The 'Everything Series' Newsletter is developed to bring Open Source related content to a user with a focus for everything Open Source we have to offer. If you'd like to receive more content relating to Open Source subscribe at http://www.osdn.com/newsletters/ ============================================================== Sponsored by Thinkgeek http://www.ThinkGeek.com/ ============================================================== Slashdot Steam Heat to High Speed Internet http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/06/0022247 [0]jrmski writes "Thom Greco, an astute businessman from the crumbling town of Wilkes-Barre is betting the future of its downtown on a new [1]state of the art fiber optic network. He recently purchased the former Steam Heat Authority, and the underground pipes associated with it. The pipes provide clear advantages in connecting every downtown building with access faster than what's currently available in [2]Philly." Links 0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. http://www.wnep.com/Global/story.asp?S=1180382 2. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=7395090&BRD=2259&PAG=461&dept_id=456223&rfi=8 Xerox Alto Computer 30th Anniversary http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/2126249 [0]aheath writes "The [1] New York Times has a story about the 30th anniversary of the [2] Xerox Alto computer: [3] How Digital Pioneers Put the 'Personal' in PC's. According to the [4] PARC Factsheet "The Alto Computer (1973/1980) included the Graphical User Interface (GUI), WYSIWYG editing, bit-mapped display, overlapping windows, and the first commercial use of the mouse." The concepts prototyped in the Xerox Alto contributed to the development of the [5] Xerox Star, the [6]Apple Lisa, the [7] Apple Macintosh and [8] Microsoft Windows 1.0." Links 0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. http://www.nytimes.com/ 2. http://historywired.si.edu/object.cfm?ID=337 3. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/04/03/technology/circuits/03alto.html 4. http://www.parc.com/company/factsheet.html 5. http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/xerox-8010/index.html 6. http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/apple-lisa2xl/ 7. http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/mac-128k/index.html 8. http://www.digibarn.com/collections/software/microsoft/windows10/page_01.htm The Clueless Newbie's Linux Odyssey http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/2138238 overshoot writes "Just what we've always (said we) wanted: people who are fed up with Microsoft and are willing, even eager, to [0]give Linux a real try. Well, she did. And did. And did some more. Not only that, she's a technical writer and she took notes. Not fun reading, but worth reading anyway." Links 0. http://www.linuxworld.com/2003/0401.tsu.html Microsoft Pirating Their Own Software? http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/2146210 [0]14ghz writes "Microsoft gave out copies of .NET Visual Studio Pro to attendees of the Microsoft .NET Student Tour. Despite the discs saying "UNLICENSED SOFTWARE -- Illegal without separate license from Microsoft", the freebie didn't contain any license document, and one guy decided to ask the MS conference rep about it. Read the [1]in-progress story." Links 0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~lkstitch/text/mspirate.html Newly Discovered Fault Under L.A. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1950246 [0]Randolpho writes "Whether you like the city or not, you can't say Los Angeles doesn't have a fault. It does, and it's one of earth-shattering proportions. [1]Geologists have confirmed that LA was built right over a faultline, which they're calling the Puente Hills Blind Thrust System; it runs from northern Orange County through Los Angeles on up to Beverly Hills, and has a habbit of ripping earthquakes as large as 7.5 on the Richter Scale every 10 thousand years or so. And the last one was about 8 thousand years ago." Links 0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/04/0403_030403_earthquake.html RIAA Seeks Estimated $97.8 Billion From MTU Student http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1931233 [0]theodp writes "The Detroit Free Press [1]does the math on the damages [2]sought by the RIAA from the Michigan Technological University student. The total? About $97.8 trillion--yes, trillion with a T--or enough money to buy every CD sold in America last year over again for the next 120,000 years, according to RIAA statistics." Update: 04/05 21:58 GMT by [3]M: The Free Press can do the math, but not very well: the numbers provided show the RIAA is seeking some $97 billion dollars, not trillion. I'm sure the student is *much* happier. Headline updated. Links 0. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 1. http://www.freep.com/money/tech/newman5_20030405.htm 2. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/03/2312220&tid=141 3. