El Lunes 20 Agosto 2007, Dave Pugmire escribió:
> I'm looking for a geode collision detection. I don't see one in OSG. Or
> am I missing it?

I am afraid it doesn't exist due to the graphical only nature of OSG. However, 
OSG still offers some very useful tools when dealing with the objects, as 
model loading. That is what I am currently doing in my project through the 
use of the Nodevisitor and TriangleFunctor classes.

> I have used the one from UNC in the past. It takes a polygon soup and
> detects collisions. Is there a very fast way to grab a list of triangles
> from a geode? Or is it best to grab it once, cache it, and then run the
> tri-list through the geode position matrix on each frame?

Cache or extract the geometry at start would be the best since it allows to 
build data structures that will speed up your collision tests at runtime 
(AABB trees and so on).

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