Hi (again)...

I just stumbled across another issue with osg2.0 regarding a (new)
policy for reference handling:

It seems that There is something named _numFramesToRetainObjects in
the default DeleteHandler, which in my case seems to default to 2.
So When a Referenced object is unref():ed and # of ref_ptr:s pointing
to the object, it will still live for another two frames.

This caused problems in my case, where I wanted to be sure that all
objects are gone before end of main() {} scope.

What happens now is that during shutdown, some objects are pushed to a
list for later deletion, the scope of main() {} ends, and a atExit()
function is called, executing the actual deletion of the objects.


void main() {
1.   SingletonManager::init();

  create objects and register with the SingletonManager()

  SingletonManager::shutdown(); // delete all registrated objects
within the SingletonManager().


// end of main() atExit called which will do the actual deletion of
objects (that should have been deleted by the SingletonManager()

Which causes problems!

Now, how to fix this?
One way would be to change the _numFramesToRetainObjects=0, before
calling SingletonManager::shutdown(), but that seems a little bit to
introvert, I donĀ“t really know what happens after the
SingletonManager::shutdown() call, there is a reason for
_numFramesToRetainObjects==2 I guess?

The following code WORKS just fine:


The DeleteHandler is common to ALL objects using Referenced, right?

There must be a better  way of handling this for me?
I would prefer not to put this code into SingletonManager::shutdown()
as it implies that this MUST be the last thing you do, because it
changes the state of the rest of the application...



 Anders Backman               Email:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 HPC2N/VRlab                  Phone:    +46 (0)90-786 9936
 Umea university              Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
 S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN         Fax:      +46 90-786 6126
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