 2.1.0 released

    PHP Weather makes it easy to show the current weather on your webpage.
    All you need is a local airport, that makes some special weather
    reports called METARs. The reports are updated once or twice an hour.
    This release contains five new translations (for a total of 11
    translations) and fixes some bugs, including a bug that prevented the
    Configuration Builder from working when register_globals were turned

Success Despite College Rejection

    selan writes "Are those who are rejected by prestigious schools
    destined to lead mediocre lives? Or are great people more likely to
    succeed if they were rejected by top universities? An inspirational
    [0]column in the [1]Washington Post discusses the "Spielberg Effect", a
    theory that it really doesn't matter where you went to school." 
    0. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A58951-2002Dec31.html
    1. http://washingtonpost.com/

Microsoft Forced To Translate Office Into  Nynorsk

    An anonymous reader writes "[0]Beeb reports, "The main organisation
    working for the Nynorsk language got most of Norway's high schools to
    threaten to boycott all Microsoft software if they didn't come up with
    a New Norwegian version of Office." Which brings up questions for Open
    Source developers: What's involved in translating programs? Is there a
    process that can be followed to make the inevitable easier? Is there a
    group providing guidelines for this already? -- Do you work in program
    translation? Step up and do tell." 
    0. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/2615363.stm

Listen to Webpages While Driving

    [0]dimitril writes "Tired of sitting in your car for hours and
    practically doing nothing but listening to the radio or the same CD for
    the fifth time? You could use those hours by reading your websites with
    [1]this little project. You will love those traffic jams!" 
    0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    1. http://users.pandora.be/dimitri.larmuseau/webtalker/index.html

E ~ mc^2

    [0]DrBlake writes "New York Times has an [1]article about a study of
    Einsteins theory of relativity that I found very interesting. Not only
    might the speed of light be relative under certain circumstances, the
    famous equation E=mc2 might not be entirely correct." 
    0. mailto:j...carlin@@@attbi...com
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/31/science/physical/31LIGH.html

The 20th Anniversary of the Internet

    [0]Ross Finlayson writes "In [1]a message posted to the IETF general
    mailing list, Bob Braden reminds us that, on January 1st, 2003, 20
    years will have passed since "the most logical date of origin of the
    Internet [...] when the ARPANET officially switched from the NCP
    protocol to TCP/IP". And the rest is history..." 
    0. http://www.live.com/
    1. http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/ietf/Current/msg18554.html

New Year's Eve Wrap-Up of Wrap-Ups

    spydink writes "The Radio Netherlands website [0]http://www.rnw.nl has
    a good [1]hour-by-hour listing of potential local time live webcasts
    from around the world. May be helpful for those who want to raise a
    glass to the New Year every hour on the hour." (And there's some good
    news about that, too.) Read on for a few more end-of-year items, which
    you'll no doubt be seeing more of besides. 
    0. http://www.rnw.nl/
    1. http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/features/html/newyear021227a.html

Tai Chi Robots

    dknight writes "It seems that [0]Chinese scientists are currently
    developing a robot which is capable of doing tai chi. The robot is
    being developed by the Beijing University of Science and Engineering,
    and is touted to be a great breakthrough in worker safety, as these
    robots could be used to perform dangerous work. They are supposedly
    able to sense changes in the slope of the earth around them (hills,
    etc.) and balance themselves out." 

Going Through the Garbage

    [0]frankejames writes "This is a very funny piece on how Portland
    politicians said it was okay for police to seize a citizen's garbage
    without a search warrant. But when some reporters swiped their garbage
    (and reported the contents!) they screamed foul play! Read
    [1]Portland's top brass said it was OK to swipe your garbage--so we
    grabbed theirs." 
    0. mailto:franke@nerdheav e n .com
    1. http://www.wweek.com/flatfiles/News3485.lasso

"Decasia": The Beauty of Film Decay

    [0]tregoweth writes "The New York Times has [1]a story about
    '[2]Decasia,' a film created entirely from deteriorating nitrate film
    footage. Ya can't beat analog for interesting disintegration." 
    0. http://tregoweth.com/
    1. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/22/magazine/22DECAY.html
    2. http://www.decasia.com/