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] OpenOffice.org SDK Released http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1853211 [0]Jules V.D. writes "The [1]OpenOffice.org group on Friday [2]announced a [3]kit that lets programmers build new modules for open-source alternatives to the Microsoft Office suite.This new [3]SDK is an add-on for OpenOffice.org 1.0.2. It provides the necessary tools and documentation for programming the OpenOffice.org APIs and creating your own extensions (UNO components) for OpenOffice.org."The highlight of this [3]SDK is the new Developer's Guide. This comprehensive guide provides, in 900 pages, a detailed description of the OpenOffice.org API concepts, the OpenOffice.org UNO component model and how to use the API in the context of the different application areas."" Links 0. http://jules.vo-dinh.com 1. http://www.openoffice.org/ 2. http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1104-995570.html 3. http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/source/sdk/index.html The FCC and Media Consolidation http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1848230 An anonymous reader writes "A story on this evening's [0]All Things Considered but also at [1]Now with Bill Moyers reports this June, the FCC will choose whether to keep or drop longstanding rules limiting the number of media outlets (radio stations, TV stations, etc.) a company may hold in a single area. That means all the radio stations in your area, for example, may one day be controlled by one company, like Clearchannel or Rupert Murdoch's FOX Communications. One irony is virtually no news outlet is covering the story. Another is the justifying argument for this move comes from the emergence of new media, like the Internet and Cable/Satellite. Yet with all 100's of new TV channels available, there are only five major media companies out there controlling them all, and recent copyright rules applying to the Internet have all but squelched-out Internet radio. So the old rules might not be so outdated after all. But the only voices being heard in this argument are coming from the media giants." In a related story, AOL/Time-Warner is [2]petitioning the FCC to lift the restriction forbidding AOL from launching "advanced" IM services without letting others access the IM network. Links 0. http://www.npr.org/programs/atc/index.html 1. http://www.pbs.org/now/politics/bigmedia.html 2. http://news.com.com/2100-1032-995595.html Habeas Seeks Poetic Justice for Trademarked Spam http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1644249 Remember the company who started [0]using haiku to fight spam? According to a [1]news.com article, it will [2]now be tested in court. Habeas is suing two internet marketers, saying that they've included Habeas' haiku in their mail, thereby [3]lowering their SpamAssassin score by [4]6 points, but allegedly violating the trademark. It's interesting because the end effect of this will be more or less spam, but it's based on trademark law. It'll also be interesting to see how well this holds up across national boundaries. Links 0. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/08/20/132202&tid=111 1. http://news.com.com/ 2. http://news.com.com/2100-1024-995568.html 3. http://www.habeas.com/support/spamassassin.htm 4. http://spamassassin.org/tests.html Hubble Captures a Protoplanetary Disk http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/161227 [0]Astroturtle writes "The Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) has captured a [1]detailed image of spiral rings in a distant protoplanetary disk -- the pancake-shaped cloud of gas and dust around a young star in which planets are expected to condense. But contrary to earlier suggestions, the intricate structure of this particular disk is probably caused by a nearby companion star rather than by embedded planets starting to form." Links 0. http://www.astroturtle.com 1. http://skyandtelescope.com/news/current/article_911_1.asp Freshmeat Apache Hello World Benchmarks 1.03 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118680/ Apache Hello World Benchmarks is a benchmarking tool that seeks to give a sense of Web application execution speed on various software platforms running under the Apache Web server. Benchmarks can vary greatly from system to system, so this tool allows one to get numbers on one's own platform. Applications tested include mod_perl, mod_php, Tomcat, and Apache::ASP, with over 62 benchmarks in all. Asymptopia BlackJack 1.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118688/ Asymptopia BlackJack is a full-featured casino-style blackjack game written in Python using PyGame for graphics. You play with up to 6 robots against the dealer. You can specify which player is you. It is dynamic, addictive, and you don't lose real money! avrLab 0.20 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118665/ avrLab tries to be an complete IDE for the AVR microcontroller chips from Atmel. It offers an editor with syntax highlighting which has standard editor commands like copy, cut, paste, goto line, search, and replace. Additionally, it includes support for tavrasm (a compiler for the AVR assembly language), uisp (used for the communication to the AVR), and much more. CapiSuite 0.4.1a http://freshmeat.net/releases/118651/ CapiSuite is an ISDN telecommunication suite providing easy-to-use telecommunication functions which can be controlled from Python scripts. It uses a CAPI-compatible driver for accessing the ISDN-hardware, so you'll need a CAPI-compatible driver. CapiSuite is distributed with two example scripts for call incoming handling and fax sending. They provide a multi-user answering machine with fax recognition, remote inquiry, and fax receiving/sending functions. Cheetah Server 1.2 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118640/ Cheetah is a very minimal Web server for testing small local sites, or to continue to serve some content while configuring your primary Web server. It has very few features (and is single-threaded, non-forking for now), except that it will serve files in a directory under a user-specified port, does not require root access, and can serve Last Modified information to aid caching. Cygnus IRC Services 0.2.