
bbjorn wrote:
> Hi,
> Since Windows Vista the operating system assumes all applications as 
> DPI-unaware, unless stated otherwise. This means that if you have desktop 
> scaling enabled (which is pretty much mandatory if you are running a high 
> resolution screen) you will get incorrect scaling and blurry images. 
> The solution is to declare the application as DPI-aware. This can either be 
> done via the inclusion of a manifest file during compilation or by declaring 
> it inside your application. By doing this you are making a promise to the 
> operating system that you are handling the scaling instead of the OS.

this solution breaks my application which is using winforms and some old 
telerik toolkit, as either of them is no handling DPI correctly.  If there is 
no way to handle this on per window basis, I think it is not right to switch 
whole application to be DPI aware. I think there should be at lest opt-out 
option for users not able to switch whole application to be DPI aware, but I'm 
not sure how to achieve that, as the code you added is executed very early 
(dll-attach or some static constructor?)

I'm unfortuantely not able to try much as I do not own Hi-DPI display. Only way 
I found to prevent this is to make same API call earlier than OSG and declare 
application as DPI unaware

I logged issue in github as  #662


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