802.11g Hardware Arrives

    DBordello writes "There's been quite a scramble as networking companies
    the world over [0]rush to be the first to bring their 802.11g wireless
    gear to market. Linksys missed their [1]early December launch date, and
    a company named Buffalo Technology has risen to [2]steal their thunder.
    The company today issued a [3]press release announcing their AirStation
    G54 broadband router access point and wireless CardBus adapter, the
    first 802.11g draft standard hardware to hit the market. More
    information can be found at the [4]company's website." Update: 12/31
    21:35 GMT by [5]M: The story submitter apparently found this blurb on
    [6]broadbandreports.com. Hey people, give credit where it's due.
    Update: 12/31 22:50 GMT by [7]T: Karen Sohl of Linksys writes to say
    that despite the slip in dates, "Linksys is shipping our line of
    Wireless-G products. We have been shipping since last week. Honestly
    not large volume by any means-- but by the end of this week we'll have
    shipped over 10,000 units to distribution -- Ingram Micro and Tech
    Data." That's where even large retailers (think Amazon) buy their
    0. http://www.cmpnetasia.com/ViewArt.cfm?Artid=18220&Catid=5&subcat=48
    1. http://www.informationweek.com/story/IWK20021121S0007
    3. http://www.unstrung.com/document.asp?doc_id=26276&site=unstrung
    4. http://www.buffalotech.com/wireless/products/wbr-g54/index.php
    5. mailto:michael@@slashdot.org
    6. http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/24808
    7. http://www.monkey.org/~timothy/

Automated Password Agent 1.0 

    Automated Password Agent is an Expect/Tcl program for changing the
    passwords of various services. It includes a Web interface. 

bash programmable completion 20021231 

    Since v2.04, bash has allowed you to intelligently program and extend
    its standard completion behavior to achieve complex command lines with
    just a few keystrokes. Imagine typing ssh [Tab] and being able to
    complete on hosts from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts files. Or typing man 3
    str [Tab] and getting a list of all string handling functions in the
    UNIX manual. mount system: [Tab] would complete on all exported
    file-systems from the host called system, while make [Tab] would
    complete on all targets in Makefile. This project was conceived to
    produce programmable completion routines for the most common Linux/UNIX
    commands, reducing the amount of typing sysadmins and programmers need
    to do on a daily basis. 

Bonobo UI Library (Stable)

    The Bonobo UI Library provides UI code for Bonobo, the Object
    Activation Framework for GNOME 2. Bonobo has a similar purpose to
    gnorba, the GNOME 1.x CORBA activation library, and will replace it for
    GNOME 2.0. It allows you to do much more powerful activation queries
    than gnorba. Each server is described by an XML file that defines its
    attributes. When querying or activating, you can specify complex
    requirements using the OAF query language. 

Cherokee 0.3.0 

    Cherokee is a tiny, ultrafast, lightweight Web server. It is
    implemented entirely in C, and has no dependencies beyond a standard C
    library. It provides only the most basic HTTP functionality, but is
    extremely fast and small. 

Cow Outputs Waves 0.1.0 

    Cow is something like a waveform editor in that it generates a wave
    file from one or more graphs for amplitude and frequency. A graphical
    user interface simplifies this process. 

cvsknit 0.9.3 

    CvsKnit allows knitting up a CVS Repository from existing source
    packages with their original release dates. If you have non-CVS-managed
    packages and want to start revision management with CVS, this maybe

Dark Order 1 

    Dark Order is a deep black and red theme. 

Deep Blue 1 

    Deep Blue is a theme built around an ocean background. 

Diet Monger Ass Kicker 2002-12-31 

    Diet Monger Ass Kicker is a program for designing diets to your own
    specifications. It allows nutrients and foods to be sorted and filtered
    into categories such as the food groups, raw only, no salt, or not
    dried. Calculations are made according to specified minimums and
    maximums, and using data from the USDA database of 6000 foods and 101

Dolphin SCI drivers 1.29 

    SCI is a high-speed point-to-point networking technology, using SCI
    adaptors. The Dolphin SCI drivers in this package will work under
    Linux, VxWorks, Solaris, Lynx, and Windows NT/2000. They are aimed at
    Dolphin's SCI adaptor cards. The latency of the driver itself is around
    1.4us. It's intended for use in clusters that need the extra
    performance. Note that the drivers are GPL, and the bundled libraries
    are LGPL. 

