Hi All,

I have just completed a bit of marathon osg-submissions purge, a while
not all pending submissions have been reviewed, many have made it
through.  I am both in awe of how much the community contribute to the
development OSG and exhausted from trying to keep up with it -
basically this whole week has been dedicated to the task.  With all
these contributions that are quite a few improvements to the OSG in a
wide range of areas, all of which require testing...

So pretty please, could you do svn update and build across as many
platforms that you can so we can get a clear picture of how the OSG
code base is holding up.  Once things look fine across platforms I'll
tag 2.5.3.



ChangeLog between 2.5.1 and today (43 revisions in 14 days!)

2008-06-20 15:50 +0000 [r8476-8477]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, moved optional config variables into
          include/osg/Config file that is automatically created by cmake
          according to its own settings.

        * Updated ChangeLog

2008-06-20 15:28 +0000 [r8475]  robert:

        * Changed const double* to const Matrix::value_type* to ensure
          changes in Matrix type don't break the build

2008-06-20 13:16 +0000 [r8474]  robert:

        * From Terry Welsh, new flatten static transforms visitor that
          duplicates subgraphs that are shared beneath differnt static
          transforms From Robert Osfield, made a range of changes to
          Terry's visitor integrating it into osgUtil::Optimizer and
          changing the code to use a style more like the rest of the OSG.

2008-06-20 11:16 +0000 [r8473]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, made the include of bin directory for
          include/OpenThreads/Config only used when doing out of source

2008-06-20 11:11 +0000 [r8472]  robert:

        * Updated version numbers for dev releases

2008-06-20 10:46 +0000 [r8471]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, "Fixes a compile of
          src/osgSim/ShapeAttribute.cpp on suse 10.2."

2008-06-20 09:46 +0000 [r8470]  robert:

        * From Melchior Franz, fixed typo on variable name

2008-06-20 09:42 +0000 [r8469]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, add search path to enable out of source
          builds to find include/OpenThreads/Config.

2008-06-19 20:42 +0000 [r8468]  robert:

        * Updated wrappers

2008-06-19 20:38 +0000 [r8467]  robert:

        * From Neil Groves, "I have taken the liberty of updating a few
          files so that there is no longer any derivation from std::vector.
          I have done this by adding a new file osg/MixinVector and by
          updating only two others: osg/PrimitiveSet and osg/Array. You
          will notice that this actually removes what is acknowledged as a
          \u2018hack\u2019 in osg/PrimitiveSet. With the original code I
          did manage to find memory leaks with some compiler options on VC
          8 and 9, as well as Intel compiler. I determined the leak
          existence by instrumenting the destructor code, and by use of a
          garbage collector as a leak detector (in a similar manner to the
          Firefox project). Hence in contrast to what I said originally, it
          is exhibiting symptoms on at least some platforms. Since I am
          trying to be a good OSG citizen I got out my editor and started
          hacking! I have built and tested on Linux (Ubuntu) with GCC 4.x
          and Windows VC 8 SP1. It appears that nothing is broken, and that
          I\u2019m using less memory J"

2008-06-19 17:35 +0000 [r8466]  robert:

        * From Mathieu Marache, "submission for inclusion to support mpg
          and avi files when using the quicktime plugin on windows"

2008-06-19 17:30 +0000 [r8465]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, added support for using
          OpenThreads::Atomic for thread safe ref/unref.

