> Hi Renan,
> what I do for this is the following:
> - compute the line behind the mouse cursor perpendicular to the screen.
> You will ned the transformation and view matrices for this
> - intersect this line with a plane parallel to the screen through the
> origin. You can use the line computed before as a normal vector for this
> plane
> The intersection gives a point that is
> a) behind the mouse
> b) as close to the origin as possible
> The choice for the depth might be another, but this one makes sense in
> some way!
> Regards,
> Andreas

Hi, Andreas.

        Sorry I took so long to reply. I still haven't tried your method,
but that's because I didn't understand it right away. I'll read a little bit
more of the documentation to see the classes and methods that I need, and
when I do it, I'll let you know.


                              Renan M Z Mendes
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