Dragon Breath p_27_12_2002 

    Dragon Breath is the name of a generic development and application
    framework that is heavily based on PostgreSQL and PHP. It contains
    different layers which wrap business logic, data, and any graphical
    interface. It opens up and eases development in the field of graphical
    user interfaces and data management. The interface layer is built upon
    XSLT rendering, which allows the rendering of displays for different
    interfaces like Web browsers, PDAs, mobile phones, and others. The
    database layer depends on PostgreSQL's features and allows a common
    exchange of data with any kind of data structure. It even contains
    built in sanity checks for data integrity. 

FireHOL R5 v1.59 

    FireHOL is an iptables stateful firewall configuration tool that allows
    you to configure your firewall the same way you think of it (e.g.
    client samba accept, server DNS accept). Its goal is to be completely
    abstracted so that you can configure any kind of firewall, but also
    easy to use, audit, and understand. It supports Linux hosts and routers
    with any number of network interfaces, it knows a large number of
    services, and you can configure it to support any additional service
    you like. It can turn any service into a server, a client, or a router
    and easily handles complex positive and negative expressions. 

GCompris 2.0.0 

    GCompris is a complete educational suite for children 3 to 10 years
    old. It is activity-based, and currently includes more than 30
    activities. It offers activities dedicated to little kids which teach
    them how to use a mouse and keybord. It teaches letters, numbers, and
    words, basic algebra training, reading time on an analog clock, and
    much more. 

GENDIST 1.4.8 (Stable)

    GENDIST (the Linux Distribution Generator) allows you to easily create
    your own special distribution. It creates a makefile-based build system
    for your distribution, and helps you to automate the following three
    tasks: maintaining your root filesystem, maintaining your "CD
    filesystem" (in case you create a bootable CD), and packaging
    everything on media. 

getID3() 1.5.6 

    getID3() is a PHP script that extracts useful information from MP3s and
    other multimedia file formats. It extracts information like the play
    time, bitrate, and resolution from the following file formats: MP3, Ogg
    Vorbis, WAV, AVI, MPEG-1 video, Windows Media (ASF, WMA, WMV),
    RealAudio & RealVideo, Monkey's Audio, FLAC, VQF, MPEGplus /
    Musepack / SV7, AAC, Quicktime, NSV, MIDI, ZIP, BMP, PNG, GIF, and
    JPEG. It parses information from ID3v1, ID3v2, Ogg Vorbis, Lyrics3 v1
    & v2, RIFF (AVI, WAV, CDA), APE, ReplayGain, PNG, and GIF tags, and
    can write ID3v1, ID3v2, and OggVorbis tags. 

GNOME Mime Data 2.0.1 (Stable)

    GNOME Mime Data is a module which contains the base MIME and
    Application database for GNOME. It is meant to be accessed through the
    MIME functions in GnomeVFS. 

grafist 1.4.0 

    Grafist is a bandwidth utilization viewer. It gets the bandwidth
    utilization information for network interfaces from the /proc/net/dev
    file in 15-second periods, and stores it in four data files (daily,
    weekly, monthly, and yearly). When a request is sent to index.php, it
    executes four programs to create graphics (using the GD library) and a
    summary for each file. Grafist provides localization support for 24

grepmail 4.91 

    grepmail searches a normal or compressed mailbox (gzip, bzip2, or tzip)
    for a given regular expression and returns those emails that match the
    query. It also supports searches constrained by date and size. 

grsecurity 1.9.8 (Stable)

    grsecurity is a complete security system for Linux 2.4 that implements
    a detection/prevention/containment strategy. It prevents most forms of
    address space modification, confines programs with least privilege via
    its process-based MAC system, hardens syscalls, and provides many of
    the OpenBSD randomness features. It was written for performance,
    ease-of-use, and security. The MAC system has an intelligent
    learning-mode, and all of grsecurity supports a feature that logs the
    IP of the attacker that causes an alert or audit. 

