Hi list,

after the latest change away from pkg-config I today found that ffmpeg wouldn't compile anymore on my OS X/DarwinPorts setup.

What was happening was that:
- first it would search /opt/local/include for avcodec.h not finding anything
- then it would search search /opt/local/include for libavcodec/avcodec.h *FINDING* /opt/local/include (instead of /opt/local/include/libavcodec)
- it would never get around to check 'ffmpeg/...' since it believed it already 
found it.

This is with cmake 2.6-patch 2

So to resolve this (and learn a bit more about cmake) I've modified 
FindFFmpeg.cmake to:
- iterate over a list of prefixes
- try to find ${prefix}/${headername}
- if something was found then FFMPEG_${varname}_INCLUDE_DIR would be set to /opt/local/include *NOT* /opt/local/include/${prefix}!
- if something was found then append the ${prefix} to 

I've also relaxed the debug messages and added ".mkv" extension (Matroska) to the list of supported formats.

Could somebody please test the modified FindFFmpeg.cmake?


Attachment: ffmpeg.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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