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118654/ Cygnus IRC Services is a services program for IRC networks. It provides networks with NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, and RootServ. It aims to be highly configurable and very feature rich. It currently supports DreamForge, Bahamut, Prometheus, and UnrealIRCd. DOLFIN 0.3.3 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118681/ DOLFIN is used as a platform for research in adaptive finite element methods for PDEs at Chalmers Finite Element Center and at the Department of Computational Mathematics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Ebotula 0.1.6 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118642/ Ebotula is an IRC bot for administration tasks in one or more channels. He has four access levels. The top level is the bot master. In this level have a user complete acces of all functions. The next level is the channel owner. He is the administrator in one channel. The other both are friends and other users. The bot is a multithread applikation and can execute simultaneously more commands. The data are contained in gdbm hash files. ErfurtWiki R1.00e http://freshmeat.net/releases/118702/ ErfurtWiki is a small Wiki engine implemented in PHP which can store its pages in a MySQL, ADOdb, or a flat file database. The Wiki source parsing is rather complete but is very extensible. It stands out from other Wikis in that it does not define the whole page layout itself; instead it allows for very quick integration into an existing Web site. The core 'library' is fully contained in one script file, but a collection of extension plugins is also available. Additionally, it can cache referenced images. The simplicity of the image uploading function makes it also a good choice as 'lite' CMS for private homepages. Fink 0.5.1 CVS_SNAP-05042003 (CVS) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118667/ The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. It modifies Unix software so that it compiles and runs on Mac OS X and makes it available for download as a coherent distribution. Fink uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get to provide powerful binary package management. You can choose whether you want to download precompiled binary packages or build everything from source. FireHOL R5 v1.120 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118698/ FireHOL is a script producing stateful iptables firewalls. It can control any number of internal/external interfaces, offers control on any combination of routed traffic, sets up DMZ routers and servers and all kinds of NAT, provides strong protection (flooding, spoofing, etc), transparent caches, and more. Its goal is to be completely abstracted and powerful but also easy to use, audit, and understand. Gaim 0.60 (Stable) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118676/ Gaim is a GTK2-based instant messenger application. It supports multiple protocols via modules, including AIM, ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN, Jabber, IRC, Napster, Gadu-Gadu and Zephyr. It has many common features found in other clients, as well as many unique features. Gaim is not endorsed by or affiliated with AOL TimeWarner, Microsoft, or Yahoo. GGTL -- Generic Game-Tree Library 1.0pre1 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118694/ GGTL is a C library to help people program computer games. It is targeted in particular at two-player zero-sum games with perfect information. Examples of such games are (in no particular order): Chess, Checkers, Go, Othello, Tic-Tac-Toe, and Connect-4. For these games, GGTL can currently provide iterative deepening Alpha-Beta game-tree search, unlimited undo, and saving to/resuming from files. An Othello game, Moth, and a Tic-Tac-Toe game comes bundled with GGTL. GNU Coreutils 5.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118643/ GNU Coreutils are a set of basic file, shell, and text manipulation utilities for the GNU operating system that are expected to exist on every operating system. Previously, they were offered as three individual packages: fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils. GRender 0.1.1-beta http://freshmeat.net/releases/118661/ GRender is a GTK+ frontend for the A|W Maya and MentalRay for Maya render. It handles render job queues without starting the Maya's interface, using all the power of the workstation. IceWM Control center 2.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118691/ The IceWM Control Center allows you to run various tools for configuring IceWM's options. Issue Manager 0.8.7 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118697/ The Issue Manager is a simple product for managing (structuring, editing, prioritizing, categorizing) issues. It is primarily used to manage information. IzPack 3.0.7 (Stable) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118637/ IzPack is a powerful Java installer builder. It is able to create lightweight and modular installers. You have the choice of the installer panels you want to use (some can do the same job, so that you can select the one you prefer), and you even have the choice of the kind of installer that you want to use. IzPack doesn't use any portion of native code, it is designed to be fully independent from the operating system that runs it. It is very easy for the end user with a properly installed JVM to use an installer made with IzPack, since a single "java -jar installer.jar" will launch it. Java Remote Method Invocation Language 2.