
here´s my own buildfile. Hope this helps someone. Ciao SunboX

Ray Chuan schrieb:
you can check this by running Ant in debug or verbose mode.

To do this,

1. In your Ant view, right-click your buildfile (drag it to the view
if it is not already there)

2. Run As --> External Tools

3. Under Ant Build in the left pane, add your build if not already
there using the New button at the bottom left corner.

4. On the right pane, look for the Arguments text area.

5. Add the string,

-d <and/or> -v

On 6/3/06, Simon Wacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Weldon,

does the src directory of the used as2ant version contain the compiled
source files (*.class)? If not, point the classpath to the as2ant.jar file.


Weldon MacDonald wrote:

I'm trying to get an Ant build set up in Eclipse. I'm using the
logging tutorial on osflash.
<taskdef name="mtasc" classname="org.as2lib.ant.Mtasc"
classpath="C:\com\stonepooch\as2ant\src" />
In the def above, the name and path point to the java source in
as2ant, just as the tutorial has it, but Eclipse gives a can't be
found error for the class. I've checked the path a dozen times and
can't find the problem. Any ideas waht I'm missing?

Weldon MacDonald

osflash mailing list

Simon Wacker

osflash mailing list



Wenn du dich ärgerst, denk' daran:
Der Ärger ist ein blödes Vieh.
Er fängt am falschen Ende an
und frisst nur dich - den Anlass nie.

Karl-Heinz Söhler
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?>
<project name="Sample Project" default="run" basedir=".">
        simple example build file

	<!--set global properties for this build -->
	<property name="swfmill" value="C:/osflash/flash/swfmill/swfmill.exe"/>
	<property name="mtasc" value="C:/osflash/flash/mtasc/mtasc.exe"/>
	<property name="player" value="C:/osflash/flash/player/SAFlashPlayer9.exe"/>
	<property name="core" location="C:/osflash/flash/osflash/mx/"/>	

	<property name="src" location="src"/>
	<property name="build" location="build"/>
	<property name="deploy" location="deploy"/>
	<property name="resources"  value="resources.xml"></property>
	<property name="main"  value="net/visualdrugs/mapbuilder/controller/MapBuilder.as"/>
	<!--property name="main"  value="MessageBox.as"/-->
	<property name="out_file"  value="map.swf"/>	

	<target name="deploy" description="compile Sample Project" >
		<!--create deploy directory -->
		<mkdir dir="${deploy}"/>
		<!--create swf file including the resources -->
		<exec dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000, Windows XP" >			
		 	<arg line='/c ${swfmill} simple "${resources}" "${deploy}/${out_file}"' />
		<!--compile the Actionscript code -->
		<exec dir="${basedir}" failonerror="true" executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000, Windows XP" >
		 	<arg line='/c ${mtasc} -swf "${deploy}\${out_file}" -cp "${src}" -cp "${core}" -main "${main}"' ></arg>
	<target name="run" depends="deploy" >
		<!--start the swf -->
		<exec dir="${basedir}" failonerror="false" executable="cmd.exe" os="Windows 2000, Windows XP" >
		 	<arg line='/c ${player} ${deploy}\${out_file}' ></arg>
	<target name="clean" description="clean Sample Project" >
		<!--Delete the ${deploy} directory trees -->
		<delete dir="${deploy}" />
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