Gtk-Perl Flash Cards 0.1 (Development)

    GtK-Perl Flash Cards reads questions and answers from a text file
    called flash.dat and helps students prepare for exams. The odd lines
    contain the questions and the even lines contain the answers. Difficult
    questions start with a D, and easy question start with an E. A sample
    database file is included in the tgz file. 

ImageMagick 5.5.3-1 

    ImageMagick (TM) is a package for the automated and interative
    manipulation of images. It supports the display and interactive
    manipulation of images when used with the X Window System. Although the
    software is copyrighted by ImageMagick Studio, it is available for free
    and can be redistributed without fee. ImageMagick may be used as a
    component of both open source and proprietary applications. ImageMagick
    compiles and runs under Unix, Linux, Windows '95 and later, Apple
    MacOS, and Compaq VMS. Binary packages are available for most operating
    systems. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are provided to
    support development of image processing applications in the C, C++, and
    Perl languages. 

Ion 20021229 (Development)

    Ion, based on PWM, is a keyboard-friendly window manager with a very
    text-editorish interface and no overlapping windows. 

KSambaPlugin 0.4b 

    KSambaKonqiPlugin is a complete SAMBA configuration plugin for KDE 3.
    It consists of a KControl Center Module for configuring nearly every
    option on a SAMBA server and a Konqueror properties dialog plugin for
    quick sharing of single directories. 

Kydpdict 0.3.1 

    Kydpdict is a graphical frontend to Collins' English/German-Polish and
    Polish-English/German dictionaries. 

Lepton's Crack 20021231 (Development)

    Lepton's Crack is a generic password cracker. It is easily-customizable
    with a simple plugin system and allows system administrators to review
    the quality of the passwords being used on their systems. It can
    perform a dictionary-based (wordlist) attack as well as a brute force
    (incremental) password scan. It supports standard MD4 hash, standard
    MD5 hash, NT MD4/Unicode, and Lotus Domino HTTP password (R4) formats. 

Logtalk 2.14.6 

    Logtalk is an open source object-oriented extension to the Prolog
    programming language. Integrating logic programming with
    object-oriented and event-driven programming, it is compatible with
    most Prolog compilers. 

muCommander 0.5 

    muCommander is a cross-platform file manager. It features a Norton
    Commander-style interface and runs on any OS supporting the Java 2
    Platform, Standard Edition. 

Nate Kohari's regular expression pipe 1.32 

    RE is a simple utility designed to aid in the management of files.
    Given a directory name, a regular expression, and a regular shell
    command, it will parse the filenames in the specified directory,
    matching them against the regular expression, and then execute the
    command once for each matched file using the filename as a parameter.
    It was originally designed to mass-rename MP3 files based on part of
    the original filenames. 

pfstats 0.1 

    pfstats is a simple external script to MRTG, which generates statistics
    taken from the pfctl(8) logfile. The statistics represent the number of
    blocked incoming connections. 

PgMarket 2.3.0 (Development)

    PgMarket is an e-commerce solution built with PHP4 and
    PostgreSQL/MySQL. It features internationalization support, image and
    thumbnail handling, per-user and product discounts, delivery price
    calculation, order status management, elementary and advanced search,
    sorting of products and categories, comfortable category browsers, easy
    online and offline population of the catalog, importing of data from
    text files, and other useful features. Many features can be disabled
    through configuration parameters. A demo site is included. 

PHPMySite 1.1 

    PHPMySite is a simple content management system for Web sites written
    in PHP and with all content (text and images) stored in MySQL. The
    system generates valid XHTML and CSS2, and allows content to be
    maintained from a Web browser (no FTP/telnet access is required). 

portell 0.1 

    portell is a program that allows FreeBSD users to view the description
    as givin in its pkg-descr file for a specific port. If you want to know
    what the program "Foo" is, then you can type "portell
    foo" and portell will find its pkg-descr file and dump it on your

PostScript Utilities p17 

    PSUtils is a collection of useful utilities for manipulating PostScript
    documents. Programs included are psnup (for placing out several logical
    pages on a single sheet of paper), psselect (for selecting pages from a
    document), pstops (for general imposition), psbook (for signature
    generation for booklet printing), and psresize (for adjusting page

Project Manager X 0.5 

    PMX is a simple project management tool for OS X. It allows you to
    track, group, and manage project items and resource allocation. It
    displays the project in a nice Gantt Chart that can be printed. 