2008-06-19 14:57 +0000 [r8464]  robert:

        * from Andrew Bettison, LineStipple support for .ive

2008-06-19 14:45 +0000 [r8463]  robert:

        * From Adrian Egli, "Improvements to the PSSM implementation"

2008-06-19 14:35 +0000 [r8462]  robert:

        * From Rudolf Weidemann, "in the OpenFlight format materials can
          have editable names. In the OSG OpenFlight plugin these names are
          ignored when reading, and empty strings are written. As we need
          these names in the OSG scene graph by our application, I changed
          the plugin code, so the names are now stored in class
          "osg::Material" (derived from "osg::Object") by
          material->setName(); (see "PaletteRecords.cpp, line 195) when
          reading the file, and written to file by dos.writeString(
          m.Material->getName(), 12 ); (see MaterialPaletteManager.cpp,
          line 80). As these names otherwise get lost when reading an
          OpenFlight file and writing it again e.g. by osgconv example.flt
          converted_example.flt these changes make the plugin more
          complete. The changes were made to OSG revision 8425, and were
          tested by osgconv example.flt converted_example.flt comparing the
          material palettes of both files inside Multigen Creator."

2008-06-19 14:29 +0000 [r8461]  robert:

        * From Farshid Lashkari, "I noticed some problems when setting up
          CameraNodes that inherit viewport settings in stereo mode. It
          seems that the SceneView::cull() method will pass the full size
          viewport to the left/right cullvisitors, instead of the modified
          stereo viewport. I made quite a few changes to SceneView to fix
          the issue. The SceneView::cullStage() method will now receive the
          viewport as an argument, instead of using the global viewport.
          The SceneView::cull() method will pass the modifed viewport to
          cullStage when rendering in stereo. There are 2 new private
          methods computeLeftEyeViewport() and computeRightEyeViewport()
          that will compute the stereo viewports. I also modified the
          draw() function so it applies the correct viewport to the
          prerender stages. These changes are only necessary for
          horizontal/vertical split stereo."

2008-06-19 14:14 +0000 [r8460]  robert:

        * From Andrew Bettison, "Attached are changes for
          src/osgPlugins/ive (version 2.4.0) that implement LineStipple
          read/write support for the ive file format."

2008-06-19 13:49 +0000 [r8459]  robert:

        * From Paul Melis, "Here is a reworked version of the osgviewerWX
          example. It changes the GraphicsWindowWX to only inherit from
          osgViewer::GraphicsWindow and adds a standalone widget, called
          OSGCanvas, that derives from wxGLCanvas. This solves a problem
          with the GraphicsWindowWX instance being destructed twice (see
          "Crash in osgviewerWX" of June 12th on osg-users). At program
          exit, the main frame deletes all of its children widgets and
          therefore calls GraphicsWindowWX's destructor, bypassing OSG's
          reference counting. The GraphicsWindowWX instance is then later
          destructed a second time when the reference held by osg::Camera
          goes to zero. This bug isn't exposed by the example directly, but
          if people are going to use the example as a basis (like the
          poster in the mentioned thread) they very likely will run into
          this problem. "

2008-06-19 13:28 +0000 [r8458]  robert:

        * Updated wrappers to fix OpenThreads::Atomic build issues.

2008-06-19 12:02 +0000 [r8457]  robert:

        * From Michael Platings, fixed typo error in renderbin assignment

2008-06-19 11:58 +0000 [r8456]  robert:

        * In Program::PerContextProgram changed const Uniform* to
          osg::ref_ptr<const Uniform*> to avoid the possibility of a
          uniform being deleted and another being created and assigned at
          the same address which previously confused the uniform tracking
          code and introduced a bug.

2008-06-19 11:09 +0000 [r8455]  robert:

        * From Michael Platings and Robert Osfield, added support for
          controlling, via StateSet::setNestedRenderBin(bool) whether the
          new RenderBin should be nested with the existing RenderBin, or be
          nested with the enclosing RenderStage.