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118701/ jRML (Java Remote Method Invocation Language) is a Java object (de)serialization and messaging library which uses a more compact format than XML-RPC. It is also easier to use than most SOAP implementations. kShowmail 3.0.4 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118668/ kShowmail is a KDE tool for watching for email on POP3 servers. Headers and complete email messages can be displayed, and email can be deleted without downloading. The information can be refreshed via timers, and a sound can be played when new email arrives. External programs like fetchmail/sendmail can be called via configurable menu entries or if new mail arrives. Spam complaints can also be sent via configurable menus. KWappen 1.14 (Stable) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118660/ KWappen is a colorful KDE3.1 board game. The goal of the game is to eliminate the game tiles as quickly as possible. The game is solved if every column has one tile or no tiles. The game is not a clone of any other board game, and the rules of the game are entirely unique. KWappen requires a screen resolution that at least as large as 1024x768 pixels. Leif 0.3.1 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118639/ Leif is a KDE tool for the SonyEricsson T68/T68i mobile phone. It supports phonebook editing, SMS management, and file uploading. libdv 0.99 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118648/ The Quasar DV codec (libdv) is a software codec for DV video, the encoding format used by most digital camcorders, typically those that support the IEEE 1394 (a.k.a. FireWire or i.Link) interface. libdv was developed according to the official standards for DV video: IEC 61834 and SMPTE 314M. linc is not cyberoam 1.2 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118646/ linc is a free multiplatform client for Cyberoam and 24online. Cyberoam is an employee Internet management system used by corporate networks. 24online is a subscriber management system for broadband ISPs. mod_auth_vhost 1.0.1 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118645/ mod_auth_vhost is an Apache authentication module that uses virtual file paths for basic authentication. Instead of using the AuthUserFile directive, AuthVhostUserFile can be used to set the location of the basic authentication password file with a virtual path. It also supports a VirtualAuthRoot directive that works like VirtualDocumentRoot in mod_vhost_alias to determine where to find password files based on the server name. MyProxy 20030405 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118677/ MyProxy is a privacy-enhancing personal HTTP 1.1 proxy. Arbitrary URLs can be blocked by regular expression patterns and optionally replaced by transparent GIFs. Cookies can be controlled based on server/domain name. The "Referer", "User-Agent", and "From" HTTP headers can be dealt with in various ways. All user settings are configured through an HTML user interface. Novelwriting 0.3 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118678/ Novelwriting is a Python program to generate random structured documents based on a grammar. It is similar to the Dada Engine, but is more extensible. OpenSymphony Core 2.1.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118706/ OSCore is a set of small utility classes that are useful in J2EE and even non-J2EE applications. Components include utilities to modify text, dates, primitive data, and XML. Also included is an EJB-compatible sequence generator that can easily be used by entity beans to provide unique IDs for primary keys. OperStats 1.2.0 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118657/ OperStats is an IRC Operator and statistical services package for an IRC network. It aims to be highly configurable, stable, and feature-rich. It supports DreamForge, UnrealIRCd, and Bahamut. OZradio 0.7 beta http://freshmeat.net/releases/118653/ OZradio is a Linux FM radio player for KDE and GNOME. It supports BTTV-compatible FM and TV cards. It features the ability to save up to 10 preset stations, a volume control, a mute button, automatic frequency scanning, on-demand recording and replay of radio, and programable recording. PHP Prayer Board 0.5 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118684/ PHP Prayer Board records, organizes, and displays requests for prayer with a Web-based interface. popauthd.sh 0.2 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118641/ popauthd.sh is a bash script that checks your maillog file for succesful POP3 logins and adds authenticated hosts to your sendmail access.db. Entries expire after a configurable period of time. It supports ipop3d and sendmail, but would be very easy to adapt to other tools. Posadis 0.2.0 (Pos6 development) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118658/ Posadis is a Domain Name Server for Unix and Win32 systems. Its main target currently is to create a useful and stable DNS server. Poslib DNS library 0.9.5 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118649/ Poslib is a library which provides easy access to the Domain Name System. The client part can be used to create DNS client applications, while the server part lets you easily create a multi-threaded DNS server program, portable to many operating systems including Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows. PPPMon 1.3 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118700/ PPPMon is an RP3 clone. It shows the activity