the actual reason why I'm asking is very specific - but in fact the
intention is quite 'generic'.

FlightGear typically uses the AC3D format for drawing aircraft models
and scenery buildings. This works quite nicely - this is one of our
usual eye-catchers:


Now I've been building OSG 2.6.0 with the Collada DOM 2.1.1, I took
'osgconv' to convert the .ac model into a .dae and replaced the
respective reference in our FlightGear Scenery. This is how our
eye-catcher looks as an OSG-converted Collada model:


Apparently, contrary to my earliest assumptions, this is not solely
specific to the Collada writer. As a comparison, when I'm subsituting
the .ac with an .ive file (OSG-converted from the .ac as well) it's the
same story:


I'm getting curious: Does file format conversion with OSG 'normalize'
the orientation, does the AC3D reader behave differently when loading a
model for FlightGgear, is there something else I should take into
account ?

I've put a little package onto the site for those who'd like to try it
out. This contains the original .ac model, the involved texture files
plus the .dae and .ive as a result of my convertion attempts:


Thanks for reading,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
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