PyDBDesigner 0.1.3 

    PyDBDesigner is a relational database modeling tool that is planned to
    be able to design both logical and physical models similarly to Erwin
    and PowerDesigner, etc. 

Rexx/Wrapper 2.0 

    Rexx/Wrapper enables Rexx programs to be wrapped within a native
    executable program. The source is optionally encrypted and compressed,
    but can be recovered if the key that was used to wrap the original
    program is known. Rexx/Wrapper is not a Rexx compiler. 

Ringtone Tools 2.08 

    Ringtone Tools is a set of tools for creating ringtones and logos on
    mobile phones. 


    SCMxx is a console program that allows you to exchange certain types of
    data with mobile phones made by Siemens. Some of the data types that
    can be exchanged are logos, ring tones, vCalendars, vCards, phonebook
    entries, and SMS messages. It works with the following phones: S25,
    C35i, M35i, S35i, ME45, S45, SL45, and probably some others, too. It
    basically uses the AT command set published by Siemens (with some other
    additional resources). 

slides.sh 1.2 (Stable)

    slides.sh is a shell script for generating simple HTML presentations
    from text. The software is intended to be able to fit on a single boot
    floppy. The source file is a text file with a simple format for easy
    data capture. It can be used on any system with a shell and Unix tools.
    You can use it to make an automatic slideshow. 

sTaLMP3Box 0.9.3 

    sTaLMP3Box is a complete control program for a stand-alone MP3 player
    jukebox computer running under Linux, which uses a HD44780-compatible
    LCD display connected to the parallel port instead of a monitor. Its
    main function is playing MP3s and/or Ogg Vorbis files. It features a
    playlist with full edition functions, has a integrated file manager to
    manage your songs, shows ID3 info and Ogg Vorbis info, disc statistics,
    mounts CD-ROMs, resuming, it has almost everything you need for
    building your own jukebox. On its Web site there are complete building
    instructions for the hardware part of the project and installation
    instructions for the software part. 

TopologiLinux 2.0 Release Candidate 1 

    TopologiLinux is an easy to install Linux distribution that is designed
    to be run from any Windows computer without requiring repartitioning.
    It mounts itself using a loop-back device and can be run from a DOS,
    Windows 9x, or Windows 2000/XP system with an NTFS or FAT partition. It
    is based on the upcoming Slackware 9 and contains some extra and some
    improved packages. 

typespeed 0.4.3 

    Typespeed is a tool to test your typing speed, and get your fingers'
    CPS. This is a clone of 'ztspeed', but without some of the estimating

WorDoG 0.5 alpha5 

    WorDoG (World Domination Game) is basically a derivate from Risk, the
    popular board game. The project aims to provide this strategical
    multiplayer game on a HTML-only basis. All necessary calculations are
    done serverside by PHP, and data is stored in a database (it can use

Worm Warner 1.1 

    WormWarner is a Perl script that is used to warn hosts that are
    probably infected by a worm. It decides wether a host is infected by
    analyzing the data from the Apache log files. It currently recognizes
    CodeRed, Nimda, the Linux.Slapper.Worm, and the FreeBSD.Scalper.worm.
    Warning is done by trying to contact the SMTP server on the infected
    host and sending an email to the postmaster. 

XStow 0.4.6 

    XStow is a replacement for GNU Stow written in C++. It supports all
    features of Stow with some extensions. XStow and GNU Stow are programs
    for managing the installation of software packages. It keeps each
    package in its own directory while making it appear that all packages
    are installed in the same place. Unlike GNU Stow, XStow does not depend
    on Perl, and can be compiled statically for such uses as rescue disks.
    XStow is fully compatible with GNU Stow, meaning that you can switch
    from one to the other at will. 