in the PPP conection, and starts/stops the PPP conetion in an easy way. sg_utils 1.03 (Linux 2.4) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118705/ The sg_utils package includes variants of the Unix dd command called sg_dd and sgp_dd that speed copies to, from, and between SCSI disks and CDROMs. sg_map and sg_scan supply information about SCSI devices and how they are related to other drivers. There are utilities for timing and testing SCSI devices and the SCSI bus. The sg3_utils package is for the Linux 2.4 series, while sg_utils is for the 2.2 series with some support for the 2.0 series. Shadow-JPEG 1.1 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118687/ ShadowJPEG is a steganography example. It hides a file at the end of a JPEG image file. Cryptography is implemented using a simple private-key system which is used to encrypt the data before the injection. Simple Python Blogger 0.6.1 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118671/ Simple Python Blogger is a small Python script to handle entries, users, sessions, and comments of a blog. the files are very simple to edit, change, and set up. It creates pages based on one HTML template file, which can be edited to suit your personal taste. SimpleData 3.0.13 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118695/ SimpleData is a Web application for managing your sales, inventory, invoices, quotes, purchases, and requests for quotes. It offers the ability to track all payments and balances on purchases and orders, and allows reports and forms to be printed or emailed. The printed forms are intended to fit in a standard 2-pane envelope for easy mailing. It features four sales and purchase reports, and can be easily extended. Siproxd 0.3.2 (Stable) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118666/ Siproxd is a SIP proxy for SIP based softphones hidden behind an IP masquerading firewall. It includes an RTP data stream proxy for incoming audio data (outgoing RTP data should be handled by IP masquerading by the firewall). Multiple local users/hosts can be simultaneously masqueraded. All configuration is done via one simple ASCII text file. SmallBoardPHP 0.44 (Development) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118644/ SmallBoardPHP is a small & quick messageboard. It uses a MySQL backend for speed. Spif 1.01 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118611/ Spif (Simplest Possible Infrastructure Framework) provides a simple API for model object access and uses a chain of responsibility to realize the infrastructure behind the interface. This means that you can write business code which accesses persistent, possibly remote objects without worrying about locking, distribution persistence, caching, etc. Using Spif, such features are easy to change later, without changing business code. Sws Web Server 0.1.4 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118662/ Sws Web Server is a fast, secure, and simple Web server. Thy 0.4.268 (Development) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118656/ Thy is a lightweight httpd designed to be clean and fast, yet powerful enough to serve many hits a day. transcode (Development) http://freshmeat.net/releases/118650/ transcode is a text console video-stream processing tool. It supports elementary video and audio frame transformations. Some example modules are included to enable import of MPEG-1/2, Digital Video, and other formats. It also includes export modules for writing to AVI files with DivX, OpenDivX, XviD, Digital Video or other codecs. Direct DVD transcoding is also supported. A set of tools is available to extract and decode the sources into raw video/audio streams for import and to enable post-processing of AVI files. waimeaconfig 0.0.2 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118682/ waimeaconfig is a Waimea configuration program that configures Waimea menus and the waimearc, based on fluxconf. WebGUI 5.2.3 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118669/ WebGUI is a content management framework built to allow average business users to build and maintain complex Web sites. It is modular, pluggable, and platform independent. It was designed to allow the people who create the content to manage it online, rather than content management taking up the time of busy IT Staff. Whether you are building a consumer site, an intranet, or an extranet, WebGUI has something to offer. wmfuzzy 0.3 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118664/ wmfuzzy is a Window Maker dockapp clock that gives the time a textual approximation (instead of "21:17", the time is displayed as "Quarter Past Nine"). Xephyrus Image Tweak Tag Library 0.2 http://freshmeat.net/releases/118685/ The Xephyrus Image Tweak Tag Library provides an easy way to do some simple image manipulation operations on image files from within JSP pages. This can be particularly useful when combined with the File Upload Tag Library. Newsforge Reports GNU & Linux - Setting the Record Straight http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/03/31/1527206 - Clinton Goveas - I was reading Richard Stallman's interview in a local Linux monthly the other day and was struck by an important point he was trying to make. The operating system we have all come to love, is not Linux! Let me explain... Linux Advisory Watch - April 4, 2003 http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/2018249 - Benjamin D. Thomas - This week advisories were released for sendmail, dietlibc, krb4, mutt, lpr, kernel, apcupsd, samba, eterm, evolution, dhcp, openssl, vsftp, kerberos, eog, enetbpm, and