2008-06-18 20:27 +0000 [r8453-8454]  robert:

        * Updated wrappers

        * From Michael Platings, implemented check against max number of
          supported samples to ensure that the number of samples is safely
          capped to what the hardware is capable of, avoiding GL errors and
          graceful fallback

2008-06-18 20:17 +0000 [r8452]  robert:

        * From Liang Aibin: "1. Location:
          <OSG_SOURCE_ROOT>\src\osgPlugins\osg\Fog.cpp Reason: ".osg"
          writter plugins output incorrected string for osg::Fog's Mode.
          How to Fix: Line 138 in Fog.cpp: case(Fog::LINEAR): return
          "NERVER"; Change to: case(Fog::LINEAR): return "LINEAR"; 2.
          Location: <OSG_SOURCE_ROOT>\src\osgPlugins\ive\ Reason: ".ive"
          writter plugins missing to process "osg::Fog". How to Fix: (1).
          Line 86 in ReadWrite.h: Add: #define IVEFOG 0x00001133 (2). In
          CMakeLists.txt "SET(TARGET_SRC" section Add: Fog.cpp
          "SET(TARGET_H" section Add: Fog.h (3). In DataInputStream.cpp
          Line 54,Add: #include "Fog.h" Line 1185,Add: else if(attributeID
          == IVEFOG){ attribute = new osg::Fog();
          ((ive::Fog*)(attribute))->read(this); } (4). In
          DataOutputStream.cpp Line 57,Add: #include "Fog.h" Line 832,Add:
          // This is a Fog else if(dynamic_cast<const
          osg::Fog*>(attribute)){ ((ive::Fog*)(attribute))->write(this); }
          (5). Add newly created ive::Fog Object in Fog.h and Fog.cpp. "

2008-06-18 16:46 +0000 [r8450-8451]  robert:

        * Updated wrappers

        * Added a wrapString(const char*) which automatically handles null

2008-06-18 16:28 +0000 [r8449]  robert:

        * Convert string handling to use strdup and free rather then
          awkward new char[] code paths

2008-06-18 14:21 +0000 [r8448]  robert:

        * Added --fbo-samples value and --color-samples value command line
          paramters for enabling fbo multisampling

2008-06-18 14:09 +0000 [r8447]  robert:

        * From Michael Platings and Paul Palumbo, multi-sample FBO support

2008-06-18 12:01 +0000 [r8446]  robert:

        * From Jean-Sebastien Guay, "When copying a node that had uniforms
          on it, the copy constructor of osg::Uniform would not copy the
          array of the original uniform (either _intArray or _floatArray)
          because none had been allocated and the copy constructor checks
          that *both* this's array and rhs's array are valid. I added a
          call to allocateDataArray() if rhs has (at least) one valid
          array, which should allocate the right array according to the
          type. Since the type was copied from rhs, it should create the
          same array as rhs has, so then it should copy the data in the
          following lines. "

2008-06-18 11:56 +0000 [r8445]  robert:

        * From Bob Kuehne, "added multi-texture support (alpha/trans

2008-06-18 11:51 +0000 [r8444]  robert:

        * Updated wrappers

2008-06-18 11:13 +0000 [r8443]  robert:

        * From Bob Kuehne, "this submission extends the
          osgViewer::RecordCameraPathHandler to have an optionally-enabled
          auto-incrementing filename. default behavior is still the same,
          but there's one new method to enable autoincrementing filenames."
          From Robert Osfield, modified the above so that the number
          increments come after the filename rather than before.

2008-06-18 10:51 +0000 [r8442]  robert:

        * From Gino van den Bergen, "Added support for vrml primitive

2008-06-18 10:46 +0000 [r8441]  robert:

        * From David Callu, "fixed bounding box bug"

2008-06-17 17:43 +0000 [r8440]  robert:

        * From Mathias Froehlich, OpenThreads::Atomic support

2008-06-16 20:22 +0000 [r8439]  robert:

        * Added overriding of CullSettings::inheritCullSettings() into
          osg::Camera to properly inherit the clear colour.

2008-06-16 16:06 +0000 [r8438]  robert:

        * Changed class to struct

2008-06-16 13:20 +0000 [r8437]  robert:

        * Added mutex to serialize access to the trpager

2008-06-16 09:32 +0000 [r8436]  robert:

        * Checking in missing header changes

2008-06-12 16:33 +0000 [r8434]  robert:

        * Refactored the management of the request queues so that the
          appropraite mutex is locked when DatabaseRequest objects are
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