On 8/2/07, Andy Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So get me that GLExtensions change.  :)

Its was checked into SVN yesterday morning.

> Oh, and I didn't mean we'd prefer to test 2., but that we'd prefer 2.2
> to be well tested, and can help do that with a developer release.  The
> infrastructure guys need to put CMake into the system, and I'm ready to
> go.

Rather go for release candidates of a final stable release I have
opted to use the dev releases as the release candidates, keeping
testing/fixing and rev'ing the dev versions till we get one that looks
solid enough for then bump up to the final stable release.  So in the
run to 2.2 we'll be having 2.1.4, 2.1.5 etc. for as many dev releases
as it takes.  Testing therefore needs to happen on then 2.1.x dev
releases and/or SVN.

The more of the community test out the 2.1.x series on their own apps
the more problems we can identify and fix before the final 2.2 release
and the better it will be.  For those users who do engage in the
process not only help out make OSG better for the wider community, but
they also ensure that it well works for them.

Conversely users that don't engage until after a stable release then
find problems when they eventually do move up have to accept that this
is as much their responsibility as anyone else. Not testing a dev
release in the run up to a stable release is really failing to take
the opportunity to make sure it does work for them.

There is of course the responsibility back on the core developers and
contributors to make sure SVN and dev versions remain pretty stable at
all times, and solve problems quickly when they do arise,  one can't
expect many to test and use dev versions from day to day if they don't
work fine the majority of the time.

This is stuff I really need to write up in blog... just need to start one first.

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