After double checking it looks like the sanity check of my analysis actually 
did work after all. 

I've outfitted the osgviewerQT example to illustrate the issue.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert Osfield
Sent: Sun 6/22/2008 1:21 PM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] View::computeIntersections Bug 
Hi Andy,

The support for mouse coordinates is rather complicated by support for
multiple graphics contexts, and multiple windowing systems.  If there
is a bug it is unlikely to be a general problem - as examples like
osgpick and the camera manipulators are all working well  - suggesting
that mostly the mouse coordinate system are working together just

So to work out when you think there is a bug could you please example
what viewer combination you are using, and what values you are sending
to the computeIntersections.


On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 11:32 PM, Somerville, Andrew
> Hey for a long time I've seen behavior where, if I attempt to use 
> View::computeIntersections before sending any input to the eventQueue, the Y 
> value seems to be inverted. I.e. attempts to pick at the bottom of the screen 
> return results from the top of the screen. This would happen at startup 
> before any mouse input had been forwarded to the viewer. I tried to figure it 
> out when I was still a newbie and gave up since there are several easy 
> workarounds (programmatically simulate a mouse event, etc.) and I figured I 
> was just doing something wrong.
> Recently when cleaning up some code I figured I'd give it another try, and I 
> think I may have found the source of the problem.
> - osgViewer::View::computeIntersections calls 
> osgViewer::View::getCameraContainingPosition
> - which as a side effect provides transformed "local_x", and "local_y".
> - depending on 
> getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->getMouseYOrientation(), Y can be 
> inverted in the transformation
> - EventQueue's constructor's default arg sets mouseYOrientation to 
> - osgViewer::View creates it's eventQueue with no arguments thus has 
> - EventQueue sets its GUIEventAdapter _accumulateEventState 
> (getCurrentEventState) mouseYOrientation from the orientation passed to its 
> constructor
> - thus by default View::computeIntersections will invert y
> - until in Viewer::eventTraversal(), upon a "pointerEvent", 
> eventState->setMouseYOrientation(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS)
>  is called
> - (setMouseYOrientation does not seem to be called anywhere else in Osg, so 
> the value cant seem to change otherwise)
> So it seems that it is a bug considering that the start state is always 
> Y_INCREASING_DOWNWARDS and upon any pointer input, always gets set to 
> Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS without regard to any other parameters or conditions. 
> However I can't completely confirm all of this as my hack fix to prove the 
> analysis failed. To prove to myself that this is the issue I call 
> "viewer->getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->setMouseYOrientation( 
> osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_UPWARDS )"  which should negate the 
> problem, and it seems that it doesn't.
> Can anyone:
> - confirm that they have seen this issue before themselves?
> - confirm that my analysis is (in)correct ?
> and/or
> - tell me if/where I got something wrong ?
>     Thanks,
>     Andy


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