Hi Robert,

The main speed up with using --terrain in the osgdem/vpbmaster build
is that the tile geometry doesn't need to simplified - it can just be
aquired from the source DEM's as grids and then output as grids.


The key thing to remember with --terrain databases is that since the
triangulation is done dynamically on load you do load balancing - you
can set the Terrain::setSampleRatio() according to the hardware that
you have

Ok, so in order to get --terrain databases to work optimally on all machines I would have to expose this setting in my software's config files (for example) so that it can be tweaked according to each machine's hardware, is that right?

I would suspect that on relatively flat terrain, the terrain database using simplified geometry might run fast enough on all machines (or all reasonably fast machines) without losing any relevant detail, whereas the --terrain database would be too slow on older machines, which would require that we lower the sampleRatio, and thus lose some detail? Is that possible?

In that case, if we need to support a large number of different hardware configurations, we might be willing to accept the longer build times of not using --terrain in exchange for not needing to tweak sampleRatio and not losing any detail.


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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