mysql. The distributors include Caldera, Conectiva, Gentoo, Immunix, Red Hat, SuSE, Slackware, Trustix, and Yellow Dog. Recent security flaws highlight need for vigilance http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/02/1655255 - Lee Schlesinger - Open source security is looking a lot like Microsoft lately. Last week we heard about a Linux kernel flaw that could allow non-privileged users to gain root privileges. This week the problem is in Sendmail. According to CERT, "An email message with a specially crafted address could trigger a stack overflow" that "could allow an attacker to gain control of a vulnerable sendmail server." Is it time to re-examine the notion that ... Newsforge Newsvac Too Much Free Software http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1521221 The plethora of Free Software applications available today, none working perfectly, is a problem which stands in the way of major adoption of Linux on the desktop. In order to conquer the desktop, we have to stand united. CA turns to Linux for integrated security http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/05/1515259 Nudging Linux toward adulthood, Computer Associates is ramping up efforts to portage its core management products to the open-source platform. The Linux Test Project ltp-2003DD released http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/2232239 Robbie Williamson writes "The Linux Test Project test suite ltp-full-20030404.tgz has been released. Visit our website (http://ltp.sourceforge.net) to download the latest version of the testsuite that contains 1000+ tests for the Linux OS. Our site also contains other information such as: test results, a Linux test tools matrix, an area for keeping up with fixes for known blocking problems in the 2.5 kernel releases, technical papers and HowTos ... IndLinux.org releases Hindi interface for Gnome http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/2050257 Kodek writes "More news from the translation front. IndLinux.org has released a Hindi version of the Gnome interface, opening open source software up to the more than 400 million Hindi speakers globally." Publisher's Books so Good They Get "Hacked" http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1734216 Anonymous Reader writes "Linuxlookup.com is running a story on a popular publisher recently discovered that two of their books have been illegally circulated on the Internet. Because this was the result of anti-copying circumvention by the perpetrator, they could have pursued legal action under the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. However, they have chosen not to, and outline their reasons why in the story." High-Availability.Com introduces RSF-1 on Linux http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1715253 Grenville Whelan writes "High-Availability.Com (HAC), a leading provider of easy and affordable high availability (HA) clustering solutions for Unix environments, today announced that it has released an aggressively-priced "all-in" RSF-1 solutions package to provide High Availability for Linux systems. Does an organization have anything to gain from .Net? http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1647215 Despite a vaguely defined purpose, no track record and several known risks, organizations are starting to implement projects based in .Net. Carmine Mangione delves into the .Net enigma and explains why jumping on the .Net bandwagon -- like blindly adopting any technology without first weighing the pros and cons -- could potentially sink your organization. Text-to-speech software gets Linux voice http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1621244 NeoSpeech has announced Linux support for its VoiceText 2.0, advanced Text-to-Speech (TTS) software. The software generates natural-sounding voices from text input across handheld, desktop, and network/server applications. Dell Feels Linux Customer Demand http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1620259 In rolling out low-cost, Oracle-based server clusters on Wednesday, Dell CEO Michael Dell mentioned Linux and Windows as "standards" in almost the same breath. At the same press conference in New York City, though, members of a Dell customer panel indicated that momentum for Linux could be starting to outweigh attachment to Windows and other OS among Dell's customer base. Page Clustering, Booting Linux On A 64GB x86 http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=03/04/04/1617236 William Lee Irwin III recently announced on the lkml that he'd successfully gotten Linux running on a 64GB x86 server. His posts included two different boot message logs, one without his page clustering patch, and one with. In the latter case, his patch overcomes the 1GB mem_map virtual space limitation imposed by x86 32-bit servers, without which the kernel over-runs allowable memory space. Thinkgeek Tshirts: Mostly IP Creeper & Toddler Tee http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/kids/5e09/ Interests: Megatokyo Endgames - Pirogoeth Poster http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/megatokyo/coolthings/5e98/ Books: The Matrix & Philosophy: Welcome To The Desert Of The Real http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/nonfiction/5d52/ Books: The Book Of Overclocking http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/nonfiction/5d46/ Books: Pattern Recognition http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/scifi/5d4a/ Computing: Zalman CNPS7000-Cu CPU Cooler