Yerase TNEF Stream Reader 1.02 

    ytnef is a program to decode TNEF streams. Unlike other similar
    programs, it can also decode meeting requests and create VCal entries
    for easy import. It also has a Perl script that can be used in procmail
    recipes to automatically reformat incoming mail appropriately. 

Best Practices for Secure Remote Admin?

    What are best practices for securely administering a Slash site over
    the Web? I'm trying to use SSL for the purpose, which would be ideal,
    but I'm meeting with only limited success. There appears to be a bug in
    the user login code that keeps flipping the browser back to the non-SSL
    index. Is it just me, or am I barking up the wrong administrative tree? 

What happened to the headlines e-mails?

    I've subscribed to the headlines e-mails from several slash sites, but
    most particularly to me, slashcode and use.perl. For some reason,
    despite my settings still seeming to be correct, slashcode has stopped
    sending them. I still get use.perl's headlines though. Any idea why? 

Problems with runtask

    I just recently installed slash 2.2.6 on a server in my company
    intranet. We're going to make use of it as a technical forum for the
    developers to collaborate. For the most part, everything has gone
    smoothly and I've had little trouble getting slash configured the way I
    want. The one problem I have come across is that I can't run runtask
    with any of the tasks in my slash-site. Every time I try to do it, I
    check my slashd.log and find a similar error: Tue Dec 24 15:01:50 2002
    Starting runtask with pid 10011 glob failed (child exited with status
    1) at /home/usr1/app/slash/bin/runtask line 118. No task
    'refresh_authors_cache.pl' found in
    /home/usr1/app/slash/site/emmaus.saic.com/tasks I've tried looking
    overthe code for runtask, but I'm a pretty novice perl programmer and
    have had little luck tracking the problem down. If anyone has ideas
    what might be causing this, please share. I don't want to have to wait
    a day for new users to have changes made to their accounts, since we're
    immediately going to make everyone authors (w/ seclev 100) because of
    the environment we're in. 


    Well, we were going to wait until 31 Dec 2002, but since the cat is out
    of the bag already, Geekizoid.Com is back. Hosted by LRSE. 

The Last Straw

    I just put up my first site using slashcode. It took about a week to
    get from downloading the Mandrake ISO's to having the site pretty
    complete. I have never used Linux before and I took this on as a
    learning experience. I am quite happy with the way it all turned out!
    Anyway, about the site - I found that people seem to complain about
    celebrities a lot, so I figured that a slash site related to the stupid
    things celebrities say and do might be a good idea. Check it out and
    let me know what you think! 

WML functionality?

    I have been wondering if there is anyone out there using the WML/WAP
    functionality of Slash? There were some past articles on this subject,
    but seemingly with no clear answers. I was hoping to be able to
    generate .wml pages somehow like slashdot.org currently does. Any tips

Graphics not appearing in Topic setup

    My newly installed topics were given graphics, in the format of
    ./images/topics/graphicname.ext and the pictures don't show. I've gone
    back in and tried changing them to absolute URLs, but when I click
    "save topic" it reverts back to the old entry. I can click and change
    sections and those update fine, but the graphic entry doesn't. 

