Hi NiuHeming,

Most likely problem is that your geometry has display lists enabled
and it hasn't been told that its now out of date so isn't updated.

If you are dynamically updating a geometry then its best to turn of
display lists via geometry->setUseDisplayLists(false);  Or if you
update very occassionally then on after each batch of changes you need
a geometry->dirtyDisplayList();


2008/3/19 Niuheming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
>    I want to write a class from osg::Drawable::UpdateCallback to update a
> Geometry call named geom,but there is no update happen.I dot't know what's
> wrong.Does someone knows?
> Thanks in advance!
> NiuHeming
>  class niuhm : public osg::Drawable::UpdateCallback
> {
>     public:
>          niuhm(const osg::Vec3& v11,const osg::Vec3& v22,const osg::Vec3&
> v33)
>         {
>                 v1=v11;
>                 v2=v22;
>                v2=v33;
>                bs.radius()*=1.5f;
>                 bs=osg::BoundingSphere(osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),4.0f);
>                      bb.expandBy(bs);
>         }
>    &nbsp ;    virtual void update(osg::NodeVisitor* nv, osg::Drawable* node)
>         {
>             osg::Geometry* geom = dynamic_cast<osg::Geometry*>(node);
>             const osg::FrameStamp* frameStamp = nv->getFrameStamp();
>             if (geom && frameStamp)
>             {
>                    osg::PositionAttitudeTransform* mt = new
> osg::PositionAttitudeTransform();
>                   {
>                      // set up the animation path
>                       osg::AnimationPath* animationPath = new
> osg::AnimationPath;
> animationPath->insert(0.0,osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(bb.corner(0)));
>                       animationPath->inse
> rt(1.0,osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(bb.corner(1)));
> animationPath->insert(2.0,osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(bb.corner(2)));
> animationPath->insert(3.0,osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(bb.corner(3)));
> animationPath->insert(4.0,osg::AnimationPath::ControlPoint(bb.corner(0)));
> animationPath->setLoopMode(osg::AnimationPath::SWING);
>              &nbs p;         mt->setUpdateCallback(new
> osg::AnimationPathCallback(animationPath));
>                   }
>                   // create marker for point light.
>                       osg::Vec3 vertices = mt->getPosition();
>                            unsigned int noXSteps = 100;
>                           unsigned int noYSteps = 100;
>                       osg::Vec3Array* coords = new osg::Vec3Array;
>                       coords->reserve(noXSteps*noYSteps);
>                       osg::Vec3 dx = (v2-v1)/((float)noXSteps-1.0f);
>      &nbs p;                osg::Vec3 dy = (v3-v1)/((float)noYSteps-1.0f);
>                           unsigned int rowvertices;
>                            unsigned int colvertices;
>                         rowvertices=(unsigned
> int)((vertices._v[0])/(dx._v[0]));
>                          colvertices=(unsigned
> int)((vertices._v[1])/(dy._v[1]));
>                         unsigned int row;
>        & nbsp;               osg::Vec3 vRowStart = v1;
>                         for(row=0;row<noYSteps;++row){
>                             osg::Vec3 v = vRowStart;
>                             for(unsigned int col=0;col<noXSteps;++col){
>                                if ((row==rowvertices)&&(col==colvertices))
> coords->push_back(v+osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,-1.0f));
>                                 else
>                                   coords->push_back(v);
>                                  v += dx;
>                                  }
>                            vRowStart+=dy;
>                         }
>                      geom->setVertexArray(coords);
>               }
>          }
>            osg::Vec3 v1;
>            osg::Vec3 v2;
>            osg::Vec3 v3;
>             osg::BoundingSphere bs;
>             osg::BoundingBox bb;
>  };
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