http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e55/ Computing: Multi-Fan Speed Controller http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e51/ Computing: Zalman Silent 400W Power Supply http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e4c/ Computing: Half Keyboard http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/keyboards/5e2b/ Computing: Zalman VGA Heatsink w/ HeatPipe http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e5e/ Cube Goodies: Portable Mini Fridge http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/toys/5d57/ Gadgets: LightWedge Reading Light http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/lights/5cf2/ Gadgets: Binary Code Watch http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/watches/5cf3/ Books: High Score! The Illustrated History Of Electronic Games http://www.thinkgeek.com/books/nonfiction/5e26/ Computing: LED Light Sticks http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e66/ Cube Goodies: Activision 10-in-1 TV Games http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/toys/5d41/ Cube Goodies: Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games http://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/toys/5d39/ Computing: IQeye3 Network Camera http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/netcams/5e3b/ Electronics: FM Transmitter http://www.thinkgeek.com/electronics/audio/5dab/ Computing: UV-Treated Rounded Cables http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/casemods/5e1f/ Sourceforge Gaim 0.60 released (Linux and win32) http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266400 Wow. Almost 10 months in the making, Gaim v0.60 is finally released. Wow. 0.60. Wow. Gaim is an all-in-one IM client that resembles AIM. Gaim lets you use AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, IRC, Jabber, Napster, Zephyr, and Gadu-Gadu, all at once. Gaim is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with AOL, Yahoo, MSN or Napster. This is our GTK+-2.0 port, with a ton of new features and an almost completely rewritten GUI. If you haven't been using this in CVS, you're in for some real shock and awe. This release is for Linux operating systems as well as Win32. There have been substantial changes in this release. Everyone should take a look at the ChangeLog. Enjoy! phpPgAdmin: Third development version released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266122 The phpPgAdmin project is proud to announce a new development release of its 3.0.0 software. The biggest improvements have been in our foreign language support. As well as French, Japanese and Russian translations, all our translations work better and we've fixed a lot of small bugs. phpPgAdmin is a fully functional web-based administration utility for a PostgreSQL database server. It handles all the basic functionality as well as some advanced features such as triggers, views and functions (stored procs). DataVision 0.7.6 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266061 DataVision is an Open Source reporting tool similar to Crystal Reports. Reports can be designed using a drag-and-drop GUI. They may be run, viewed, and printed from the application or exported as HTML, XML, PDF, LaTeX2e, DocBook, or tab- or comma-delimited text files. The output files produced by LaTeX2e and DocBook can in turn be used to produce PDF, text, HTML, PostScript, and more. This is a bug fix release. SQL tables would still sometimes not load their columns. They should, now. The HTML layout engine now uses "font-family", not "font-name", when specifying a field's font. SandBoss_1_2 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266060 sandboss is a free Structs And Nodes Development environment (sandbox) built on JBoss and other open source tools. The goal is to provide a working project management system as an example distributed enterprise application built using SAND. In addition to assorted bug fixes and minor enhancements, this release greatly extends the SANDForms UI structures and related processing. It is now possible to handle query operations on persistent message information (in addition to the existing add/update/delete processing) within a single unified form environment. Forms can also be named, to support control of multiple forms in a single display. See the UIGen.html documentation in the top level docs for details. SquirrelMail 1.4.0 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266055 SquirrelMail is a PHP4-based Web email client. It includes built-in pure PHP support for IMAP and SMTP, and renders all pages in pure HTML 4.0 for maximum compatibility across browsers. It also has MIME support, folder manipulation, etc. Today, after a very long wait, the first stable child of the past development series, 1.4.0, has seen the light! It includes enhancements for stability, performance and compatibility, plus new features and many bugfixes. We consider this the best version of SquirrelMail available. ROBODoc 4.0.0 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=265797 ROBODoc is a documentation tool. It extracts the documentation from commentheaders in the sourcecode and formats it in HTML, RTF, TeX, or ASCII. Works with C, Tcl, FORTRAN, and any other language that supports remarks. Release of ROBODoc V4.0.0 All previous versions of ROBODoc operated on a single file and created a single output file. To create the documentation from all the source files of a project a makefile had to be written. Documentation was created in two steps, one for the crosslinks and one for the actual documentation. It was possible