Adding a rand photo block

    Hello, i have written something for my slash site deporteyciencia.com
    for having a nice random photo block, i try to describe the process
    first, and later put all the code. (locally) you need a lot of free
    photos (locally) you need imagemagick (locally) run the script
    create_minis.pl for creating the thumbs. Take a look to the destination
    directories. You can create a captions.txt with the syntaxis:
    filename::caption(newline)... The captions will be drawn on the image!!
    put the original images and the thumbs in your site (remote) put the
    task rand.pl in your site (and change the directories as needed)
    (remote)configure crontab for running your task daily or hourly.
    (remote) write a block who shows rand_mini_foto.jpg and links to
    rand_foto.jpg do nothing and enjoy, or try to write a way for users
    uploading photos "one day they will appear" The code:
    -------------------------------- CREATE_MINIS.PL (remember to change
    directories and have imagemagick installed)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
    #-------- config my $use_captions=1; my $background="#006699"; my
    $fore="#ffffff"; my $width="190x190"; #-------- config end my
    @files=`ls *.jpg`; my %captions=(); if ($use_captions) { open
    F_captions,"captions.txt" or die "ERROR, lack of \"captions.txt\"\n
    This file has the following
    sintaxis:\nfilename1::caption1\nfilename2::caption 2\n..."; while () {
    chomp; my ($filename,$text)=split (/::/,$_);
    $captions{$filename}=$text; } close F_captions; } foreach (@files) {
    print $_; chomp; if ($use_captions) { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis_with_captions/$_"); if($captions{$_}) {
    system("convert -box \"$background\" -font helvetica -fill \"$fore\"
    -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\" $_
    images_with_captions/$_"); system("convert -box \"$background\" -font
    helvetica -fill \"$fore\" -draw \"text 0,10 \\\" $captions{$_}\\\"\"
    minis_with_captions/$_ minis_with_captions/$_"); } else { print "Error:
    lack of captions for file $_\n"; } } else { system("convert -resize
    $width_height $_ minis/$_"); } } --------------------------------
    rand.pl (remember to change directory names)
    -------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/perl -w #coge una imagen
    aleatoriamente y la copia en rand_foto.jpg #lo mismo para una foto de
    las pequeñas, que están en /minis #llamado cada dia por una tarea use
    strict; #--- config my
    $path_in="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/fotos_deportivas" ; my
    $path_out="/home/xavi/slash_2.2.5/images"; #--- config end my
    $num_files=`ls $path_in/*.jpg|wc -l`; my $file=int rand $num_files; my
    $count=0; my @files=`cd $path_in;ls *.jpg`; foreach (@files) { $count
    ++; if ($count == $file) { chomp; system("cp $path_in/$_
    $path_out/rand_foto.jpg"); system("cp $path_in/minis/$_
    $path_out/rand_mini_foto.jpg"); } } -------------------------- write
    the block and config crontab for yourself. It's more easy than i can
    explain with my english level :) Thanks Krow: Yes this is a format
    nightmare but I thought I would share the submission with people

Topics not appearing after time

    Installed slashcode and have been modifying it. I added a topic under
    the admin section. The topic now appears when I go to "new" to create a
    new story. I removed the build-in topics and added about 7 new topics.
    The new topics are not listed in the pull-down when I try and create a
    new story. I've waited more than 24 hours and tried restarting apache,
    restarting slashd, and rebooting the web server. The topics are listed
    everywhere on the site that I can look for them *BUT* they're not
    options when creating a new story. Anyone know why? 

Users can't post comments

    This is weird...I just put up a new slashsite for our dept. intranet,
    and the form to comment on a story doesn't appear when a user clicks
    "Read More" I'm guessing this is a simple matter of setting a variable,
    but I can't figure out which one. I've set the following vars:
    commentstatus = 1 defaultcommentstatus = 0 defaultdisplaystatus = 1 Any
    suggestions? Thanks. 

Price Compare
256MB Secure Digital Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $92.00 

128MB SecureDigital (SD) Card (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $49.95 

128MB XD-Picture Card (Fuji)

    Lowest Price: $58.26 

128MB Sony Memory Stick (Lexar Media)

    Lowest Price: $54.99 

128MB CompactFlash Type I (SanDisk)

    Lowest Price: $39.95 

Power Mac G4 (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $895.00 

iMac PowerPC G4 800MHz 256MB 60GB CDRW/DVD-R (Apple)

    Lowest Price: $1794.00 

XTREME - EXPLORER X4000 PC Intel Pentium 4 Processor 1.60 GHz, 256MB DDR, 40GB (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $558.00 

Dimension 8200 (P4 2.2 GHz, 256MB, 40GB, CDRW) (Dell)

    Lowest Price: $1298.00 

X3000 (AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz, 512MB, 20GB 52X CD-ROM) (Xtreme)

    Lowest Price: $445.00 

Haley's Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $17.42 

Angelina Ballerina Book and Doll Set by Katharine Holabird (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $16.50 

Prey by Michael Crichton (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $10.00 

Haley's Cleaning Hints by Graham Haley (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $13.97 

Bush at War by Bob Woodward (Trade Cloth)

    Lowest Price: $11.76 

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