Forgot to mention:
- Check if the cURL plugin use some other "side-by-side assemblies" (such as 
VC8 non-SP1 for instance). Maybe you'll need to recompile it?
- Also check on Vista if you can, because Vista simply pops-up an error (cannot 
load the executable) when correct side-by-side assemblies are not found (but I 
guess not for delay-loaded DLLs...?).
- And finaly, try your plugin on a "clean" machine with no MSVC installed, and 
no redistribuables installed, if possible.

And to be more precise:
"private side-by-side assemblies" can sometimes NOT coexist (VC8 non-SP1 / VC8 
SP1 for instance) since they would be in the same dir with the same name. 
However, they ensure your plugin will work even with no redistribuables 
installed, at the cost of some kB in the plugin installer.

Hope you'll find how to make it work.

PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -

Le Tue, 09 Dec 2008 11:52:52 +0100, Sukender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

> Hi Andreas,
> Sorry for answering so late.
> I you use "private side-by-side assemblies", I think you should create a 
> subdir named "Microsoft.VC80.CRT" containing:
> - Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
> - msvcm80.dll
> - msvcp80.dll
> - msvcr80.dll
> Be aware that if you use MFC or ATL, then you'll have to also include dirs 
> like "Microsoft.VC80.MFC" (or something like that).
> Else, you can create an installer that will install the MSVC 
> redistribuables...
> Sukender
> PVLE - Lightweight cross-platform game engine -
>> Hi Sukender,
>> interesting doc. I have supplied the redistributables, but in the same 
>> directory,
>> not in a subdir. Does this make a difference? And:
>> "x86/Microsoft.VC80.CRT"
>> you specify that directory. Does this mean it has to be a subdir "x86" with
>> another subdir "Microsoft.VC80.CRT", and that containing the dlls and the
>> manifests of the redist, or should the manifests be in the same directory as 
>> the
>> program, and the rest in the subdir?
>> Note that in my case the thing is very complicated:
>> - the program works on my machine
>> - on another machine libcurl fails to load. When using debug-level warings 
>> one
>> sees, that it is found in the right location, but fails to load. 
>> Unfortunately
>> it doesn´t tell why it fails. It even fails when I put everything in my path.
>> If I construct a testcase where libcurl is not needed, everything works. If I
>> construct a testcase where I use osgviewer to load using libcurl, everything
>> works too.
>> It would not work at all if the redist was not found.
>> This is on manifest-hell of a problem. I am not even sure if it is a 
>> manifest-problem,
>> it might be something completely different.
>> Regards,
>> Andreas
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