to work with subdirectories but this required a lot of wizzardry. This has been all changed with this release. All documentation can now be created with a single call to robodoc. This makes it much easier to get started with ROBODoc. To make it even easier a new tool is available, robohdrs, that can insert empty headers in the source code. ROBODoc now supports documentation in single file and multiple file format, called singledoc and multidoc. In singledoc mode ROBODoc stores all the extrated documentation in a single file. This is usefull if you want to print the documentation, deliver documentation to a client, or include it in a large document. In multidoc mode ROBODOc stores the extrated documentation in several files. This is useful if you want to browse documentation. The manual has been converted to DocBook format and is much more extensive. A HTML version and a printable PDF version are available. Besides the source package, RedHat, OS-X, and Debian packages are now available. Amiga Guide format output is no longer available. TROFF output is temporairily unavailable, but will be restored in the next version. SGML DocBook format has been replaced with XML DocBook format. ntop 2.1.91 posted http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=265721 Source for ntop 2.1.91, a RELEASE CANDIDATE release working towards ntop 2.2, has been released. ntop is a tool for both Unix and Win32 that shows the network usage, similar to what the popular top Unix command does. It sports both a web and a command line interface. CDDA Ripper XP 0.66 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=265724 CDDA Ripper XP is an audio (CD-DA) CD ripper program based on AKRip32. Provides support for NT/2000/XP natively (no ASPI manager required). It supports WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA encoding. It uses newest and quality encoders, like LAME 3.93.1 and OGG/Vorbis 1.0. Version 0.66 has new features and many bug fixes. Now CDDA Ripper XP can optionally use an external ASPI manager. This may solve the error "No cd-roms found" which appears in some systems. In this release fixed a bug related with the internal CD player (for systems with two CD-ROM drives), a bug that causes the Ok and Cancel button to not be displayed in track settings, a bug that causes the genre to not be saved properly in ID3 tag. An attemp to fix the crash that occures when trying to load the CDDB information of a CD title that has data tracks has been made. New packages for gcvs 1.0 http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=265932 The CvsGui project is providing several high-end interface clients (WinCvs, MacCvs, gCvs) written in C++ using popular frameworks (MFC, PowerPlant, GTK+) with a scripting support via Python or TCL. There are new precompiled gcvs packages for FreeBSD, RedHat and Solaris in the download area. https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10072&release_id =132812. Chicoon 0.1 released http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=266049 Chiba provides an implementation of the W3C XForms standard, thereby delivering generic, XML-based form-processing for the web. This is the first release of the Chiba/Cocoon (Chicoon) integration package. By integrating Chiba into Cocoon the power and functionality of Chiba's XForms processing is now available to any Cocoon application. The set of special connectors in Chicoon enables the Chiba processor to directly interact with the Cocoon environment, thereby utilizing Cocoon's powerful XML processing capabilities. Chicoon uses Chiba 0.8 and is tested under Cocoon 2.0.4. PriceCompare PowerShot G3 Digital Camera (Canon) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=635074 Lowest Price: $528.00 EOS 10D Digital Camera (Canon) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=703177 Lowest Price: $1499.00 C-4000 Zoom Digital Camera (Olympus) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=605307 Lowest Price: $299.00 Dual DVD+RW/+R DVD-RW/-R 4.7GB INT EIDE (24x/10x/32x CDRW) (Sony) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=687414 Lowest Price: $320.99 C-5050 Digital Camera (Olympus) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=648625 Lowest Price: $553.00 TH-42PWD5UY 42'' (Panasonic) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=616341 Lowest Price: $3129.00 FreeSpeak Wireless Headset for Bluetooth Phones (Jabra) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=670258 Lowest Price: $57.95 DMR-E30 DVD Recorder (Panasonic) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=602985 Lowest Price: $368.00 RM-AV3000 Universal Remote (Sony) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=561364 Lowest Price: $104.95 Panasonic 42" Diagonal Plasma TV - PT42PD3P 852 x 480 Pixels (Panasonic) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=533010 Lowest Price: $3389.00 Windows XP Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=477480 Lowest Price: $133.00 Windows XP Home (Full Product) (Microsoft) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=477483 Lowest Price: $83.00 Norton Antivirus 2003 (Symantec) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=607193 Lowest Price: $10.00 Windows 2000 Pro (Full Product) (Microsoft) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=217635 Lowest Price: $108.99 DVD X Copy (Full Product) (321 Studios) http://osdn.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=671361 Lowest Price: $54.95 ================================================== Copyright (c) 2002 OSDN. 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